12 Jul 13, 03:44PM
Any news on spec rules? Also lucas, could you pm me the actv client. I guess ill pm you but i was posting anyway
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ACWC Rules 2013
12 Jul 13, 03:44PM
Any news on spec rules? Also lucas, could you pm me the actv client. I guess ill pm you but i was posting anyway
12 Jul 13, 04:32PM
Well guess i'm out i really wanted to support my country though :( but anyway the bright side. there's always next year
As for spectator rules, if you aren't involved in the match (casting/refereeing/streaming/playing/substitute/etc), you must watch the stream. It's my understanding that with this year's anti cheat client, you will not be able to free-spectate when benched. Therefore, we can be sure that there is no foul play going on (or as little as possible).
The reason why this mode is CTF only simply is because you cannot compare the objective skill level of teams across a variety of different modes. Since each mode in AC is different, you will not be able to get an accurate reading of which team is "the best" since it's just too vague. In the Sauerbraten World League (RIP), people signed up for individual modes, nobody ever signed up for insta, effic, ffa, iCTF, eCTF and collect modes. People picked their favourite and signed up for it. It's well known that CTF is the most popular and (yes, as Undead and AtoMikK are saying) competitive game mode, due to its simplistic gameplay that requires advanced tactics. There are also issues with modes such as TKTF (random spawns), TDM (camp-fest, and also teams could stop spawning once they're ahead to secure a win), HTF (there's a similar thing you can do in this mode that will allow you to win without spawning once ahead, plus you can drop the flag into inaccessible locations). We felt TSURV would be annoying when playing against teams with largely different pings (for instance, France vs Australia would be incredibly annoying for both sides in such a mode. TOSOK was suggested and thought through, but we just felt as though it wasn't a mode that is comparable to CTF in terms of skill - in addition, it's slower-paced and more boring for both spectators and players. This is why we've chosen to run this tournament as CTF only, a tried-and-tested mode that has proved popular throughout many different tournaments in AC's history.
12 Jul 13, 05:02PM
Thanks for clarification. Id like to see undead as another dedicated caster. Imo anyone is capable of casting, but some are more informative than others (ie undead and larry). We want to make sure that we have enough casters/streamers, but not too many. Maybe someone tried and true can spen the time to be an actv liason (pming streamers and casters). I would offer to do it myself, but time will be tight enough for me to play a few rounds even.
12 Jul 13, 06:18PM
I'd happily cast but i dont think i would be that entertaining
12 Jul 13, 11:41PM
If I'm available I will happily cast.
13 Jul 13, 01:25AM
optic and i can get shit housed and cast. we'll probably be playing portal though
13 Jul 13, 11:38AM
Hm ok, thought I already posted this, but I'll add OpTic, Undead and Marti to the team as casters.
Also, due to the nature of the anticheat client, those who are registered players can no longer be referees (but may still cast/stream matches they are not playing). Sorry for the inconvenience.
15 Jul 13, 06:20PM
i wouldn't recommend tosok because unscoped spread decide about win or lose
So far we only have 4 refs, 2 of whom don't have forum accounts afaik (though I think BigBen keeps in touch with Harrek and/or Luc@s).
Would anybody else be willing to volunteer? Not sure what timezone BigBen is in, but between Luc@s, Secarty, and I, we have France, Canada, and USA covered. Maybe an Aussie/NZer? (Draul & Fate, I'm looking at you)
01 Aug 13, 09:00PM
That would be great, Krayce.
What about somebody from South or Central America?
01 Aug 13, 09:58PM
Do refs need a special client or can they just be there?
01 Aug 13, 10:48PM
(10 Jul 13, 07:34PM)Vanquish Wrote: Every player, sub and referee have to be using the ACWC client. (18 Jul 13, 07:11PM)Luc@s Wrote: I'm providing a package containing : So referees use the default ACWC client. Many thanks again, Luc@s. @ ACWC Admins, can players of teams who have been knocked out in the qualifiers become referees?
01 Aug 13, 10:52PM
Guess they need to make sure the refs aren't aimbotting. :p
01 Aug 13, 10:52PM
Yep. Got my PM orcale ?
you'll have to be the referee for SA vs LA. 4am ... too hard for me i guess :P
01 Aug 13, 10:54PM
Got it, thanks. ;)
Pffft 4am, the night is still young. I'll try to recruit a "back-up" ref just in case, but I should be there.
02 Aug 13, 08:30AM
I haven't seen a post by Luc@s yet Oracle so I don't know if you have the most recent version, but I updated the Mac binaries the other day so they wouldn't crash. I'd check to make sure you don't have a version that crashes. To check do something like /echo (c f)US (c f)BR (c f)AU (c f)RU or /connect gaia.woop.us 2013 If either of that crashes then go yell at Lucas to give you an updated binary link.
02 Aug 13, 05:14PM
Ahhh yes, it works now! No crashes!
Thanks both of you. :)
02 Aug 13, 06:33PM
Works for me as well, thank you so much :)
04 Aug 13, 10:06PM
Regarding the recent problems a few teams encountered while organizing their matches, i suggest a few changes/additions to the rules :
Please: it's very disrespectful when your team isn't ready in time; not only for your opponents, but also for the streamers/referees/casters and even watchers; i suggest to be less tolerant for the /next/ matches; i can understand that everything isn't perfect the first week - also the qualifiers are usually not taken as seriously as the following games. These are not major changes; what's your opinion ?
04 Aug 13, 10:55PM
(04 Aug 13, 10:06PM)Luc@s Wrote: [1] Teams should both explicitly confirm that they agreed on a date on the forums; They should provide the local date and time, and also their timezone *and* location so that to make sure they actually know their timezone and to avoid any ambiguity; 1 yes 2 it is not always possible to be there 15min earlier, but i think like 5 mins earlier is always possible. so i dont fully agree on that 3 yes |
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