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<> servers
Hi all, just a notice for any who use direct connect commands to these servers.

wakawaka.ac expires later this month and will not be renewed. The servers will remain accessible as follows:

Match server match.wakawaka.ac ( -> ac.pwnz.org

Ladder server ladder.wakawaka.ac ( -> ladder.pwnz.org

Pub bangsplat.wakawaka.ac:1337 ( -> ac.pwnz.org:1337 (

DNS has been set up already so the servers can be directly accessed after the domain expires.

There is room for more if anyone has suggestions (more match servers on 7, 8, 9999, etc.?)
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Jack we should talk about you migrating your servers to us.ausdis and saving money :P
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Nah, that's okay, I don't want to take up all the space on yer cute little Noobuntu box. :)

The main thing is that I can't afford to renew this ridiculous domain name. No problem with the VPS itself.
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* DrauL will renew domain name. Not even a problem
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You sure about that? It's like 50 AUD. This ain't your .info.
Besides, why keep the domain for the clan that never was? :P
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I just like the name :P
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Thanks for the notice :)
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