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Sniper mod...?
I was wondering if there were any mods out there that would add a crosshair or something similar to the sniper? A ACCURATE one, not one just splashed on the screen >.<

I've also seen mods for snipers where when you zoom in, the black isnt around the scope anymore, you can see everything...

I want to know anyone has made a mod with the above attributes..? I could really use this mod :D

Thanks in advance for reading :)
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Neither are allowed.
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First, I've heard some work arounds, but those usually go on the line of; Sharpie+Screen=Accurate crosshair. I cant say I've made it. I've seen some zoom scripts around, but I'm not quite sure what they are all about (as I almost never scope).
* Ronald_Reagan suggests that you just get good at no scoping. No Sco is the way to go!
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(23 Aug 10, 05:20AM)Ronald_Reagan Wrote: No Sco is the way to go!

How do i No Sco?!
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bind "MOUSE2" [suicide]
Thats how I learned.

I just told a lie.
I actually just use a trackpad, making scoping almost impossible.
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karael, both of those are illegal gameplay modifications. If anyone posts a link to a mod with those I will remove it as soon as I see it.
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There's your scope without black parts.
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Hmm... So, we are allowed to mod the game, but 99% of the mods are illegal. Hmm... Sounds really nice. Why even allow us to mod the game if almost every mod is illegal?
Besides, if one person posted a mod such as I have requested, everyone would be able to use it. Meaning, gameplay would still be fair, but a little easier. Quickscoping is nearly impossible seeing as how you zoom in extremely slow compared to other FPS's out there. No scoping is nearly impossible because the middle of the screen isn't where the sniper shoots when you arent zoomed in. So a crosshair would be nice.

Also, I don't see the point in adding crosshairs to ANY guns. If you wanted to be realistic about games, you wouldn't have crosshairs at all. But, adding crosshairs to all (or most) gun except for 1, is absolutely retarted. I don't care how many FPS games have that same attribute, its stupid. Period.
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Look around before posting, there are plenty of legal mods! I write legal scripts, I make legal mods (haven't released them).

Some AC players dont even know about the forums!

Skill, ya got it or ya dont!

Skill, ya get it from playing!

Go complaining about the commonalties of FPS games somewhere else, not an open source game's forums!
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(23 Aug 10, 07:45AM)karael Wrote: Hmm... So, we are allowed to mod the game, but 99% of the mods are illegal. Hmm... Sounds really nice. Why even allow us to mod the game if almost every mod is illegal?
Besides, if one person posted a mod such as I have requested, everyone would be able to use it. Meaning, gameplay would still be fair, but a little easier. Quickscoping is nearly impossible seeing as how you zoom in extremely slow compared to other FPS's out there. No scoping is nearly impossible because the middle of the screen isn't where the sniper shoots when you arent zoomed in. So a crosshair would be nice.

Also, I don't see the point in adding crosshairs to ANY guns. If you wanted to be realistic about games, you wouldn't have crosshairs at all. But, adding crosshairs to all (or most) gun except for 1, is absolutely retarted. I don't care how many FPS games have that same attribute, its stupid. Period.

You really ought to think before you post. 99% of mods aren't illegal nor do they become illegal unless they are shitty, the scope is instantaneous, and no one but you has mentioned other games so why do you proclaim "I don't care how many FPS games have that same attribute, its stupid"? You want the sniper to have a crosshair but don't believe any weapon should have a crosshair?
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(23 Aug 10, 07:45AM)karael Wrote: ....is absolutely retarted.

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An ironsight or aimpoint on SMG would be awesome.
It should spread less when you use it.
Not to mention silencer (removing the sound and damage indicator) so they never see where shots come from.
That would really rock my world!
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(23 Aug 10, 10:17AM)Matasar Wrote: Not to mention silencer (removing the sound and damage indicator) so they never see where shots come from.
A camper's wet dreams.
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(23 Aug 10, 08:21AM)Mael Wrote: You really ought to think before you post. 99% of mods aren't illegal nor do they become illegal unless they are shitty, the scope is instantaneous, and no one but you has mentioned other games so why do you proclaim "I don't care how many FPS games have that same attribute, its stupid"? You want the sniper to have a crosshair but don't believe any weapon should have a crosshair?
What I'm saying is, You either make the game realistic or unrealistic. Period. Do not twist my words around.
(23 Aug 10, 09:27AM)DrauL Wrote: *Retarded.

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You could just have people use your script:
alias matasar_is_using_a_silencer [
mutesound 14
shotline 0
bullethole 0
hidedamageindicator 1
chanceofyai = 0]
Then again, if you could get them to use arbitrary scripts you supply,
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(23 Aug 10, 07:45AM)karael Wrote: Quickscoping is nearly impossible seeing as how you zoom in extremely slow compared to other FPS's out there.

I assume troll, but if not: LOL! Which games in a realistic setting scope faster than ac while allowing you to do all the other movements at the same time?
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Or you could learn to noscope.
//By DrauL; massacred by DES|V-Man
noscope = [2500] //Lower over time to increase difficulty

scopetiming = [start_time = (millis) ; onrelease [end_time = (millis) ; timescoping = (- $end_time $start_time); echo Time scoping was $timescoping milliseconds ; lrn2noscope]]

lrn2noscope = [if (> $timescoping $noscope) [suicide] []]

bind "MOUSE2" [if (= (curweapon) 5) [altaction ; scopetiming] [altaction]]

NOTE: I have no idea if it will work let alone help. ^^
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(23 Aug 10, 07:01AM)R4zor Wrote: There's your scope without black parts.

I believe i have been Rickrolled.
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mods that make it easier for you to play/make you better without real skill are illegal, everything else is fine

ac is ac.
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Quote:You either make the game realistic or unrealistic. Period.
Well, this game isn't either.
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