Cube length passed to gl functions
What are the dimension (size length and units) for a cube in AC?

Edit: I misspelled 'measurements' can't change thread title.
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32x32 pixels?
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I'm just going to ballpark it and say about 25 centimeters.
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(19 Apr 13, 12:09AM)TheNihilanth Wrote: What are the dimension (size length and units) for a cube in AC?

Edit: I misspelled 'measurements' can't change thread title.

If you click Full Edit or hold down the mouse on the thread title, you can change it.
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uhhh, iirc 2 cubes ~1 foot. I forgot exactly though. There is a comment in the source about it.

You can full edit your original post to have a different title. Its right above the main text area.
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(19 Apr 13, 01:00AM)InitialSAW Wrote: about 25 centimeters

I bet on this value.
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const float CUBES_PER_METER = 4; // assumes 4 cubes make up 1 meter

I'm not exactly sure what you are asking, but this is the "real" conversion from cube to metric. The variable is only used once though, for physics calculations.
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My mistake, I was referring to the length of a single cube in world space coordinates rather than screen space coordinates as in the figure below what's the distance between vertex1.y and vertex2.y
[Image: Fb9uAKG.png]

Edit: I think it's 32 units in length for a cube in world space coordinates since maximum mip is 5. But I'm not completely sure.

Any dev/non-dev can confirm this?
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32 pixels or 35,25 cm?

(19 Apr 13, 09:29PM)TheNihilanth Wrote: [Image: Fb9uAKG.png]

Why do you have 2 cursors and 1 crosshair on this pic?
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(19 Apr 13, 11:18PM).ExodusS* Wrote: 32 pixels or 35,25 cm?
Simply 32 units, not necessarily pixel units. As in glVertex3f(x + 32.0f, .......) but again I'm not quite sure.
32,25 cm? What mapping function are you using? In any case it should be 25 cm since 4 cubes = 1meter as Ronald-Reagan pointed out.
(19 Apr 13, 11:18PM).ExodusS* Wrote: Why do you have 2 cursors and 1 crosshair on this pic?

Why not? :)
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I too have a slight problem to grab the 'measurements' of a virtual item, as far as I understand it while modelling it's that due to engine's physics it can be anything as long as it's a multiple of 4

[Image: image2hi.jpg]
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Well I think I got it.

w be the point in world space,
M be the model view matrix,
N be the projection matrix,
R be the product of M*N,
v be a 2D point in view space,

w = inverse(R)*v

For the z-depth value I don't know, it could be anything...anyways implementing the above equation would give accurate results in order to get vertex positions of a cube and therefore to know its measures, but there should be another EVEN MORE easy way...
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