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Soldiers Of Fortune clan recruiting
Hello, I am and my friend of RICHY is opened a new international clan of Soldiers Of Fortune. Address of our game server: connect Port: 10000
There is a set to a clan!
Wishing to enter have to conform to the following requirements:
1) Experience of game not less than 1 month
2) Responsiveness
3) Activity in game and clan affairs
4) To be tolerant to other nationalities
5) Not to consist in other clans (multi-clan is forbidden! )
If you approach under these requirements and are ready to enter a clan, you have to fill in the questionnaire and send it to a clan e-mail: SoFassault@rambler.ru
In the questionnaire to specify:
- Age
- Name
- Nickname in game
- Experience of game
- Servers, on which you in a black list (I advise to be frank as even if you it don't write, we all the same learn)
- Your favourite weapon
- Favourite mode of game
- Clans in which you consisted earlier
- Servers which you own
- Your Skype
Also it is recommended to specify (not necessarily but it will give you bigger chance to get to a clan)
- Your assessment of the skills
- Game cards created by you (if is)
- Servers on which you are Admin/moderator
- The reason for which we have to accept you

In we will contact you within 2 days and we will appoint test, on результатам which we will decide to accept you in a clan or not.
As you can visit our website: sofassault.webs.com (at present it is finished)

Привет, я и мой друг RICHY открываем новый интернациональный клан Soldiers Of Fortune. Адрес нашего игрового сервера: connect port: 10000
Идет набор в клан!
Желающие вступить должны соответствовать следующим требованиям:
1)Опыт игры не меньше 1 месяца
3)Активность в игре и делах клана
4)Быть терпимым к другим национальностям
5)Не состоять в других кланах(multi-clan запрещена!)
Если вы подходите под эти требования и готовы вступить в клан, то вы должны заполнить анкету и отправить ее на e-mail клана: SoFassault@rambler.ru
В анкете указать:
-Ник в игре
-Опыт игры
-Сервера на которых ты в черном списке(советую быть откровенным, поскольку даже если вы это не напишите, мы все равно узнаем)
-Ваше любимое оружие
-Любимый режим игры
-Кланы в которых вы состояли ранее
-Сервера которыми вы владеете
-Твой Skype
Так-же рекомендуется указать(не обязательно но это даст вам больший шанс попасть в клан)
-Ваша оценка своих навыков
-Игровые карты созданные вами(если есть)
-Сервера на которых вы Admin/moderator
-Причину по которой мы должны принять именно вас

В мы свяжемся с вами в течении 2 дней и назначим испытание, по результатам которого решим принять вас в клан или нет.
Так же вы можете посетить наш сайт: sofassault.webs.com (на данный момент он дорабатывается)

P.S. Unfortunately, in connection with the latest events of RICHY there is clan structure, now the only head - I :(
I very much hope for your help and for support of the good friends

Русский: К сожалению, в связи с последними событиями RICHY выходит из состава клана, теперь единственный руководитель - Я
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Good luck!!!!

have fun ;)
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gl & hf with your clan Vovanches!
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thanks :)
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GL Vovanches, looks promising, and very nice clanname! ;)

Let me give you a suggestion, set an English forum/board, since AC is quite international ;)
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Good luck. Hope to play some games with you. :)
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Good luck, nice to see a couple new clans coming up.
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Good luck, we got another Russian clan in this game called GRF or something (Grpyhons I think?).

Looks like a nice national rivalry's a-brewin'.
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(27 Mar 13, 08:33PM)Andrez Wrote: GL Vovanches, looks promising, and very nice clanname! ;)

Let me give you a suggestion, set an English forum/board, since AC is quite international ;)

Yes, you are right, we have to create English forum, but I isn't sure about the international board as it can lead to disorders

(28 Mar 13, 03:16AM)ShadowFlameZ Wrote: Good luck, we got another Russian clan in this game called GRF or something (Grpyhons I think?).

Looks like a nice national rivalry's a-brewin'.

This clan of GRF is called as Griffons, it is a clan only for Slavs (I accused their leader of racism and it really so! ) I was his co-founder, but because of disagreements with the racist and CHEATER Griffon (Ukraine_Boy) I left a clan 17.12.2012. I hope, more than the such won't repeat, to the same Griffon accused me of "imitation", but it not so! We are absolutely not similar to GRF not on styles of game, on the organization of a clan and than another besides than are similar to all other clans.
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Good luck tovaritchi!

Hope you'll make a good clan!
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Yeah, gl. I hope we can play some matches soon ;)
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good luck
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Hey you can go here No-ip Domain, you can make your own IP domain for your cserver/servers!
1) Make your account
2) Make your first IP domain
3) Feel free to edit your domain when you finished it, for example:
/connect SoF-clan.no-ip.com 10000, or /connect SoF.servegame.com
I can't explain it well, becuase i'm using my cellphone, if you have any problem, PM me and i can help you ;)
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(28 Mar 13, 01:25PM)DarKnight Wrote: Hey you can go here No-ip Domain, you can make your own IP domain for your cserver/servers!
1) Make your account
2) Make your first IP domain
3) Feel free to edit your domain when you finished it, for example:
/connect SoF-clan.no-ip.com 10000, or /connect SoF.servegame.com
I can't explain it well, becuase i'm using my cellphone, if you have any problem, PM me and i can help you ;)

Thanks, but at present we don't need in short addresses, we will surely make it later
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Best of luck, by the way what's the clan's tag?
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(05 Apr 13, 11:20PM)#M|A#Wolf Wrote: Best of luck, by the way what's the clan's tag?

Tag of our clan of SoF|
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(28 Mar 13, 05:12AM)Vovanches Wrote:
(27 Mar 13, 08:33PM)Andrez Wrote: GL Vovanches, looks promising, and very nice clanname! ;)

Let me give you a suggestion, set an English forum/board, since AC is quite international ;)

Yes, you are right, we have to create English forum, but I isn't sure about the international board as it can lead to disorders

(28 Mar 13, 03:16AM)ShadowFlameZ Wrote: Good luck, we got another Russian clan in this game called GRF or something (Grpyhons I think?).

Looks like a nice national rivalry's a-brewin'.

This clan of GRF is called as Griffons, it is a clan only for Slavs (I accused their leader of racism and it really so! ) I was his co-founder, but because of disagreements with the racist and CHEATER Griffon (Ukraine_Boy) I left a clan 17.12.2012. I hope, more than the such won't repeat, to the same Griffon accused me of "imitation", but it not so! We are absolutely not similar to GRF not on styles of game, on the organization of a clan and than another besides than are similar to all other clans.

1.Cheater?me?really? xD this is good joke dude.
2.imitation? yes you imitation us.example see your and us topic.
3.I rasist?
4.Only slavs? 0_o We accept people who speak on Russian language.
This is not only people from ExUssr,CIS or slavs.Example: our moderator Evgenych96 from Kazakhstan.zZz,Vector not slavs too.And etc etc.
Idea of clan - people from RUnet.This is not racism.We do not pursue a particular nation.
5.You left?I drove you from clan.I did not do it in public, and the scandal.
This is my initiative.

And last.
We tried to create a clan together, so saying that I'm a racist - you are the same.
You know the reasons for which I will vypnul.
I did not do this scandal and screaming like you.
I humiliate you and your clan as you.
I did not create you problems.
Why are you looking for a good time as any to humiliate me?
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gl with the clan btw
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Gl hf.
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(15 Apr 13, 04:34PM)Ukraine_boy Wrote: 1.Cheater?me?really? xD this is good joke dude.
2.imitation? yes you imitation us.example see your and us topic.
3.I rasist?
4.Only slavs? 0_o We accept people who speak on Russian language.
This is not only people from ExUssr,CIS or slavs.Example: our moderator Evgenych96 from Kazakhstan.zZz,Vector not slavs too.And etc etc.
Idea of clan - people from RUnet.This is not racism.We do not pursue a particular nation.
5.You left?I drove you from clan.I did not do it in public, and the scandal.
This is my initiative.

And last.
We tried to create a clan together, so saying that I'm a racist - you are the same.
You know the reasons for which I will vypnul.
I did not do this scandal and screaming like you.
I humiliate you and your clan as you.
I did not create you problems.
Why are you looking for a good time as any to humiliate me?

Lol, yes, you are cheater, and your friends cheaters, and i have demos when you used cheats.
lol, you not "vipnul" me, i left from clan, because you was very n00biest commander. And stop use these translaitors!
Well, i hilluminate you because are a conceited person. Who called you "generallissimous"? Think youre big person? ahahahah
yes, you imitated SoF clan style.

P.S. Kuda ti lezesh? kishka ne tonka?
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Rather than have this thread become an argument between you two, I'll just say take it to PM please. Thanks.
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P.S. Kuda ti lezesh? kishka ne tonka?
sam pervii nachal.esli hpchesh pomusorit idi na svoi serva
last post in this topic. sorry for offtop
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(18 Apr 13, 01:42PM)Ukraine_boy Wrote: P.S. Kuda ti lezesh? kishka ne tonka?
sam pervii nachal.esli hpchesh pomusorit idi na svoi serva
last post in this topic. sorry for offtop

Ne tvoe delo, gde ya "musoru", kto ti takoy chtob ukazivat'?
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(22 Apr 13, 09:00AM)Vovanches Wrote:
(18 Apr 13, 01:42PM)Ukraine_boy Wrote: P.S. Kuda ti lezesh? kishka ne tonka?
sam pervii nachal.esli hpchesh pomusorit idi na svoi serva
last post in this topic. sorry for offtop

Ne tvoe delo, gde ya "musoru", kto ti takoy chtob ukazivat'?

Kto ti takoi chto bi menya osyzdat?
Gde ti ne priidesh bezde rugaesh menya.
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Go to PM guys! :x
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(22 Apr 13, 12:50PM)Ukraine_boy Wrote: Kto ti takoi chto bi menya osyzdat?
Gde ti ne priidesh bezde rugaesh menya.

A 4to mne, zhopu tebe lizat', kak i uchasniki tvoego klana? Gnerelissimus ept. Poproshu v pred' ne musorit' v nashem poste, pishi v PM esli 4to-to vazhnoe naydetsya, to4ka.
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To PM a user:
Step #1: Click their user name.
Step #2: In the bottom left corner, you see the link "Send Ukraine_boy a private message."
Step #3: Click that link.
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Thanks PhaN! :)
I didn't know those steps for a PM (sarcasm)
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I wasn't talking to you.
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(26 Apr 13, 10:09PM)PhaNtom Wrote: I wasn't talking to you.

j/k... I was being sarcastic, you don't have humor
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