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The next LSS KUT tournament's maps | Poll
(18 Mar 13, 01:09AM).ExodusS* Wrote: DOUZE IS NOT FOR LSS DAYYYUM

ac_arctic and ac_scafold

Can't accept your vote pick 3 different maps.

Saying Douze is not for lss won't change my mind. And like i said before useless reply are not allowed in this thread.
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(18 Mar 13, 10:06AM)DeathCrew77 Wrote: Saying Douze is not for lss won't change my mind. And like i said before useless reply are not allowed in this thread.

Well it's like if you make a poll about a new CTF tournament and you include ac_desert into... stupid isn't it?

Well if I "must" pick 3 maps...: ac_arctic; ac_scafold; ac_snow

BTW: ac_werk isn't on the poll? lol
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This is just your own opinion dude.

Well, if you don't see ac_werk means that it'is not on the poll, you have eyes, im glad for you. lol

Added your maps.
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Yeah wtf, add werk into this!

Might as well put up all the official maps for grabs, the ones that are clearly not good for LSS (giant ones like power, etc.) will simply not be voted for.
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I would pick all the giant ones just for teh lulz
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(18 Mar 13, 05:10PM)PhaNtom Wrote: I would pick all the giant ones just for teh lulz
(18 Mar 13, 10:06AM)DeathCrew77 Wrote: And like i said before useless reply are not allowed in this thread.
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ac_gothic ac_douze ac_desert

I want to participate in the next tourney!
EDIT: Removed caps
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I would like to participe in this tournament, so my maps are: ac_desert/ ac_gothic and ac_arctic.
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I think everyone wants to participate lol
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Without stupid maps, I have a chance I think
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iff every 1 wants 2 participate, then every 1 will get owned :P
Cuze the last pilot tournement, was like a test version.
Kut clan has very good player that will defend Kut in the tournement!!!.
u see, i will do everything to make KUT win!!,
i cant Wait
can we start Tomorow :D?
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Koning come at me bro :D

Inb4 every KUT vs a non-KUT in 1st round
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I will win the next tournament. kkkkk
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(19 Mar 13, 04:00PM)koning Wrote: iff every 1 wants 2 participate, then every 1 will get owned :P
Cuze the last pilot tournement, was like a test version.
Kut clan has very good player that will defend Kut in the tournement!!!.
u see, i will do everything to make KUT win!!,
i cant Wait
can we start Tomorow :D?

F1 you're so right mate XD

...but we can't start tomorrow :P

(19 Mar 13, 01:18PM).ExodusS* Wrote: Without stupid maps, I have a chance I think

Again this screen? I trained this map, probably now you have a chance to gib me one or two times, good luck to you. :P
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Not sure whether I understand this correctly. This tournament is LSS only, right?
Just curious.
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(20 Mar 13, 12:30PM)Mr.Floppy Wrote: Not sure whether I understand this correctly. This tournament is LSS only, right?
Just curious.

Yes, i forgot a basic info, sorry :)
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(19 Mar 13, 04:47PM)Marti Wrote: Koning come at me bro :D

...are you aware you are talking to King?
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(20 Mar 13, 01:59PM)PhaNtom Wrote:
(19 Mar 13, 04:47PM)Marti Wrote: Koning come at me bro :D

...are you aware you are talking to King?

I think you are too new, you don't realise im THE MARTINATOR. A King is waaaay below me.
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^Yes, because LSS is definitely your forte
[Image: P59EJUA.jpg]
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i want some real opponents, bring it on KUTs!

(no offense to Smash :D )
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So when is it starting ? i'm getting impatient, i hope i wont miss the signups cause last time places were all taken.

In the mean time, 1v1 lss someone ? --> woop ts + mys ts
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Last day for the poll!

@Mystered, tomorrow i'll make a thread about everything ;)
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Ah, okay nice, but i'll maybe cant make it before late, and i'm afraid there's no places left when i come back at the evening, can i subsribe today, or can you keep me a place ? that'd be appreciated, thanks
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I can't sorry, but check my PM ;)
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Mystered, you have no chance :P
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lol martinator,
i would be happy 2 fight u in the first round.
i hearth Homer-J is really good.
man man this tournement stuff is so much funn :P
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(25 Mar 13, 12:37PM)koning Wrote: lol martinator,
i would be happy 2 fight u in the first round.

so this means im signed up right? :D

*sneaky way of claiming a spot in the tournament it izzz*
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Pff Homer i beat you so many times 1v1 lss :p The only people that may have a chance against me are xenon (400 ping) peppermint Deathcrew and unharmed :D
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(25 Mar 13, 07:09PM)Mystered Wrote: Pff Homer i beat you so many times 1v1 lss :p The only people that may have a chance against me are xenon (400 ping) peppermint Deathcrew and unharmed :D
you forgot to add my name to that list
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(25 Mar 13, 07:09PM)Mystered Wrote: Pff Homer i beat you so many times 1v1 lss :p The only people that may have a chance against me are xenon (400 ping) peppermint Deathcrew and unharmed :D

peppermint has a change vs u ?
then u are noob like deathcrew :D
u are claiming to be very very very good dude,
u are claiming to be in the top 5 LSS.
ok dude:P
fight me:p
and lets find out :)
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