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The next LSS KUT tournament's maps | Poll
Hello dudes, i'm here to announce the voting for the next LSS KUT tournament's maps. This poll ends on 24/03/2013.

Maps available to be voted:
  • ac_arid 4 votes
  • ac_arctic 9 votes
  • ac_complex 2 votes
  • ac_desert 9 votes
  • ac_douze 5 votes
  • ac_gothic 2 votes
  • ac_scaffold 3 votes
  • ac_snow 4 votes
  • ac_sunset 3 votes
  • ac_toxic 2 votes
You can vote 3 different maps per head.
I'm not here to collect tournament's subscriptions, i just want know which maps you want see be played.

I vote: ac_desert; ac_arctic; ac_douze

P.s. People with two ore more heads can't vote!
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Why not make a poll add-on instead?
It would be much more efficient.

all 3 votes go to arid.

Though if I must do 3 separate maps, I'll do arid, snow, gothic.
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yay! I hope that this time more people can participate, i won't join the tournament, i will lose in my first match of LSS D:
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This time I hope King plays so he can blow the a$$ off everyone who participates.
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arctic desert arid
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arctic desert complex
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arctic desert douze
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(16 Mar 13, 12:06AM)ShadowFlameZ Wrote: Why not make a poll add-on instead?
It would be much more efficient.

all 3 votes go to arid.

Though if I must do 3 separate maps, I'll do arid, snow, gothic.

You're not funny and not smart.
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Arid Scaffold Toxic :)
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My votes go for: Desert / Arctic / Arid
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(16 Mar 13, 10:41AM)DeathCrew77 Wrote: You're not funny and not smart.
Well that came out of nowhere.
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(16 Mar 13, 01:42PM)Orynge Wrote:
(16 Mar 13, 10:41AM)DeathCrew77 Wrote: You're not funny and not smart.
Well that came out of nowhere.

Like i said you in past, "...useless comment are not wellcome in this thread!!!"

...Arid is getting voted more than expected :D
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Deathcrew, i kinda agree that a poll would be more efficient and dont see why hes not funny and not smart for suggesting it.. But allright, I'd like Douze, desert and arctic. (These are relative small maps and that's what we need for 1v1.)
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(16 Mar 13, 12:06AM)ShadowFlameZ Wrote: all 3 votes go to arid.
Not smart.
(16 Mar 13, 12:06AM)ShadowFlameZ Wrote: Though if I must do 3 separate maps,
Not funny.

Just to underline my reason.

@Unharmed, nope i want see who vote and wich maps are been voted by everyone. :)
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Show desert arctic
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sunset toxic gothic
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(16 Mar 13, 03:47PM)DeathCrew77 Wrote: @Unharmed, nope i want see who vote and wich maps are been voted by everyone. :)

You can still see who voted and for what maps in a public poll? Lol
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(16 Mar 13, 12:06AM)ShadowFlameZ Wrote: Though if I must do 3 separate maps, I'll do arid, snow, gothic.
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Scaffold, sunset, complex
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(16 Mar 13, 10:41AM)DeathCrew77 Wrote: No.
You're not funny and not smart.
My apologies Captain Butthurt ._.

Go go arid \o/
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LSS_Brasil anyone?
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(17 Mar 13, 09:00PM)MintOfPepper Wrote: LSS_Brasil anyone?

I was thinking about allowing lss brazil, but as you can see there're only official map available. The reason is that lss brazil is not an official map, so i don't want do exception for just one map. :)

I forgive you like a magnanimous king usually did it.
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(17 Mar 13, 09:00PM)MintOfPepper Wrote: LSS_Brasil anyone?
The original, not that lame mini one (with the peaks).
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Sunset, sunset and sunset
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(17 Mar 13, 09:05PM)Honor Wrote: Sunset, sunset and sunset

Can't accept your vote. Pick 3 different maps like i wrote in the main thread.

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(17 Mar 13, 09:05PM)Honor Wrote: Sunset, sunset and sunset
(16 Mar 13, 10:41AM)DeathCrew77 Wrote: [Image: untitle.JPG]
You're not funny and not smart.
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Douze, Desert, Snow
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ac_arctic and ac_scafold
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desert douze sunset
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lol phantom no worries ^^
i will participate.
and destroy everything in my path!!
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