If you're looking for a clan:
Lists of clans :
QuakeNet: http://webchat.quakenet.org/
GameSurge: https://gamesurge.net/chat/
{BoB} - bob-ac.co.uk
w00p - loki.woop.us
.rC| -, or rc-ts.tk
.45 -
.aK| - ts.absolutekings.com
.Di| -
-xW-# -
List of Recruiting Clans:
If you want your clan to be included in the list please post the following in one line:
Clan Tag - Clan Name - Site URL - IRC (say which network if not Gamesurge) - TeamSpeak (if applicable)
Seeing that the thread has stagnated yet a second time due to the OP's inactivity, I've decided to take it upon myself to attempt to keep this as up-to-date as possible.
Lists of clans :
- First have a look to the Assault Cube List of clans
- You can check Clanwar on the TyD ladder
QuakeNet: http://webchat.quakenet.org/
GameSurge: https://gamesurge.net/chat/
{BoB} - bob-ac.co.uk
w00p - loki.woop.us
.rC| -, or rc-ts.tk
.45 -
.aK| - ts.absolutekings.com
.Di| -
-xW-# -
List of Recruiting Clans:
- oNe - Owning Noobs Everywhere - http://one.zeelot.webfactional.com/index.php - #one-chat - Owning Noobs Everywhere on w00p TS
- |#LC*| - Legendary Cubers - http://legendarycuber.le.funpic.de/index.php - N/A - Legendary Cubers on w00p TS
- .rC| - Rising Cubers - http://585437.xobor.com/ - N/A - rC TS
- -xW-# - Xtrem Warriors - http://xw-iogt.com - #xwiogt on Gamesurge - Xtrem Warriors on w00p TS, xW TS
- =SA= - Sniper Alliance - http://sa-clan.gamerzfun.com/ - #=SA= - Sniper Alliance on w00p TS
- Pi_ - Paradox Infinity - http://paradoxinfinity.net/ - #paradoxinfinity - Paradox Infinity on BoB TS
- .45| - Angry Souls - http://angrysouls.xobor.de/ - N/A - .45 TS
- #M|A# - Mafia Asesina - http://www.ma-clan.org/ma%2Dclan/ - #maclan - N/A
- .aK| - Absolute Kings - www.absolutekings.com - N/A - .aK| TS
- [SODA] - SODA - http://www.thesodaclan.tk/ - #soda on Gamesurge, #SODA on deepirc - N/A
- {CoE} - Crushin' our Enemies - http://accoe.enjin.com - #assaultcube @ QuakeNet (dat ban evasion) - N/A
- -KUT- - (Don't Ask) - http://kutclanac.enjin.com - N/A - N/A
- SoF| - Soldiers Of Fortune - http://sofclan.4bb.ru/ - N/A - N/A - Clan e-mail: SoFassault@rambler.ru
- [GRF] (sometimes GRF| or {GRF}) - Griffons - http://g-riffons.ru - N/A - N/A
- eVo~ - eVolution - http://evolution.pwnz.org/ - #evoclanac - N/A
- SD^ or ^SD - Sudden Death - http://suddendeath.tk - #SuddenDeath - N/A
- nV* - Envy Us - http://envy-clan.darkbb.com/ - N/A - N/A
- .Di| - Deadly Instinct - http://www.di-ac.webs.com - #deadlyinstinct on QuakeNet - Deadly Instinct on w00p TS
- {TLA} - Time Lords Assault - http://timelordsassault.enjin.com - N/A - N/A
- {UoC} - Under Our Control - http://www.uoc-ac.forumotion.com - #uoc - N/A
If you want your clan to be included in the list please post the following in one line:
Clan Tag - Clan Name - Site URL - IRC (say which network if not Gamesurge) - TeamSpeak (if applicable)
Seeing that the thread has stagnated yet a second time due to the OP's inactivity, I've decided to take it upon myself to attempt to keep this as up-to-date as possible.