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06 Mar 13, 06:30PM
(This post was last modified: 06 Mar 13, 06:31PM by Nightmare.)
Random observation, not meant to be positive or negative. tl;dr at end for lazy people.
Assault Cube once had a few strengths that made it worth playing compared to other fps games to a bunch of players. Nowadays those strengths have lost their luster a bit.
Low latency/Lag: The homepage emphasizes this, and there are still dial-up/dsl users out there who struggle to find good ping/pj in their games. Not finding the post but flowtron admitted that the game didn't have lag problems until anticheat was added. Most popular games these days have a bunch of servers that are so close to you, that you can play lag free. And they stick close regional players in the same game, or try to at least. Almost never see lag in commercial games. AC only has a handful of good games to join, and they are usually full of laggers from across the world. If you find a server by ping, you end up with tosok douze. AC can't use this as a strength because it just isn't anymore. You can get 2x-4x better ping on commercial/high quality FOSS games without being forced to play ugly modes/maps.
So ugly that it's so lightweight that it runs on any computer!11111111: On the right maps, ac_mines built by an oldschool developer designed for AC you can definately get a ridiculous amount of fps in most areas and older computers/integrated graphics can run the game silky smooth. Plenty of maps, even some official ones get worst frames per second than brand new AAA commercial titles with the right settings(both games on lowest) Weirder though, AC gets choppy to a lot of players once you hit 60 fps or lower. Other games run perfectly smooth at 30 fps. Used to play diablo 2 at 20-25 fps and didn't notice choppy-ness, was completely smooth. Part of this is probably a not-so-great engine.(Cube 2 can handle open areas without the huge loss)
Free in money, free in freedom: Well the code is free to use, but a lot of the media isn't. Plenty of open source games have free-to-use everything, so their art and sounds and everything can continue to be improved and keep bettering these games. Also the gaming industry is gradually leaning towards a free-to-play system. And most have learned from the pay-to-win years, now you can play games like Team Fortress 2 for free and have completely balanced gameplay, weapons, etc. Planetside 2, Tribes: Ascend, Blacklight: Retribution, etc. Whether you like them or not, they're high quality and free.
Unique: Every time someone brings up an idea from another game, you hear 'omg AC is different and doesn't want to be like those.' Because you know, adding zombies mode will completely transform AC into CoD right? But what is unique about the game? It's an admitted rip-off of action quake, and the older urban terror mod(both pre-date Cube 1.) Every mode is from the 90's/early 2000's and copied from other games. The guns have random fake names, but ar/smg/etc are in every modern fps game. Rifle kickback is a rip of rocket kickback. Only thing I can think of is the package size. You got a small 40-50 mb package with a full, playable game with features 1gb games don't have. That is all AC has left to say 'hey look what I can do.' Sure the map editor, but it's obsolete to cube 2 now.
le conclusion/tl;dr: The niche is shrinking to the point where the only reason a lot of us stick around is because of our friends and nostalgia or just like to kick back and play a quick pub here and there. Plenty of other free games have better graphics, gameplay with more depth, with smoother fps, less lag, etc. Loyalists to AC are the ones who will keep it alive, we shouldn't assume that new batches of players will just keep trickling in to replace those who leave.
Also, this was made for a parody/opposite world dev team thread some of us had planned for fun with plays on their names like Hamz/Sukz/RandumPeeWee/etc. but never happened for some reason.
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06 Mar 13, 08:57PM
(This post was last modified: 06 Mar 13, 08:57PM by GDM.)
I don't think anyone disagrees or was unaware.
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AC forums need moar AC bashing.
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(06 Mar 13, 09:37PM)InitialSAW Wrote: AC forums need moar AC bashing.
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06 Mar 13, 09:45PM
(This post was last modified: 06 Mar 13, 09:56PM by Nightmare.)
(06 Mar 13, 08:57PM)GDM Wrote: I don't think anyone disagrees or was unaware. Going by the reply after yours, I'd say not everyone is willing to admit it yet, though it's important for moving forward.
But yeah point of the thread is the old strengths are fading. Just wondering which new strengths can take it's place for future ac. :3
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07 Mar 13, 03:39AM
(This post was last modified: 07 Mar 13, 03:42AM by Edward.)
Try bo2 you wont be disappointed if you are looking for lags in commercial games :p
I don't think we can do something about lag but it's true that I don't see how the anti-cheat can be useful. But maybe I'm wrong and maybe without it, hackers would be a lot more.
With some commands (mainly for maps with water) I'm able to get 200 fps almost on all official maps. I tried many other online FPS and assaultcube is one of the few my pc can run (crashing over and over again on tf2 with lowest settings). So I think frames per seconds are actually a good point for AC.
Stef Wrote:I also picked the 'vote passed'-sound as an audio-indicator for 'ktf flag scored'. Of course, that's a bad solution and it should have been replaced by an unique sound before the 1.0 release. The 'I'll do it in a few days' phrase said by makke will celebrate it's first birthday in a few weeks... and don't think, I never reminded him ;) Full post here
That quote is from 2009. 2013 and nothing changed. If you read the whole post you can find other examples. Removing flags from douze without any serious reason was way more important ! A game start dying when nobody develop it. I mean makke and drian shouldn't have given up this project. Backports should be from AC to sauer instead of from sauer to AC. Actually devs focus too much on how this game "was intended" instead on how we can make it better.
I don't wanna be to hard with devs because I know taking a decision is hard and we cant please everyone. Fox example reducing the AR kickback. Needed for competitive games but terrible for gemas. Also I've seen that the AR was back to 20 rounds in the SVN? If Im not wrong that's a good point for the dev team who did listen. Thx I hope.
Didn't understand everything so I hope Im not offtopic too much.
inb4 im a troll and everything I said is the same :p
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Breaking news right here.
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07 Mar 13, 05:19AM
(This post was last modified: 07 Mar 13, 05:20AM by Xenon.)
Shiiiiit nigga, couldn't of said it better.
Make game look better, people getting ~60 fps now a days NEED to update their PC's lmfao.
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(07 Mar 13, 03:39AM)Edward Wrote: ...
Stef Wrote:I also picked the 'vote passed'-sound as an audio-indicator for 'ktf flag scored'. Of course, that's a bad solution and it should have been replaced by an unique sound before the 1.0 release. The 'I'll do it in a few days' phrase said by makke will celebrate it's first birthday in a few weeks... and don't think, I never reminded him ;) Full post here
That quote is from 2009. 2013 and nothing changed...
I feel like I've taken on stef's role with regard to this:
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You wrote Assault Cube instead of AssaultCube. Do you want to watch the world burning?
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Player models need refresh. Other effects are good enough (ok, the "puff" of the nade is bad, even fireworks have wider range).
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Protox Reskin forever and always.
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07 Mar 13, 06:17PM
(This post was last modified: 07 Mar 13, 06:17PM by ExodusS.)
GTA:SA is smooth with 25 fps, I don't know why and how.
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What if the fps counter in ac is wrong? :O
60=still not smooth
Somethings wrong or is it just the engine?
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I always thought the counter was broken. I ran AC with MSI Afterburner open and framerate stats in the OSD. Whenever I try /maxfps 1000, both counters show that my game is displaying 1000fps. However if I type /maxfps 0 then my in-game counter will display 1000fps, but MSI's OSD will display around 1200-ish fps or even up to 2000 when I look at a wall.
There's also a similar glitch whereby /maxfps 300 and /maxfps 800 will show an unstable framerate on the counter, yet a stable framerate in MSI's OSD, and everything appears smooth and non-choppy.
Fix the counter! ;P
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I can take care of the bashing part if ya want. Xept it'll be more player oriented tehehe...
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When was AssaultCube a rip-off of Action Quake?
The only problem was that ActionCube (AC's previous name) was too similar for id's liking.
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09 Mar 13, 01:26AM
(This post was last modified: 09 Mar 13, 01:36AM by Nightmare.)
Seems like it's inspired by it though. :)
cube=quake ac=aq
the math makes sense. Don't see why he'd name it Action Cube otherwise.
Either way, AQ2 does look like AC on drugs.
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Realistic environments, goblins in every corners or not, they are all Quake-likes.
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Also, AC has unique pacing.
Faster than CS, but not as fast as Quake.
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niche apparently shrunk too small that it kicked Larry & Xenon out of AC.
Possibly only until though.
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There will always be new players. Beginners with low skills yet. They ll continue to play? No.
Those who remain are those who befriended veteran players. (most of the time).
The older players teach how to connect the private servers, configuring the game etc. ..
What keeps players is friendship. When the game is weak is because friendship is weak. When Devs and Mods are weak, the game is weak and friendship is also weak. Currently the clans are weak, the forum is weak, the game is weak.
Renewal Team of Devs - Nice
Renewal Mod? - Remove temperamental moderators (they are offensive and sentimental)
Create a positive forum, nice moderated , clear rules and have a lot of cooperation. It's amazing there with a group of players who insist on being supportive, teach new users/players and are very humorous. They find questions in the forum and respond with disposal. Unlike some moderators who only appear to create a bad atmosphere in the forum. They use ridiculous terms to despise users. They are destroying the forum. And this is a differential in AC.
Who cares about grafic ? is 2013! Think in the right way
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Take a look in the mirror before pointing fingers at the devs for creating a bad atmosphere on the forums. I rarely see a constructive post coming from you 1cap. The majority of your posts attack the devs and moderators over and over again. You think that is very cooperative and good forum atmopshere???
A good start towards a better forum would be you getting off your high horse; thinking all of us are wrong and you're just perfect.
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Yes, I believe that the use of the rifle to run and jump is the differential of the game.
I think the Cube 2 very fast. And the AC at a good speed. But I really like is that I find the players on the server. Some folks I know for a long time.
It is also interesting to find new players, lost "and teach how to play.
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Why the fck are you talking about rifles now?
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The AR and the jump is the differential?? The Fuk I just read?!?! DAMN RIGHT it's the differential!! What makes the AR boss is the fucking rifle jump! Hell yeah!! Other weps just need to be brought up to par with it on a pound for pound ability and we'll be good. And shotty needs more spread, plus SMG needs more kill ability other than who's got the quicker reflexes. Althouh I see what ya mean there.
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Also its' a rare game that works on almost all platforms.
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niche shrinking? i got some pills that will help your niche grow 3-4"