20 Feb 13, 12:08PM
(This post was last modified: 28 Feb 13, 06:18PM by DeathCrew77.)
"-KUT- is a specialized LSS-clan and as passioned LSS players we would like some more competition in our mode. So we decided to organize a LSS tournament, free for everyone to join! This partly to improve eachothers gameplay and partly to revive LSS in AssaultCube in general."
If you are here you want join our 1vs1 LSS tournament, please read our official general tournament rules.
Official Tournaments Rules
How to play
There are 16 places available for this tournament, if you want join email us at assaultkut@altervista.org or post a topic here wiriting: your nickname, eventually your Team and how we can contact you.
The Turnament server is the KUT match server:
/connect 28763 match
/connect 28763
The random group follow this scheme:
In each fight there is one 1vs1 in one established map:
- ac_douze
!important in case of a draw who has better score win.
Additional Info & Dates
The tournament dates are:
25 else 26 else 27 / 02 / 2013 - 1st Rounds - Matches must be within these days
28/ 02 /2013 else 1/ 03 /2013 else 2/ 03 /2013 else else 3/ 03 /2013 2nd Rounds - Matches must be within these days
For the last two rounds people have to contact each other and organize days/hour in wich play not abusing of that concession and they have to post as a reaply on this thread the chosen day/hour to confirm the match.
!important about hours of 1st and 2nd rounds, people who has been confirmed in the tournament have to contact each other via PM or email hours in wich they can play.
Here will be posted days and hours in wich people decide to play.
...useless comment are not wellcome in this thread!!!
Confirmed players:
1 DeathCrew from -KUT- | PM, fra93hacker@live.it, KUT webiste (kutclanac.enjin.com)
2 =Psycho= | marcoveri75@yahoo.it
3 Nightmare from B} | PM, irc gamesurge #pbclan;
4 Xenon from |oNe| | PM, TEAMSPEAK, IRC
5 Unharmed from -KUT- | PM, henkiep007@hotmail.com
6 ShadowZ | PM, B} forums (http://pbclan.tk/forum/index.php)
7 Erwan from -KUT- | PM, KUT webiste (kutclanac.enjin.com)
8 888 | PM
9 Martinator from .rC| | PM, Teamspeak (w00p/rC)
10 King from -KUT- | PM, KUT website (kutclanac.enjin.com)
11 fredriK* from CoE | coe website http://accoe.enjin.com/profile/750202
12 LE0 from -KUT- | KUT webiste (kutclanac.enjin.com), aqsab4@gmail.com.
13 Peppermint| starkajan@hotmail.com
14 RuleMaker | inthecode14@gmail.com
15 ITAJUMB | lg.itajumb@hotmail.it
16 Smash from CoE | denizzgelezz@hotmail.com
If you can't contact a player, contact us at assaultkut@altervista.org.
Dates Confirmed (1°rounds):
Xenon vs Peppermint - 17:00h gmt +1 Monday 25/02/2013
=Psycho= vs LE0 - 18:00h gmt + 0 Monday 25/02/2013
ITAJUMB vs 888 - 18:00h gmt + 1 Wensday 27/02/2013
Unharmed vs Erwan - 19:00h gmt + 1 Monday 25/02/2013
Martinator vs Smash - 19:00h gmt + 1 Wensday 27/02/2013
Rulemaker vs DeathCrew - 14:10h gmt+1 Monday 25/02/2013
Dates Confirmed (2°rounds):
Fredrik vs Peppermint - 21:00h gmt +1 Friday 1/03/2013
Winners Prizes
1st Place: Gold nade skin
2nd Place: Silver nade skin
3rd Place: Bronze nade skin
"-KUT- is a specialized LSS-clan and as passioned LSS players we would like some more competition in our mode. So we decided to organize a LSS tournament, free for everyone to join! This partly to improve eachothers gameplay and partly to revive LSS in AssaultCube in general."
-KUT- LSS 1vs1 World Tournament
Douze Edition
If you are here you want join our 1vs1 LSS tournament, please read our official general tournament rules.
Official Tournaments Rules
- Hacking, cheating, and all sort of similar stuff are not allowed. *
- The winner is responsible for posting the screenshot or the demo as a reply on this thread.
- Not showing up in time/ Not delivering the screenshot or the demo in time, means the match is declared invalid. So make sure to save the screenshot or the demo.
- Lagging exessively will not be tolerated at all. If you feel that the opponent is lagging too much and this is in your disadvantage, you can file a complaint as a reply on this thread. Considering it is hard to judge if someone indeed is "exessively" lagging, we, -KUT- members, will look at every complaint individually and judge if the match has to be declared invalid or not.
- Not going or not appearing on the day of tournament is considered losing.
- Players who must challenge may decide to play the match in private without spectators, even if only one of them want play in private.
- Damage script or a similar script are not allowed.
- Play fair and have fun!
* binding the "hax jump" is not allowed
How to play
There are 16 places available for this tournament, if you want join email us at assaultkut@altervista.org or post a topic here wiriting: your nickname, eventually your Team and how we can contact you.
The Turnament server is the KUT match server:
/connect 28763 match
/connect 28763
The random group follow this scheme:
![[Image: 2vv7uqa.png]](http://i45.tinypic.com/2vv7uqa.png)
In each fight there is one 1vs1 in one established map:
- ac_douze
!important in case of a draw who has better score win.
Additional Info & Dates
The tournament dates are:
25 else 26 else 27 / 02 / 2013 - 1st Rounds - Matches must be within these days
28/ 02 /2013 else 1/ 03 /2013 else 2/ 03 /2013 else else 3/ 03 /2013 2nd Rounds - Matches must be within these days
For the last two rounds people have to contact each other and organize days/hour in wich play not abusing of that concession and they have to post as a reaply on this thread the chosen day/hour to confirm the match.
!important about hours of 1st and 2nd rounds, people who has been confirmed in the tournament have to contact each other via PM or email hours in wich they can play.
Here will be posted days and hours in wich people decide to play.
...useless comment are not wellcome in this thread!!!
Confirmed players:
1 DeathCrew from -KUT- | PM, fra93hacker@live.it, KUT webiste (kutclanac.enjin.com)
2 =Psycho= | marcoveri75@yahoo.it
3 Nightmare from B} | PM, irc gamesurge #pbclan;
4 Xenon from |oNe| | PM, TEAMSPEAK, IRC
5 Unharmed from -KUT- | PM, henkiep007@hotmail.com
6 ShadowZ | PM, B} forums (http://pbclan.tk/forum/index.php)
7 Erwan from -KUT- | PM, KUT webiste (kutclanac.enjin.com)
8 888 | PM
9 Martinator from .rC| | PM, Teamspeak (w00p/rC)
10 King from -KUT- | PM, KUT website (kutclanac.enjin.com)
11 fredriK* from CoE | coe website http://accoe.enjin.com/profile/750202
12 LE0 from -KUT- | KUT webiste (kutclanac.enjin.com), aqsab4@gmail.com.
13 Peppermint| starkajan@hotmail.com
14 RuleMaker | inthecode14@gmail.com
15 ITAJUMB | lg.itajumb@hotmail.it
16 Smash from CoE | denizzgelezz@hotmail.com
If you can't contact a player, contact us at assaultkut@altervista.org.
Dates Confirmed (1°rounds):
Xenon vs Peppermint - 17:00h gmt +1 Monday 25/02/2013
=Psycho= vs LE0 - 18:00h gmt + 0 Monday 25/02/2013
ITAJUMB vs 888 - 18:00h gmt + 1 Wensday 27/02/2013
Unharmed vs Erwan - 19:00h gmt + 1 Monday 25/02/2013
Martinator vs Smash - 19:00h gmt + 1 Wensday 27/02/2013
Rulemaker vs DeathCrew - 14:10h gmt+1 Monday 25/02/2013
Dates Confirmed (2°rounds):
Fredrik vs Peppermint - 21:00h gmt +1 Friday 1/03/2013
Winners Prizes
1st Place: Gold nade skin
2nd Place: Silver nade skin
3rd Place: Bronze nade skin