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about script damage
i see that deathcrew dont want scripts, i mean he dont want people use them in his "tournament", look, a script is part of AC, scripts helps us to edit our video settings, menu gameplay... So there are a lot of scripts, just play bro, well LSS fever... I suggest you say the people that say that and how to get that script, that would help to know if it's a good script or not
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(28 Feb 13, 04:54PM)Mael Wrote:
(28 Feb 13, 12:52PM)Vermi Wrote: Oh hai hur dur dis iz my new script it uses /altrollofffactor to draw a players position then it places a marker on the radar from where the footsounds are coming from

I can't imagine al_rollofffactor will pick up footsteps. There would be no legitimate purpose. I'm sure it's intended for use by mappers and will only pick up sound entities. Picking up footsteps would be an enormous misstep.

Also, what you are describing is impossible:

Quote:al_rollofffactor V
This value indicates the relative "strength" of a sound (how far away the sound can be heard.

al_referencedistance returns the distance to the sound but not the direction. It is impossible to place a marker based on distance alone.

I was just making a point about how terribly broken the game is currently, i can hear footsteps anywhere on a map if i tweak al_rollofffactor, so there is no real need for it to show them on radar
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Players, which get this kind of information have for sure an advantage against players, which not using this information. I played a lot lss in the past, so i try to explain one situation as an example, where you can see the advantage in lss.

A slash gives you still 2 frag points, the nade-gib not anymore...Anyway - there are players, which have a save gameplay in lss. They want to win, so they wont go in the risk and making a knife fight when they are under 50 hp. For sure not when they know, that they need two slashes but the enemy just one because they are "low". So when i have the information, that my enemy is under 50 and im over 50, i know that there is not so much risk anymore to "go" in the knife fight. In this moments it modified "your" gameplay because you go in knife fights, where you normally wont go in because you arent sure, if its risk or not in the moment. Dont understand me wrong, you guys can use it and i wont cry but this fact, which i wrote is simply true.
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(05 Mar 13, 02:45PM)Sheriff Wrote: Players, which get this kind of information have for sure an advantage against players, which not using this information. I played a lot lss in the past, so i try to explain one situation as an example, where you can see the advantage in lss.

A slash gives you still 2 frag points, the nade-gib not anymore...Anyway - there are players, which have a save gameplay in lss. They want to win, so they wont go in the risk and making a knife fight when they are under 50 hp. For sure not when they know, that they need two slashes but the enemy just one because they are "low". So when i have the information, that my enemy is under 50 and im over 50, i know that there is not so much risk anymore to "go" in the knife fight. In this moments it modified "your" gameplay because you go in knife fights, where you normally wont go in because you arent sure, if its risk or not in the moment. Dont understand me wrong, you guys can use it and i wont cry but this fact, which i wrote is simply true.

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