Não use cheater
Uma conversa minha com um antigo jogador --- ele jogava até uns 4 anos atrás.

?<02:07:28> "undead": loooooooooool
?<02:07:31> "undead": VC AINDA EXISTE
?<02:07:39> "1Cap": sim :)
?<02:07:43> "1Cap": tof course
?<02:07:44> "undead": Pro_Smg aki
?<02:07:51> "undead": ou shark
?<02:07:51> "1Cap": bah!!
?<02:07:52> "undead": kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk
?<02:07:54> "1Cap": tquanto tempo
?<02:08:01> "Pro_Smg": UAHEUAHEAEHUA
?<02:08:03> "Pro_Smg": caralhoo
?<02:08:03> "1Cap": shark?
?<02:08:08> "Pro_Smg": sim
?<02:08:10> "Pro_Smg": ex-nick
?<02:08:16> "1Cap": ahh lembro sim!!
?<02:08:22> "Pro_Smg": $h4rk
?<02:08:26> "1Cap": hehehe
?<02:08:31> "1Cap": ta voltando?
?<02:08:39> "Pro_Smg": nem po .. mas deu saudades do pessoal..
?<02:08:44> "Pro_Smg": pelo visto a maioria parou né
?<02:08:51> "1Cap": muitos sim
?<02:08:59> "1Cap": das antigas tem poucos
?<02:09:05> "Pro_Smg": tipo quem?
?<02:09:09> "Pro_Smg": vcs usam outro ts?
?<02:09:10> "1Cap": eu kkk
?<02:09:30> "1Cap": nao . tem o TS da .aK ... hum clan ae brasileiro
?<02:09:52> "1Cap": diz os nomes q digo se tao ai ainda
?<02:09:59> "Pro_Smg": mas tipo, marreira, nocu, estigmata, panico, fael, timao, aquiles
?<02:10:02> "Pro_Smg": ...
?<02:10:13> "1Cap": nenhum :(
?<02:10:16> "Pro_Smg": pqp
?<02:10:17> "Pro_Smg": '-'
?<02:10:28> "1Cap": kkkkkkkkkkkkk
?<02:10:35> "1Cap": outros?
?<02:10:43> "Pro_Smg": coringa
?<02:10:45> "Pro_Smg": slipknot
?<02:10:51> "Pro_Smg": plenas
?<02:11:03> "1Cap": o coringa apareceu a uns 6 meses .. depois sumiu denovo
?<02:11:13> "Pro_Smg": (hackudo rs)
?<02:11:16> "1Cap": o plnas .tenta.. mas tah todo banido
?<02:11:20> "Pro_Smg": kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk
?<02:11:28> "1Cap": o Waag .. conhece?
?<02:11:31> "Pro_Smg": sim
?<02:11:32> "Pro_Smg": wagner
?<02:11:34> "Pro_Smg": hack tbm
?<02:11:40> "1Cap": esse ta por ai
?<02:11:49> "Pro_Smg": meu deus
?<02:11:52> "1Cap": mas disse q parou de usar
?<02:12:01> "Pro_Smg": e tu acredita?
?<02:12:10> "Pro_Smg": o mlk nao errava tiro nao cara
?<02:12:10> "Pro_Smg": rs
?<02:12:18> "1Cap": o Jamz.. ele monitora isso .. não achou nada errado
?<02:12:32> "1Cap": ta ligado o Jamz?
?<02:12:34> "Pro_Smg": no
?<02:12:40> "Pro_Smg": era o brahma
?<02:12:41> "Pro_Smg": na minha epoca
?<02:12:43> "Pro_Smg": UAHEUAHEUAHEUAHE
?<02:13:04> "1Cap": ele fica só monitorando a black list.. tem IP de todo mundo e olha videos e tal
?<02:13:11> "Pro_Smg": cara
?<02:13:14> "Pro_Smg": vou te falar uma parada
?<02:13:18> "Pro_Smg": quando eu coloquei esse nick
?<02:13:21> "Pro_Smg": eu negava que eu era o shark
?<02:13:27> "Pro_Smg": porque eu tinha usado hack como shark
?<02:13:43> "Pro_Smg": agora que eu parei de jogar nao me importo de falar isso
?<02:13:44> "Pro_Smg": mas na boa cara
?<02:13:52> "Pro_Smg": eu joguei isso mt criança
?<02:14:12> "Pro_Smg": eu tinha 12 anos QUANDO EU PAREI
?<02:14:26> "Pro_Smg": porque eu só voltei pra procurar o pessoal quando eu vi a data das prints
?<02:14:27> "1Cap": ta com q idade agora?
?<02:14:29> "Pro_Smg": 17
?<02:14:31> "Pro_Smg": =)
?<02:14:36> "1Cap": lololololol
?<02:14:36> "Pro_Smg": faço 18 em julho
?<02:14:52> "1Cap": hehe .. eu já fiz 6 anos jogando
?<02:14:54> "Pro_Smg": a data das prints é tudo 2008
?<02:14:59> "Pro_Smg": 2007
?<02:15:06> "1Cap": tem alguma minha?
?<02:15:09> "Pro_Smg": sim tem
?<02:15:10> "Pro_Smg": hahaha
?<02:15:22> "Pro_Smg": dps eu cato aki dnv..
?<02:15:22> "1Cap": bah .. legal .. se puder me enviar qq hora dessas
?<02:15:29> "Pro_Smg": mas tipo
?<02:15:32> "1Cap": vai voltar a jogar?
?<02:15:51> "Pro_Smg": provavelmente não cara... eu depois que parei aí, larguei um poucos os jogos online
?<02:16:09> "Pro_Smg": quando voltei já era mais maduro, não sei te dizer a idade
?<02:16:24> "Pro_Smg": me dediquei a jogos "maiores" e comecei a disputar campeonaato e os caralho rs
?<02:16:34> "Pro_Smg": me apeguei muito a isso
?<02:16:41> "1Cap": qual jogo?
?<02:16:45> "Pro_Smg": eu fiquei 2 anos e meio jogando combat arms
?<02:17:02> "Pro_Smg": mas o pessoal de lá é mt doente pelo jogo, tudo muito brigão, estressante pra kct
?<02:17:12> "1Cap": bah.. to ligado
?<02:17:34> "1Cap": sente saudade do AC?
?<02:18:02> "Pro_Smg": sinto sim cara... mas infelizmente eu era muito imaturo ^^
?<02:18:10> "Pro_Smg": o pessoal do CA é extremamente adulto
?<02:18:13> "Pro_Smg": *AC
?<02:18:14> "Pro_Smg": *AC
?<02:18:22> "1Cap": tá pra sair uma versao nova.. quem sabe tu volta...
?<02:18:51> "1Cap": temos até carabina de arma agora kk
?<02:19:02> "Pro_Smg": é, eu sei, eu baixei aqui
?<02:19:03> "Pro_Smg": rs
?<02:19:10> "Pro_Smg": mas vou te falar cara
?<02:19:18> "Pro_Smg": com 1 ano e pouco de combat arms
?<02:19:34> "Pro_Smg": comecei a ficar conhecido pelo meu desempenho nos campeonatos
?<02:19:42> "Pro_Smg": abri um canal no youtube e tenho 320 inscritos
?<02:19:50> "1Cap": legal
?<02:19:58> "Pro_Smg": só que o CA tem me enjoado muito
?<02:20:05> "Pro_Smg": por causa desses motivos q te falei
?<02:20:17> "1Cap": e tá com muito xiter tb
?<02:20:22> "Pro_Smg": então meu canal vai virar e-sports, que é uma mistura de jogos online
?<02:20:23> "Pro_Smg": sim..
?<02:20:34> "Pro_Smg": então não vai ser nada mais justo
?<02:20:42> "Pro_Smg": que eu dedicar umas 2 semaninhas aí no AC
?<02:20:47> "Pro_Smg": pra gravar umas cenas maneiras
?<02:20:47> "1Cap": kkk
?<02:20:58> "Pro_Smg": e colocar contando minha historia no AC
?<02:21:04> "Pro_Smg": no meu canal ^^
?<02:21:09> "Pro_Smg": porque foi o meu primeiro jogo online
?<02:21:18> "1Cap": muito legal
?<02:21:46> "1Cap": manda uma mensagem pros novos jogadores de AC. V|ou colocar nossa conversa no forum do jogo.
?<02:21:55> "1Cap": :)
?<02:22:12> "Pro_Smg": vou te falar o que eu espero
?<02:22:17> "1Cap": ok
?<02:22:25> "Pro_Smg": meus inscritos vão zuar muito o AC
?<02:22:38> "Pro_Smg": porque a maioria é do combat arms e está acostumado com gráficos tops
?<02:22:50> "1Cap": e porque o AC é legal?
?<02:23:04> "Pro_Smg": eu nunca liguei pra grafico ^^
?<02:23:26> "Pro_Smg": eu acabei de largar o combat arms pra me dedicar em outros jogos com grafico pior rs
?<02:23:57> "1Cap": pq tu gostava do AC?
?<02:26:38> "Pro_Smg": mano
?<02:26:39> "Pro_Smg": sei la
?<02:26:54> "Pro_Smg": eu sempre me apeguei aos jogos que eu comecava a jogar e gostava de primeira
?<02:27:13> "Pro_Smg": nego me enchia o saco pra eu ir jogar outros jogos "melhores" na minha epoca de AC mas eu nao queria parar...
?<02:27:31> "1Cap": t:)
?<02:28:03> "Pro_Smg": eu gostava porque eu gostei muito do pessoal
?<02:28:11> "Pro_Smg": mas a minha imagem já estava péssima
?<02:28:30> "1Cap": eu lembro
?<02:29:25> "Pro_Smg": enfim.. eu peguei minha facilidade nos jogos online com o AC
?<02:29:27> "Pro_Smg": com hack ou não rs
?<02:29:36> "1Cap": hehe
?<02:29:57> "Pro_Smg": mas depois que eu cresci e fui jogar meu segundo jogo online, que sempre foi FPS
?<02:30:07> "Pro_Smg": eu nunca mais pensei em baixar um hacker
?<02:30:21> "Pro_Smg": eu agradeço muito o pessoal do AC, que antes eu vivia brigando
?<02:30:34> "Pro_Smg": por eles terem me xingado pra cacete
?<02:30:38> "Pro_Smg": por eles terem me banido
?<02:30:49> "Pro_Smg": porque foi aí que eu aprendi o quanto é ruim ser sujo
?<02:30:50> "Pro_Smg": ^^
?<02:30:55> "1Cap": lol
?<02:31:12> "1Cap": muitos sairam por isso
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omg undead is portuguese!!1!!!1 kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk lollolololol roflflflflflfl kkkkkkkkkkk

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What the heck is it this time ._.
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Undead is very proficient in his native Portuguese dialect it seems.
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dude has 320 subscribers on youtube and he's acting like a big shot.

gj 1cap, the whole forum understands this beautiful message.
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I understood this bit.
I know it's a pain in the ass, but is there any chance one of our truly bilingual forum users could give me a translation, please?
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Any1 care to translate? I think the names that guy said are guys he thinks were hackers or what?

Maybe they say jamz is hacker too kkkk (inb4 warningpoints)
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?<02:07:28> "undead": loooooooooool
?<02:07:31> "undead": YOU STILL EXIST
?<02:07:39> "1Cap": yes :)
?<02:07:43> "1Cap": of course
?<02:07:44> "undead": Pro_Smg here
?<02:07:51> "undead": or shark
?<02:07:51> "1Cap": bah!!
?<02:07:52> "undead": kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk
?<02:07:54> "1Cap": it's been so long
?<02:08:01> "Pro_Smg": UAHEUAHEAEHUA
?<02:08:03> "Pro_Smg": caralho
?<02:08:03> "1Cap": shark?
?<02:08:08> "Pro_Smg": yes
?<02:08:10> "Pro_Smg": ex-nick
?<02:08:16> "1Cap": ahh yes i remember!!
?<02:08:22> "Pro_Smg": $h4rk
?<02:08:26> "1Cap": hehehe
?<02:08:31> "1Cap": you coming back?
?<02:08:39> "Pro_Smg": nem po (?) .. i miss the guys
?<02:08:44> "Pro_Smg": apparently most of them stopped playing right
?<02:08:51> "1Cap": many yes
?<02:08:59> "1Cap": there are few of the old guys
?<02:09:05> "Pro_Smg": like who?
?<02:09:09> "Pro_Smg": do you use another ts?
?<02:09:10> "1Cap": me kkk
?<02:09:30> "1Cap": no . there is .aK's TS... hum brazillian clan
?<02:09:52> "1Cap": say the names, i'll tell you if they are still around
?<02:09:59> "Pro_Smg": like, marreira, nocu, estigmata, panico, fael, timao, aquiles
?<02:10:02> "Pro_Smg": ...
?<02:10:13> "1Cap": none :(
?<02:10:16> "Pro_Smg": pqp (ffs)
?<02:10:17> "Pro_Smg": '-'
?<02:10:28> "1Cap": kkkkkkkkkkkkk
?<02:10:35> "1Cap": others?
?<02:10:43> "Pro_Smg": coringa
?<02:10:45> "Pro_Smg": slipknot
?<02:10:51> "Pro_Smg": plenas
?<02:11:03> "1Cap": o coringa appeared 6 months ago .. then vanished again
?<02:11:13> "Pro_Smg": (hacker rs)
?<02:11:16> "1Cap": plnas .he tries. but he's banned
?<02:11:20> "Pro_Smg": kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk
?<02:11:28> "1Cap": o Waag .. do you know him?
?<02:11:31> "Pro_Smg": yes
?<02:11:32> "Pro_Smg": wagner
?<02:11:34> "Pro_Smg": also hacks
?<02:11:40> "1Cap": he's around
?<02:11:49> "Pro_Smg": my god
?<02:11:52> "1Cap": but he says he's stopped hacking
?<02:12:01> "Pro_Smg": do you believe him?
?<02:12:10> "Pro_Smg": he wouldn't miss a shot
?<02:12:10> "Pro_Smg": rs
?<02:12:18> "1Cap": Jamz.. he monitors that .. he didn't find anything wrong
?<02:12:32> "1Cap": is he connected, Jamz? (doesn't make much sense, w/e)
?<02:12:34> "Pro_Smg": no
?<02:12:40> "Pro_Smg": it was brahma
?<02:12:41> "Pro_Smg": back in my days
?<02:12:43> "Pro_Smg": UAHEUAHEUAHEUAHE
?<02:13:04> "1Cap": he just monitors the BL.. he has everyone's IPs and watches videos
?<02:13:11> "Pro_Smg": dude
?<02:13:14> "Pro_Smg": i'm going to tell you something
?<02:13:18> "Pro_Smg": when i started using this nick
?<02:13:21> "Pro_Smg": i said i wasn't shark
?<02:13:27> "Pro_Smg": cus i had hacked like shark
?<02:13:43> "Pro_Smg": now that i've stopped playing i don't mind talking about that
?<02:13:52> "Pro_Smg": i was very young
?<02:14:12> "Pro_Smg": 12 years old when i stopped
?<02:14:26> "Pro_Smg": i just came back to look for the guys when i looked at the dates of my screenshots
?<02:14:27> "1Cap": how old are you now?
?<02:14:29> "Pro_Smg": 17
?<02:14:31> "Pro_Smg": =)
?<02:14:36> "1Cap": lololololol
?<02:14:36> "Pro_Smg": 18 in july
?<02:14:52> "1Cap": hehe .. i've been playing for 6 years
?<02:14:54> "Pro_Smg": my ss are all from 2008
?<02:14:59> "Pro_Smg": 2007
?<02:15:06> "1Cap": do you have any ss of me?
?<02:15:09> "Pro_Smg": yes
?<02:15:10> "Pro_Smg": hahaha
?<02:15:22> "Pro_Smg": dps eu cato aki dnv.. (?)
?<02:15:22> "1Cap": bah .. nice .. send it to me whenever you can
?<02:15:29> "Pro_Smg": but
?<02:15:32> "1Cap": are you coming back to the game?
?<02:15:51> "Pro_Smg": probably not dude... when i stopped playing AC i stopped playing most online games
?<02:16:09> "Pro_Smg": when i came back i was more mature, not sure how old i was though
?<02:16:24> "Pro_Smg": i dedicated myself to "bigger" games and started to compete in championships and shit rs
?<02:16:34> "Pro_Smg": i got really involved in that
?<02:16:41> "1Cap": which game?
?<02:16:45> "Pro_Smg": played CA for 2 years
?<02:17:02> "Pro_Smg": but guys there are sick for the game, lots of fights, very stressing
?<02:17:12> "1Cap": bah.. ikr (?)
?<02:17:34> "1Cap": do you miss AC?
?<02:18:02> "Pro_Smg": yeah i do... but unfortunately i was very imature ^^
?<02:18:10> "Pro_Smg": CA guys are very mature
?<02:18:13> "Pro_Smg": *AC
?<02:18:14> "Pro_Smg": *AC
?<02:18:22> "1Cap": a new version is coming out.. who knows, you may want to come back...
?<02:18:51> "1Cap": we even have a new weapon, the carbine
?<02:19:02> "Pro_Smg": yes i know, i downloaded it
?<02:19:03> "Pro_Smg": rs
?<02:19:10> "Pro_Smg": but i'll tell you
?<02:19:18> "Pro_Smg": with a little over 1 year of combat arms
?<02:19:34> "Pro_Smg": i started to get famous for my performance in championships
?<02:19:42> "Pro_Smg": i started a youtube channel with over 320 subscribers
?<02:19:50> "1Cap": nice
?<02:19:58> "Pro_Smg": but i'm tired of CA
?<02:20:05> "Pro_Smg": because of what i told you
?<02:20:17> "1Cap": it has lots of cheaters as well
?<02:20:22> "Pro_Smg": then my channel will turn e-sports, which is a mix of online games
?<02:20:23> "Pro_Smg": yes..
?<02:20:34> "Pro_Smg": then it will be fair
?<02:20:42> "Pro_Smg": for me to dedicated 2 weeks to AC
?<02:20:47> "Pro_Smg": to record some cool stuff
?<02:20:47> "1Cap": kkk
?<02:20:58> "Pro_Smg": and put it telling my story in AC
?<02:21:04> "Pro_Smg": in my channel ^^
?<02:21:09> "Pro_Smg": cus it was my first online match
?<02:21:18> "1Cap": very nice
?<02:21:46> "1Cap": send a message to the new AC players. i'll place our talk in the game's forums.
?<02:21:55> "1Cap": :)
?<02:22:12> "Pro_Smg": i'll tell you what i'm hoping for
?<02:22:17> "1Cap": ok
?<02:22:25> "Pro_Smg": my susbcribers will make fun of AC
?<02:22:38> "Pro_Smg": because most of them are from combat arms and are used to top graphics
?<02:22:50> "1Cap": and because AC is cool?
?<02:23:04> "Pro_Smg": i never cared about graphics ^^
?<02:23:26> "Pro_Smg": i just ditched CA to dedicated myself to other games with worse graphics rs
?<02:23:57> "1Cap": why did you like AC?
?<02:26:38> "Pro_Smg": dude
?<02:26:39> "Pro_Smg": beats me
?<02:26:54> "Pro_Smg": i've always been a sucker for games which i played and liked them the first time
?<02:27:13> "Pro_Smg": something something other "better" games in my days in AC but i didn't want to stop...
?<02:27:31> "1Cap": t:)
?<02:28:03> "Pro_Smg": i loved it because i really liked the guys
?<02:28:11> "Pro_Smg": but my reputation was awful
?<02:28:30> "1Cap": i remember
?<02:29:25> "Pro_Smg": oh well.. it's because of AC that i am good at other online games
?<02:29:27> "Pro_Smg": with or without hacks rs
?<02:29:36> "1Cap": hehe
?<02:29:57> "Pro_Smg": then i grew up and started playing my second online game, which was always FPS
?<02:30:07> "Pro_Smg": never thought of downloading a hacker again
?<02:30:21> "Pro_Smg": i want to really thank the AC guys, with whom i was always fighting with
?<02:30:34> "Pro_Smg": por eles terem me xingado pra cacete (br idiom)
?<02:30:38> "Pro_Smg": for banning me
?<02:30:49> "Pro_Smg": cus that's when i learned how bad it is to be dirty
?<02:30:50> "Pro_Smg": ^^
?<02:30:55> "1Cap": lol
?<02:31:12> "1Cap": many left because of that

Next time, 1Cap, don't post this shit here because no one will understand.
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Yay titi gj so far :p
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played my first fps online when i were 9 or 10 and never cheated in a single game (not even runescape) dont think immature = cheater, more of dumbass = cheater
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Why 1Cap -_-'
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(05 Jan 13, 12:39PM)titiPT Wrote: ...[Epic work]...
Holy crap, titi. Thank you, especially since Brortuguese isn't your first language ;)

Quote:Next time, 1Cap, don't post this shit here because no one will understand.
A little harsh. Make sure it's actually worthwhile, 1Cap; this just seems to read like some random, everyday chat.

Marti, I don't care who accuses me of cheating, where or when. It gives me a warm glow, like when I headshot Sanzo the other day because he was looking the wrong way...
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(05 Jan 13, 04:37PM)jamz Wrote: Marti, I don't care who accuses me of cheating, where or when. It gives me a warm glow...
So that's what they call a BL these days eh? :>

(05 Jan 13, 04:37PM)jamz Wrote: like when I headshot Sanzo the other day because he was looking the wrong way...
Let me guess, he was on your team?
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Thank you!!titiPT :>
I will not do that anymore ....
Yes, it was a normal conversation with a ex player... or not. was special (2m3)... We played 5 years ago.
But. He used cheater, and got a bad reputation. I remember that. I and others players were playing no more with him. Then he left the AC.
He concluded that he was very kid (young) and so he used cheater becouse this. Today he realizes he should not have done that.
I'm just being a bit nostalgic, understand ...
Remembering a time when having a TAG was a dream, where each new map was a challenge, a time that was difficult to hit a HS and it was special. :)
I concluded that what the AC is special, beyond the HS, are the players, the community and friendship.
The game is nothing without the community (players). Be in the forum or just be in the game.
After all, why am I posting this? Because after 6 years of playing I feel a little lonely. Few old players are still here with me. Also I do not want to turn on my PC in about 6 more years and being surrounded only unknown ...

-you guys love my English right?-
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(05 Jan 13, 04:37PM)jamz Wrote: A little harsh.
now i realize that. i guess i was just letting off steam, the translation seemed easier when i started off but i didn't want to leave it halfway through ;D
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For once I actually understand you 1Cap o_O.
I get what you're saying, it's always good to be just a bit nostalgic at times.
Oh man that ending, what a cliffhanger.
Almost on the cusp of something even more profound. I applaud you.
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jams big cheat noob kkkkk
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At least now we know what jamz did...
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I really don't understand the point of this thread... Someone?
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To whom it may concern.
?<02:07:51> "1Cap": bah!! "lol!!" -its regional
?<02:08:03> "Pro_Smg": caralho "male sexual organ"
?<02:08:39> "Pro_Smg": nem po "no! man"
?<02:10:16> "Pro_Smg": pqp "wt."
?<02:12:10> "Pro_Smg": rs "kkkk"
?<02:12:32> "1Cap":ta ligado o Jamz? "you know Jamz? - slug"
?<02:15:22> "Pro_Smg": dps eu cato aki dnv. "so, then I see here again"
?<02:30:34> "Pro_Smg": por eles terem me xingado pra cacete "And because they have cursed me too"

Ty 4all comments
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can't believe i really read half of that shit.
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(05 Jan 13, 07:55PM)#M|A#Wolf Wrote: I really don't understand the point of this thread... Someone?
Pro_Smg enlightened us all by dreaming a dream of time gone by.

Lol, somebody should sticky 1Caps most recent post as a "Brortuguese" (as jamz calls it) translator.
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Hey guys...
I know that I don't have enough respect to discuss with you guys, but I wanna explain how the AC was important for me.

First of all, I wanna say that I like fps games because of the community, as 1Cap said. I don't REALLY care about just the game, but I play fps online games because I like the friendships that you construct inside there, the clans, the clan wars, the competition. But, as an immature kid, I didn't get THE RESPECT. I used to prefer cheating because it was a easy/kid/disrespectful way to win the matches, and it's how all the cheaters think from all the online games.

I wanna thanks so much the people that huffed me, disrespected me, decreased my moral because it's marked with me until nowadays. After I stopped playing AC, I stopped a long time to play online games. When I came back, I started to HATE who use hack/cheat. I nevermore used hacks, The AC was VERY IMPORTANT to me to learn how much is bad to use cheat, because you disrespecting everybody who is playing/played with you and the game.
Nowadays, I've just stopped playing "seriously" Combat Arms(I used to play serious championships there, that requires a lot of anti-cheaters system, used to training with my clan almost all days). My youtube channel(undeadcabr) is now e-Sports(a mix of all online games, but in my channel only fps games). I will do an AC video so, I'll be playing AC for 1/2 weeks to record some scenes and in this video I will tell to my subscribers(in portuguese, sorry :/) my true history in AC, that I used to hack, in order to leave a message for all online games players TO NEVER USE HACKS AND STAY CLEAN.

I will not come back to play for two reasons:
-> I think I don't diserve playing this, I will fell like hating myself playing this game again lol
-> I found my way in order games who I didn't disrespect anyone like I disrespect you guys, so I will do my thing in other games.

Thank you guys again, I'm very greatful for the experiences I had in this game =)
Pro_Smg / Shark (yes, I was the shark lol)
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(07 Jan 13, 05:09AM)Pro_Smg Wrote: TO NEVER USE HACKS AND STAY CLEAN.
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(08 Jan 13, 01:45AM)Stüpp Wrote:
(07 Jan 13, 05:09AM)Pro_Smg Wrote: TO NEVER USE HACKS AND STAY CLEAN.

Ty for your comment Mr. Nice guy
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(07 Jan 13, 05:09AM)Pro_Smg Wrote: Ty for your comment Mr. Nice guy
Tenta o sarcasmo em português...
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