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How many mexican players?
I've just found out that there are currently (or were) playing some Mexican players, such as Wolf (which I just found out because of his interview) and Jackrock, but are we the only mexicans playing? I've heard there were other like Praetor and Frito/Frit0 and Waagner and for what I've been told they were good at AC but no one has seen them from a long time ago.
So maybe we can gather and line up a Mexican team for the next ACWC?

P.S. : Too lazy to re-read the rules, so I posted in english rather than spanish.

Edit: Corrention. Waagner nor Frit0 is mexican only praetor who was bl.
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I'd love to see a North American team get past Round 1 of ACWC 2013. Good luck getting this team together. :)
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afaik mexicans are rare in the game, at least that's for the known lads, you may find an occasional mexican in a noob server but meh
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what about happy? Although i haven't seen him in months.

edit: and he's in the US, nvm.. *facepalm*
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he's got mexican origins but he's american
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he is from peru wolf.
I know there is a player in ED that is from mexico. I think it is iluminatiox or HGF but I am not sure.
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happy can still play for Mexico in ACWC, then. :P
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(15 Dec 12, 03:11AM)bballn45 Wrote: he is from peru wolf.
I know there is a player in ED that is from mexico. I think it is iluminatiox or HGF but I am not sure.

lol, doesn't the ARG part of my nick rings the bell?
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I'm sure byrus would play more, if he wasn't concentrating on becoming President.
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I'm sure there's more, but here's a few at least.
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Too much? :P
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Isn't Monas mexican?
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Hey TheNihilanth i'm also mexican :) Viva Mexico y mis Aguilas ;)
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Whats a Nubian?

:D :D :D
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(14 Dec 12, 08:14PM)TheNihilanth Wrote: ...and Frito/Frit0 ... I've been told they were good at AC ...


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That's nice! I'll look for fellow contrymen listed above so we can gather up and practice if possible. ¡Arrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrriba! I'll see if I can setup a server in the next weeks.

@Armed: Jaja, ¡Que bien!
@lucky: Hi
@jamz: President of what?
@Vanqu!sh: Oh, Thanks!
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(19 Dec 12, 06:40AM)TheNihilanth Wrote: @jamz: President of what?
De México, por supuesto!
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(19 Dec 12, 07:12AM)#M|A#Wolf Wrote:
(19 Dec 12, 06:40AM)TheNihilanth Wrote: @jamz: President of what?
De México, por supuesto!

Jaja! no lo juzgo por intentar serlo, tomando en cuenta quién es el Presidente actual, cualquier imbécil podría ser Presidente... (sin ofender byrus :) ).
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count as both mexican and american. Rules? Never heard of them.
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(19 Dec 12, 08:59AM)lucky Wrote: count as both mexican and american. Rules? Never heard of them.
Me neither. Anyways, either side you pick you are more than welcome to join us :)
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sure, just need an adequate keyboard and a desk then i will make my return.
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