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skill difference
(05 Dec 12, 09:50AM)YesWeCamp Wrote: Hey MerCykill, there are people that dont care about their score. I dont give a flying fuck if im 1-30. As long as im having fun with the people. Most people dont play to become better, but just to have fun (assumption).

fully agree with u YWC.. that's why i play this game :P
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This is just a matter of time, as everything in life. If you wanna get better, you must practice and learn many things about the game. I've been playing for a year now! and you can remember how I started. Now, I own you all kkk (JK) <3

How I did it, well it's very simple. First, ask and play. Second, ask and play. Third, ask and play. Finally, ask and play.
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See it. Believe it. Achieve it.
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Honestly IDGAF anymore. I'm here to play, not to bitch. You make the weapons and I will get good at them. You make the maps and I will navigate them. You set the modes and I will ANNIHILATE them. Take all your skankturkey forum crap and shove it up your anus. You want MorganKell?? Bring It!!!
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The game has been going for quite some time, it's makes sense to me that there are more new players coming around and it feels is flooded of noobs, i don't know the average population for every version of AC, but i assume as in everything, time pass and some people leaves and new blood comes in. Not everyone plans to keep in touch over a game for so long, more in the competitive side if there's no revenue from it, i know some just enjoy competition for the sake of it, but to religiously coming back they gotta be really attached to the community and the game itself.

I don't know of a perfect formula for hooking a bunch of players in, you shouldn't over think about it, though. There are many factors that match up to make a game good, and you need to be lucky to success and get that people attention at first attempt. if this game was doing good at start and kept some great players (i won't call them elite sorry) for many years, there's no need to go for big changes.

Lets add to the last, if the whole purpose is getting more people you don't really have to do an overhaul to the game, if the weapon balance and few additions as the helmet and a more complex kevlar and the AR pumped up and the cool down on SMG and Sniper made the difference just focus your attention on that, there's no need to please the old players or new ones as a trade for success, if there's room for most weapons to be as good and balanced as possible to give everyone a chance and to not feel they need to stick to a single one only cause its the safest, then it will feel less monotone to play and it will be a better ground to see what can be done after.

Last, whatever is driving people to AC and needs to be done to empathize that, i just hope makes people forget about how good it was back then, is getting old and personally it bothers me to see it.
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(12 Dec 12, 11:15AM)MorganKell Wrote: You make the maps and I will navigate them.

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/~ kind of OT, but seems like info to chew on

I didn't play FPS games until I found AC a few months ago... let me tell you why I now play it regularly...

1. Non- account style setup. I like 4chan style environments where those who are legitimate and a good player will continue to use the same handle or hash...
2. No extra crap. It's a game where you run around a shoot. It does that well!
3. Open source. I love the collective conscience ideals of open source programming. If I had more time, I'd get into it with you all!
4. I see many familiar faces (I play tosok, osok, and lss really), and for the first time in years actually have a few that I really enjoy playing with and they push my skills.
5. Easy to spot cheaters. It's going to happen... for some reason, I have no issue spotting them!
6. Skill tricks to make the game fun over time. You can literally get better in small steps to ensure a complete sense of accomplishment. I didn't give up, and I am getting better :)
7. Although I keep hearing 'the game is dying', it only took 5 minutes in the IRC channel here to have my questions answered. I can't get that kind of service from Valve et all!


More on topic -

Someone hit it on the head. Especially being a free download, the mean time the average gamer plays this game will be low. I try to help the 'noobs' out on my server just to combat this issue. Maybe they'll get good enough to stay a while.

Oh! Hey morgankell... i haven't seen you on AC in a whiiiilllleeee
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(14 Dec 12, 11:37PM)pineapple Wrote: 5. Easy to spot cheaters. It's going to happen... for some reason, I have no issue spotting them!
Not always true, but I guess that'd be right for 95% of the time.
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(14 Dec 12, 11:37PM)pineapple Wrote: Oh! Hey morgankell... i haven't seen you on AC in a whiiiilllleeee

Cheers shimmy! I just hope this bottle of Scotch lasts me the night. ;)
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(17 Dec 12, 05:35AM)MorganKell Wrote:
(14 Dec 12, 11:37PM)pineapple Wrote: Oh! Hey morgankell... i haven't seen you on AC in a whiiiilllleeee

Cheers shimmy! I just hope this bottle of Scotch lasts me the night. ;)

Haha I can't handle a sixer of light beer and playing this game.
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