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I just thought I'd introduce myself.

I am SlamDrag, I've played AC for a while now but I just joined the forums. I am a programmer/digital artist in my middle teens.

My favorite gun is the Shotgun (it is so satisfying to splatter someone against the wall)
My favorite game mode is CTF or TOSOK. They are both amazing.

I am looking to join a clan too.

I hope to enjoy my stay here!

Also is there an official rules topic? Because if there is, I couldn't find it.
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Hey man. Never seen you before but welcome here. If you are looking for a clan just play inters with people. Go on IRC and TS3. Thats what all decent clans do at least.
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Hi, welcome. :D
Show some of your 'digital art' to us. :D
I love seeing the gib fly when splatting enemies. :D
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(03 Dec 12, 07:00PM)Nightmare Wrote: ...

Welcome :D
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Wellcome! Dude, do you have a Deviantart account? I want to see your work.
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Hello there.
This is the official rules topic, although it hasn't been updated for a while and it's a bit overkill. Just don't be a douchebag and you should be fine. ;)
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That thread Orynge linked can fk off far as I'm concerned... but seriously follow it and you'll be alright. If you ever want to take it to the max and live AC on the extreme hit me up. The Dark Side is A Calling... ;)
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ah. Welcome to the forums then, please enjoy your stay. :D
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By Digital art I really mean I just dabble around, I don't really do it seriously or anything.

And thanks all for welcoming me :)
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(03 Dec 12, 04:33PM)SlamDrag Wrote: My favorite gun is the Shotgun

I am looking to join a clan too.

Not sure those two sentences belong in the same post.

All the same, Welcome!
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Seems like you've got a solid background. Welcome to the community, SlamDrag! Oh, and don't mind the whole shotgun debate, it'll practically be void by the next AC release. But until then, stick to what you enjoy. :)
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reminds of of Milandrag. Feel free to check out our site www.divine-retribution.net if you are interested. Have never seen you in my life before.
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^Funny thing is he was already registered ;)
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(03 Dec 12, 04:33PM)SlamDrag Wrote: My favorite gun is the Shotgun

I am looking to b in a clan too.

welcome to the forums, enjoy your tenure here
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