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Help: AC Source folder
Hello Community,

I have the "Source" folder download in my PC , and then I edited almost everything in this folder , but my question is , what I do now???

Thank you
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Umm..Compile it
all toghter?
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How? (I'm noob :P)

I already compiled one , but It's not worked in-game.
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Learn c++ and you'll know how.
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(02 Dec 12, 06:19PM)Habluka Wrote: Learn c++ and you'll know how.

Could you answer my question?
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It'd help if you said what OS you're on
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I'm using Windows 7
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The executable does not start? Have you created an executable? Just making changes to the source files won't do anything.
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I compile it but it's not make a executable file.
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Then we'll need to know what errors you are getting. You haven't given us any information about what the problem is.
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I don't get any errors , I just edit , compile and then don't happen nothing.

For example , I'm trying to edit the source/src/clientgame , I edit what I want and then I compile , what should I do now?

(I'm using Dev-C++)
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I use Dev-C++. I'm going to assume you did not create your own project. You can't just open all of the source files and hit compile.

Dev-C++ does support importing VC++ projects with the extension .dsp but I know nothing about that extension and there appears to be no such file in the source.

Get Codeblocks or VC++. That's likely the optimal solution.
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Code::blocks installed.

I'm compiling everything at the same time... Is it right?

The same problem happens

Here is the buld log:

Compiling: C:\Program Files (x86)\Double-Shot\source\src\clientgame.cpp
In file included from C:\Program Files (x86)\Double-Shot\source\src\/cube.h:7,
                 from C:\Program Files (x86)\Double-Shot\source\src\clientgame.cpp:3:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Double-Shot\source\src\/platform.h:29:18: zlib.h: No such file or directory
C:\Program Files (x86)\Double-Shot\source\src\/platform.h:30:23: enet/enet.h: No such file or directory
C:\Program Files (x86)\Double-Shot\source\src\/platform.h:46:21: SDL.h: No such file or directory
C:\Program Files (x86)\Double-Shot\source\src\/platform.h:47:27: SDL_image.h: No such file or directory
C:\Program Files (x86)\Double-Shot\source\src\/platform.h:50:22: utf8.h: No such file or directory
C:\Program Files (x86)\Double-Shot\source\src\/platform.h:55:28: SDL_opengl.h: No such file or directory
In file included from C:\Program Files (x86)\Double-Shot\source\src\/platform.h:58,
                 from C:\Program Files (x86)\Double-Shot\source\src\/cube.h:7,
                 from C:\Program Files (x86)\Double-Shot\source\src\clientgame.cpp:3:
C:/Dev-Cpp/bin/../lib/gcc/mingw32/3.4.2/../../../../include/GL/glext.h:2322: error: typedef `PFNGLBLENDCOLORPROC' is initialized (use __typeof__ instead)
C:/Dev-Cpp/bin/../lib/gcc/mingw32/3.4.2/../../../../include/GL/glext.h:2322: error: `GLclampf' was not declared in this scope
C:/Dev-Cpp/bin/../lib/gcc/mingw32/3.4.2/../../../../include/GL/glext.h:2322: error: `GLclampf' was not declared in this scope
C:/Dev-Cpp/bin/../lib/gcc/mingw32/3.4.2/../../../../include/GL/glext.h:2322: error: `GLclampf' was not declared in this scope
C:/Dev-Cpp/bin/../lib/gcc/mingw32/3.4.2/../../../../include/GL/glext.h:2322: error: `GLclampf' was not declared in this scope
C:/Dev-Cpp/bin/../lib/gcc/mingw32/3.4.2/../../../../include/GL/glext.h:2323: error: typedef `PFNGLBLENDEQUATIONPROC' is initialized (use __typeof__ instead)
C:/Dev-Cpp/bin/../lib/gcc/mingw32/3.4.2/../../../../include/GL/glext.h:2323: error: `GLenum' was not declared in this scope
C:/Dev-Cpp/bin/../lib/gcc/mingw32/3.4.2/../../../../include/GL/glext.h:2324: error: typedef `PFNGLDRAWRANGEELEMENTSPROC' is initialized (use __typeof__ instead)
C:/Dev-Cpp/bin/../lib/gcc/mingw32/3.4.2/../../../../include/GL/glext.h:2324: error: `GLenum' was not declared in this scope
C:/Dev-Cpp/bin/../lib/gcc/mingw32/3.4.2/../../../../include/GL/glext.h:2324: error: `GLuint' was not declared in this scope
C:/Dev-Cpp/bin/../lib/gcc/mingw32/3.4.2/../../../../include/GL/glext.h:2324: error: `GLuint' was not declared in this scope
C:/Dev-Cpp/bin/../lib/gcc/mingw32/3.4.2/../../../../include/GL/glext.h:2324: error: `GLsizei' was not declared in this scope
C:/Dev-Cpp/bin/../lib/gcc/mingw32/3.4.2/../../../../include/GL/glext.h:2324: error: `GLenum' was not declared in this scope
C:/Dev-Cpp/bin/../lib/gcc/mingw32/3.4.2/../../../../include/GL/glext.h:2324: error: expected primary-expression before "const"
C:/Dev-Cpp/bin/../lib/gcc/mingw32/3.4.2/../../../../include/GL/glext.h:2325: error: typedef `PFNGLCOLORTABLEPROC' is initialized (use __typeof__ instead)
C:/Dev-Cpp/bin/../lib/gcc/mingw32/3.4.2/../../../../include/GL/glext.h:2325: error: `GLenum' was not declared in this scope
C:/Dev-Cpp/bin/../lib/gcc/mingw32/3.4.2/../../../../include/GL/glext.h:2325: error: `GLenum' was not declared in this scope
C:/Dev-Cpp/bin/../lib/gcc/mingw32/3.4.2/../../../../include/GL/glext.h:2325: error: `GLsizei' was not declared in this scope
C:/Dev-Cpp/bin/../lib/gcc/mingw32/3.4.2/../../../../include/GL/glext.h:2325: error: `GLenum' was not declared in this scope
C:/Dev-Cpp/bin/../lib/gcc/mingw32/3.4.2/../../../../include/GL/glext.h:2325: error: `GLenum' was not declared in this scope
C:/Dev-Cpp/bin/../lib/gcc/mingw32/3.4.2/../../../../include/GL/glext.h:2325: error: expected primary-expression before "const"
C:/Dev-Cpp/bin/../lib/gcc/mingw32/3.4.2/../../../../include/GL/glext.h:2326: error: typedef `PFNGLCOLORTABLEPARAMETERFVPROC' is initialized (use __typeof__ instead)
C:/Dev-Cpp/bin/../lib/gcc/mingw32/3.4.2/../../../../include/GL/glext.h:2326: error: `GLenum' was not declared in this scope
C:/Dev-Cpp/bin/../lib/gcc/mingw32/3.4.2/../../../../include/GL/glext.h:2326: error: `GLenum' was not declared in this scope
C:/Dev-Cpp/bin/../lib/gcc/mingw32/3.4.2/../../../../include/GL/glext.h:2326: error: expected primary-expression before "const"
C:/Dev-Cpp/bin/../lib/gcc/mingw32/3.4.2/../../../../include/GL/glext.h:2327: error: typedef `PFNGLCOLORTABLEPARAMETERIVPROC' is initialized (use __typeof__ instead)
C:/Dev-Cpp/bin/../lib/gcc/mingw32/3.4.2/../../../../include/GL/glext.h:2327: error: `GLenum' was not declared in this scope
C:/Dev-Cpp/bin/../lib/gcc/mingw32/3.4.2/../../../../include/GL/glext.h:2327: error: `GLenum' was not declared in this scope
C:/Dev-Cpp/bin/../lib/gcc/mingw32/3.4.2/../../../../include/GL/glext.h:2327: error: expected primary-expression before "const"
C:/Dev-Cpp/bin/../lib/gcc/mingw32/3.4.2/../../../../include/GL/glext.h:2328: error: typedef `PFNGLCOPYCOLORTABLEPROC' is initialized (use __typeof__ instead)
C:/Dev-Cpp/bin/../lib/gcc/mingw32/3.4.2/../../../../include/GL/glext.h:2328: error: `GLenum' was not declared in this scope
C:/Dev-Cpp/bin/../lib/gcc/mingw32/3.4.2/../../../../include/GL/glext.h:2328: error: `GLenum' was not declared in this scope
C:/Dev-Cpp/bin/../lib/gcc/mingw32/3.4.2/../../../../include/GL/glext.h:2328: error: `GLint' was not declared in this scope
C:/Dev-Cpp/bin/../lib/gcc/mingw32/3.4.2/../../../../include/GL/glext.h:2328: error: `GLint' was not declared in this scope
C:/Dev-Cpp/bin/../lib/gcc/mingw32/3.4.2/../../../../include/GL/glext.h:2328: error: `GLsizei' was not declared in this scope
C:/Dev-Cpp/bin/../lib/gcc/mingw32/3.4.2/../../../../include/GL/glext.h:2329: error: typedef `PFNGLGETCOLORTABLEPROC' is initialized (use __typeof__ instead)
C:/Dev-Cpp/bin/../lib/gcc/mingw32/3.4.2/../../../../include/GL/glext.h:2329: error: `GLenum' was not declared in this scope
C:/Dev-Cpp/bin/../lib/gcc/mingw32/3.4.2/../../../../include/GL/glext.h:2329: error: `GLenum' was not declared in this scope
C:/Dev-Cpp/bin/../lib/gcc/mingw32/3.4.2/../../../../include/GL/glext.h:2329: error: `GLenum' was not declared in this scope
C:/Dev-Cpp/bin/../lib/gcc/mingw32/3.4.2/../../../../include/GL/glext.h:2329: error: `GLvoid' was not declared in this scope
C:/Dev-Cpp/bin/../lib/gcc/mingw32/3.4.2/../../../../include/GL/glext.h:2329: error: `table' was not declared in this scope
C:/Dev-Cpp/bin/../lib/gcc/mingw32/3.4.2/../../../../include/GL/glext.h:2330: error: typedef `PFNGLGETCOLORTABLEPARAMETERFVPROC' is initialized (use __typeof__ instead)
C:/Dev-Cpp/bin/../lib/gcc/mingw32/3.4.2/../../../../include/GL/glext.h:2330: error: `GLenum' was not declared in this scope
C:/Dev-Cpp/bin/../lib/gcc/mingw32/3.4.2/../../../../include/GL/glext.h:2330: error: `GLenum' was not declared in this scope
Process terminated with status 1 (0 minutes, 16 seconds)
50 errors, 0 warnings
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zlib.h: No such file or directory
enet/enet.h: No such file or directory
SDL.h: No such file or directory
SDL_image.h: No such file or directory
utf8.h: No such file or directory
SDL_opengl.h: No such file or directory

These errors indicate that the files specified do not exist or have been misplaced/renamed.

error: `GLclampf' was not declared in this scope

And so on likely result from the fact that Code::blocks can't find the files specified in the previous errors.

error: expected primary-expression before "const"

This error is likely a direct result of not including the files that specify the GLenum, GLuint, GLsizei, etc. types. You're trying to declare a type that doesn't exist.

Habluka was dead right. If these are the errors you are getting and you can't sort them out you need to get back to learning before you try to edit something as large as AC.

On the other hand I am having a hard time rationalizing why Code::blocks can not find the files that should absolutely be there unless you have moved/renamed them. The good news is it doesn't appear to be a problem with the source or Code::blocks, just a mistake was made managing the files.
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So where do I have to put the src folder , or src folder's files? My bad but i'm not understanding what exactaly I have to do , and I really want to edit it.

It will be more easy if you tell me step by step?

1. I can't find any SDLs in all the "Source" folder

2. I don't moved/renamed them.
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Install mingw, go to the source folder and type make ;)
Dev-cpp come with mingw but you need configure it to be used from the command line. Here is more information.
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Jpablon is right. It's easy to just use make and I had never-ending problems with Code::Blocks (including my computer slowing down to the point of crashing).

Seeing as you're on Windows, you might have to play around with the linker options.
Perhaps try using the -static option. I found that it didn't work until I linked statically.

Try looking in C:\MinGW\lib (or wherever you installed MinGW) for files called libSDL and similar. If they're not there, you will have to install it.
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I executed a Code:Blocks project (Source/codeblocks/Assault Cube) then I clicked in "Build" and now it shows a different error menssage:

Using makefile: Makefile
mingw32-make.exe: Makefile: No such file or directory
mingw32-make.exe: *** No rule to make target `Makefile'. Stop.
Process terminated with status 2 (0 minutes, 0 seconds)
0 errors, 0 warnings

When I click in "Run" it's just run the normal AssaultCube
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Why are you messing with things you obviously know nothing about? Just download the .exe and play the game like it is.

You're making this way too hard on yourself.

In the military we called this "nuking it".
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I agree with Boomhauer, by the way you could have just used Visual Studio Express for your needs. Probably a lot easier for beginners ...
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(03 Dec 12, 09:52PM)Boomhauer Wrote: Just download the .exe and play the game like it is. ".

Who said I just want to edit some useless thing on the game , and not create a new game ???
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(03 Dec 12, 10:53PM)DShot Wrote:
(03 Dec 12, 09:52PM)Boomhauer Wrote: Just download the .exe and play the game like it is. ".

Who said I just want to edit some useless thing on the game , and not

Can someone fucking help me????

Look here D-Bag, for one thing, "Can someone fucking help me????" isn't gonna get you anywhere.

ALSO* "create a new game ???"

Yea, uh, no. You aren't wanting to create a new game, you are wanting to bork someone else's game and call it your own, i.e. "Assaultcube Reloaded" ... add little sparklies and cute avatars and retarded scoring systems and AAHHHHHHHH!!

Learn to code and MAKE YOUR OWN GAME if that's what you want to do, but don't paint by number and call yourself an artist ASSCLOWN.
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I want to edit almost all the code , not just like the Assault Cube RELOADED , and IF you know how to help me it will be very usefull.
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Listen to tempest. Visual studio express, open the vcpp project, change whatever u want in the code, change from debug to release and click build. It'll put the ac_client into win32 folder.
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(04 Dec 12, 12:22AM)Boomhauer Wrote: ALSO* "create a new game ???"

I <3 you man (no homo) Can I have your budlight. Seriously though GOODJOB :)
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(04 Dec 12, 01:49AM)DShot Wrote: I want to edit almost all the code , not just like the Assault Cube RELOADED , and IF you know how to help me it will be very usefull.

I´m sorry to tell you, but if you aren´t able to simply compile it, you won´t be able to make a "new game". Also be sure to check our licenses!
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