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AssaultCube Weekend Cup #2
currently in the works ......|s!m@a$h| !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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I'm looking forward to verylongclantag| participating in the near future.
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cause i was not playing :DD jk :) harrek played for me :)
mines is not our favourite , harrek hate urban and mines
and dam play also with a laptoq :-)
but we are not unbeatable.
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(11 Nov 12, 03:49AM)Orynge Wrote: I'm looking forward to verylongclantag| participating in the near future.

Clan tags are limited to seven characters!
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(11 Nov 12, 03:53AM)ReDBuLL Wrote: but we are not unbeatable.

Don't tell them that. ,_,
Now they have hope, which will get crushed next Sunday.
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#1 undisputed 1v1 champion, therefore I am best in ac
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(11 Nov 12, 04:25AM)Xenon Wrote: #1 undisputed 1v1 champion, therefore I am best in ac
with hax anyone can be 1v1 champion
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Unless there are two hackers, then it's the person with the lowest ping.
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(11 Nov 12, 05:58AM)Orynge Wrote: Unless there are two hackers, then it's the person with the lowest ping.

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Xenon claims victory again.

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1v1 me xenon. One match. winner takes all. ac_victor
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Well considering he dominated the guy who beat you, I'd say Xenon has my betting money on his back.
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I know demo uploading wasn't working earlier. I think I got it working now, and it'd be great if you can now provide demos so others may see what happened!
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i think that's a bit of misinformation nightmare. For various reasons. one match of ac_complex does not by any means say that I cannot beat xenon
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I know, just saying I like results and my money would be on Xenon if AC was gambling-able.
Get past round 2 so you can fight him. :3

Hopefully this fuels you to make the next 1v1 tourney that much more interesting. <3
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(11 Nov 12, 10:41PM)Waffles Wrote: i think that's a bit of misinformation nightmare. For various reasons. one match of ac_complex does not by any means say that I cannot beat xenon

same for me, how can you say who is the best if you just play 1v1 in URBAN?
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strategy sister, you should of beat xemi but you played it like a retard and pushed him, which meant you were at a disadvantage. i can't upload any of my demos until thursday, sorry.
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(12 Nov 12, 08:46AM)Xenon Wrote: strategy sister, you should of beat xemi but you played it like a retard and pushed him, which meant you were at a disadvantage. i can't upload any of my demos until thursday, sorry.

you can't say this, i had always 100 100 when i faced him and i was careful to stay on a health pack so i always had 125 100
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Demo, you engaged him with 100 25 armor like 5 times
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(13 Nov 12, 01:03PM)Xenon Wrote: Demo, you engaged him with 100 25 armor like 5 times


i have much to learn about camping!
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Especially with your good sniping skills. :3
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Just to let you guys know, we are running 3v3 CTF (Sunday 2pm GMT) and 1v1 DM (Saturday 1pm GMT) this weekend again. I'm delaying the signups this week until Wednesday to see if it reduces no-shows.
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I don't see it under the 'play' section. :)
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(13 Nov 12, 10:20PM)Roflcopter Wrote: I'm delaying the signups this week until Wednesday
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Okay, strange some counter strike team signed up. They are call WORTEX.
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Oh thought it meant sign-ups end wednesday/not start wednesday. kkkkkkkkk.
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Sorry for the confusion. Signups are now open!

I also hope to make some more improvments before the weekend:
  • Better demos tab, organising demos by event and round
  • 1v1 Hall of Fame
  • Better player stats and player/team profiles
  • Ability to provide your country in your profile
  • Several more minor bug fixes
  • Several database cleanups
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good luck, i hope someone even gets close to beating me in 1v1 this time ;)
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Nice to see that this seems to be progressing.

Once I have the time, I'm so down to play. :D
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