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Poll: Do you want new mode "gema" in AC ?
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23 52.27%
21 47.73%
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Gema mode ?
This gameplay is popular, what would you do with it ?

- disable killing
- one flag entity
- playerstart entities only around "start base"
- player who gets flags - increment flag count + respawn
- calculate difficulty number from map structure (1 - 10)
- report successful players in MS database (map/time/server/player/difficulty) and show statistic with each entry of player to the map

I think the implementation would be successful, you don't need to build the playerbase of the mode.

You have many maps for the mode, only you need to solve showing such servers for players.
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Gema modded servers are good enough for me honestly. I just think that they should be allowed on the MS, only on a special section cut off from regular servers, at the bottom or something. Or the whole modded server list, which has been requested before.

I think that gema is a fun thing (when on the right maps), but probably shouldn't be a default mode. Ruins the average fps-ness of ac, no regular fps player who's new to ac wants to join a server and not be able to shoot anybody.

Edit: Pressed wrong poll option, oops. How can I change it? ._.
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gema servers are not good enough. Killing in gema is as boring as teamkills. But if you disable killing on a server, it will be banned because your are not allowed to modify gameplay. Instead you have some server scripts or player scripts banning gema killers. But they are allowed because everyone can do everything he wants on his server. This is one of the most hypocritical thing I have seen in the development of this game.
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Having a modded server where killing being disabled is what I was referring to when I said a gema server. Take Gema Central for example, it has lots of good mods to allow people to play gemas but unfortunately it's not allowed on the MS (though that does mean less killers).

What I sad was that there is no need for a mode, but maybe a section of the MS or a different sever page dedicated to modified servers such as these or servers which support X-Ray_dog's zombie mod or etc.
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ok got it. would be a good idea imo.
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(26 Oct 12, 11:57PM)Z3R0 Wrote: What I sad was that there is no need for a mode, but maybe a section of the MS or a different sever page dedicated to modified servers such as these or servers which support X-Ray_dog's zombie mod or etc.

This, just switch in options show/hide moded servers (by default hidden)

But this has already been suggested in the past.

I have seen many threads like this before, any discussion is pointless! If you want to waste yout thoughts in this thread, feel free to do so... but as i said, its pointless. Gema or any other mode can be added into ac very easily. The game itself can be made more popular with many other things added/fixed, not just gema. But that wont happen because it doesnt fit into the developers idea of what this game should be.
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New release kills a lot of gema maps anyways. D:
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I don't know what your problem is ...

1. Create your own little mod
2. Make the protocol number negative (this way it declares as mod)
3. Register a server at the MS
4. Let the clients connect
5. Have fun
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YES! Do it! Pwease! :D
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(27 Oct 12, 02:32PM)Xenon Wrote: nope.avi

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Even though I enjoy playing gemas, I don't think a gema mode would be appropiate for the game. What aerke says should be enough or the way servers are set up currently is fine imo.
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It is question, not a problem. it is "software" question. what would happen if it would be in AC and vice versa?
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I can never understand how something that's played every day and adored by so many in the game is not appropriate for the game
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(28 Oct 12, 05:17AM)Misty Wrote: I can never understand how something that's played every day and adored by so many in the game is not appropriate for the game

Gema isnt realistic or something?
Well, its a free game so devs have no need to increase popularity for profit. lol

AC has 10k+ downloads a week trololol.
I think ghosts download it.

I personally dont give a shit if there is an official gema mode or not anymore.
I voted for it because im not a spineless hypocrite that plays gema and then doesnt support it on these forums.
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gema is a huge part of the AC community not really represented in this forum. You cant just ignore it and do like nobody play it.

also what HP said.
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Meh, most games have their sub grouped communities and devs rarely listen to them, and for good reason. They are having trouble enough getting the next version out, and running the game as it is currently. They can't give into every request and demand.

Just because lots of community members want it doesn't mean they should do it, its a free game and its a game which you can mod. Stop asking for support and just do it yourself on modded servers, like the zombie mode people.

I see this very complaint in communities in most games I play, the difference with those games is that they are complex enough that you can have alternate ideas without breaking the core conception of the game..


Its an arcade shooter, nothing more. Less QQ More PEW PEW.
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We just want more people to join gema servers. If we make it into a modded server, no one can really join it except people who know the /modconnect and the ip. For example, X-Ray_Dog's zombie server is only played on certain occasions.
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What about this game is realistic? The playerskins are so real. The guns too, oh boy. That thing that only one weapon can headshot, that's pretty realistic as well. How about that ac_douze environment, with that floating whatever? It's just so godamn real. You know, there are gemas maps that are well done, this argument is even overused in these discussions. The bad ones are made by the same 12 year old kids who make "throwing sword" levels for Happy Wheels, they just wanna create something for a game they think it's cool, it just so happens to be poopy.

I don't really think the devs are going for a realistic approach, they're just trying to make a fun game that doesn't require much. This, they have accomplished. But, oh well...

(28 Oct 12, 03:16PM)Edward Wrote: gema is a huge part of the AC community not really represented in this forum. You cant just ignore it and do like nobody play it.

also what HP said.
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@ gema's forum representatives being low in numbers.
Because the devs banned them. :p @ paul & fred. Even though the former is apparently being freed sooner than later due to the 'Free Paul' movement. :D

Slightly more on topic I've tried several gemas and never completed one. :3
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I enjoy the challenge of Gema's. However i dont think that a mode is necessary.
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(28 Oct 12, 11:01PM)Mr.OpTic Wrote: I enjoy the challenge of Gema's. However i dont think that a mode is necessary.
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I dont really need gema to be official or that the devs code anything.
I just want them to stop banning servers without damage. Pretty simple?
Not for me, but for the majority of gema players who are annoyed by killers. I never cry when someone kills me i stop doing gema and spend all my time killing the killers. Or i look at the killers as another obstacle course. Its like a sub gema mode for me:D

Misty lol epic post
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I doubt that the developers can do something normal, gema is beautiful without ac developers, if they are taken for something - they spoil it, for example - ac 1.0 and 1.1. Just stop ban gema-servers.
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Gema servers are only banned if they do not follow the rules.
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have you ever wonder who made the rules? Dont you think it can be changed?
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Quote:Servers will be banned from reporting to the Master Server if they have gameplay-affecting modifications (without using a modified protocol), if they use unvaried map rotations, or if they are noted by multiple AC forum users as being undesirable in some way, eg. constant offensiveness/abuse by admins.
They seem like good rules to me.
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Don't give the devs more to do, they have enough to do before the next version will be released...

No but... Some gemaservers would be fine... I enjoy playing gema as well, but making it an official mode? naaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah
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Still not sure that I know what a "gema" map even is -- is it like defrag in Quake 3?

*EDIT* Never mind, found another thread that explains it. Interesting.
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