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ac_hacienda (beta)
Here i wanna introduce the first beta of my newest map: ac_hacienda
All feedback is welcome!!

[Image: ac_hacienda_beta.png]

[Image: screenshot45.png]

[Image: screenshot46.png]

[Image: screenshot47.png]

[Image: screenshot48.png]

[Image: screenshot49.png]

You can download it here: http://denbeke.be/ac/ac_hacienda_beta.zip
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Very good map :DD
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Big, open space, little run-through ways to enemy base, I like it.

Suitable Guns : MTP-57 Assault Rifle/Precision Tech AD-81 Sniper Rifle/TMP-M&A Carbine.
Suitable Modes : CTF/TDM/TOSOK.

Grenades and Akimbo could be used at advantage.
Fast movements and good knowledge of walk ways in this map could be at advantage of enemies.

I see this because of aerial view of map, and screenshots.
I would love to play this map. :)

Much regards,
SpiRiT. :)
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Fuuu it look like the map I'm making :'(
good job btw :p
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I'm sorry Luc@s :D
Can i c that map?
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if you come on teamspeak we can organize that :D
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Nice FPS ;)
Good map, however perhaps think about making the open areas a tad less open? :)
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not bad man :) but in some places areas are too wide and disnt filled with anything :/
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Layout looks nice and your detail is good except for a few spots and... well... the lighting makes me want to vomit. :(

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(16 Aug 10, 05:17PM)Viper Wrote: the lighting makes me want to vomit. :(

How can i make it better?
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I'm agreeing with Viper, even looking at the screenshots you can see the lightning is messed up.
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A good map, will be confusing to me only for a little while. Obviously really bad for 1v1. Very visual appealing map to my eyes. When I first saw it it was a new kind of map almost, it fits with the official maps, but yet, it has a different fresh feel (I really dont know how to describe it better, sorry). I like it.
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Nice map!

Do you usually get 23 FPS?
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He might of took these with a "not-his" computer.
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I put my graphics the highest as possible when i map, that gives me a low FPS, but it doesn't slow down my computer...

Anyone who've got some tips for a good lighting?
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Outside areas every 10th cube white light (80/15) [except near to walls, then you have to look where the sun is at the skymap.
Inside darker and more but little spots at the entrys, windows etc.

My 2 cents
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Looks nice, open area=chaos=i love
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Anyone here who can give some feedback about the gameplay in the map?
Is it good to play in teams / ffa ...
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Really great job man!
CTF-HTF-TKTF map but its a beta ;)
I think you should use differents light.

Of course its the same wall texture and floor texture on the 2 images but look the difference.

[Image: sylang11.jpg]

[Image: screenshot48.png]

You see what im talking about? :)
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i'm gonna work on the lighting...
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the only difference between your map and mine was the lights :(
same textures, same spirit... Bah :D
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I play with "horrible" graphics on. :/ I didnt take in the whole textures. Looks good.
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Light quality make all the difference!
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I'm bad for lightning and I have some problems with gamma (gamma 100 is for me really to dark to be played). So in this conditions, I can't make good lights for my map. And I understand that it can't be perfect, on mathias' map for example.
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Here ac_hacienda_beta2 with other lighting, plz give some feedback:
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[Image: 20100814.jpg]
[Image: 20100815.jpg]

Light code : "/newent light 15 90 60 40"
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How to change brightness with that code?
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Just delete all lights and remplace it by new lights "/newent light 15 90 60 40" (sry for english lol)
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Ok, something for later this week...
I'm fixing now the high WQD and FPS
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hope light will hepl you :P
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