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Banned And Impersonation
I Have Been Banned By {TBR}BHO for No reason. I want this to be Fixed, as i also saw =AoW=Jg99 Trolling & Impersonation. . I Am Ok with getting Banned, For a reason. But Unreasoned Makes me mad. Ok Can Someone Deal with this. Ill take the 20 Minutes. [Image: 3501kes.jpg] [Image: bgvbtj.jpg]
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1. Jg cant troll.
2. He's not impersonating, he's making fun of the dev of the shit ass game AssaultCube Reloaded.
3. BHO must have thought you we doing something, so ask him what he thought you were doing after you read rule 4.
4. You need to know how to be patient, so wait out the 20 mins.
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He banned me too once when I wasn't doing anything -- you must have done something that made him think you were doing something (he thought I was hacking)

For some reason I was also able to just go back to the server after he banned me.
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(22 Oct 12, 01:51AM)Felix-The-Ghost Wrote: (he thought I was hacking)

That can happen when you hack. People don't trust or like you because of it. He may just not want an (ex)hacker in the server.
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I can be patient Bcz I waited 20 minutes until to go back. and he banned me again. No reason As in the 1st picture "{TBR}BHO called a Vote: Ban Player Evan, Reason: No resion but for teh lulz"
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(22 Oct 12, 02:02AM)Si*.$mooth Wrote: . . . I waited 20 minutes until to go back. and he banned me again.

Play on a different server if the one you're on has admin abusers.
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Then don't go on his server for a while. He probably banned you for bitching.
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Bitching? eh????? No. I got there as Jg went around dissing ACR. I was playing fairly. Nothing bad or No "Bitching" .
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It looks ALOT like you're bitching looking at what you said.
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I'm Just trying to be Clear.
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boo hoo, like i said, no one loves you
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people want to play in servers where jg99 has admin???

wtf has the world come to?!
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i never impersonated u evan u retard and wolf ur a idiot. im a good admin
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Si*.$mooth you are being very immature right now, this thread really is not necessary. Im kinda shocked that im even waisting my time typing this right now, but anyway here are some basic things that you should know.

-I can ban, blacklist, kick anyone I please in my own server and write what ever I want for as a resion.

-If you do not like how my server operates then plese dont bother to reconnect, I wouldnt want to waist bandwith on someone so bitchy.

Now can i ask you for a favor?

Please post some actual proof of Jg impostering someone before you just acuse him.
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ya post damn proof
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Aw snap we on ragemode. Fk proof it's Tits or GTFO.
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(22 Oct 12, 04:38AM)MorganKell Wrote: tits or GTFO

If anyone is wondering what can get you banned from the forum, what Link did will do it. Grow up.
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(22 Oct 12, 04:08AM)Jg99 Wrote: im a good admin
of course you are.
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I guess to add meaning: Contact TBR as I assume they are the server owner in some way or another. AC doesn't run all servers so go to the source. If they don't care then you shouldn't either meaning don't play on their servers.
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