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All my threads were closed.
I will show how the moderators are acting against the Brazilians.
They do not solve the problem of BL wrong.
They are rolling for the player to give up playing.
Some players are very nervous about not being able to play. Look, were BL and did nothing!
Then they go back using CHEATER, proxy, etc. .. So they are definitely banned.
I'm not judging whether these players are right.
I contend that the moderators are concerned it has happened. Moderators err. They sent great Brazilian players to BL; Unsure.
See now that the post Jamz sent me .. Absurd! He was polite .. but solved anything? He asked if I'm having connection problems!! Sure. He included me on a blacklist.
Any friend of the king's reading this? Understand now what is racism? Prejudice? Infantilism? The power should bring responsibilities ... But sometimes the power is given to the wrong person.
Reporting a bug
1Cap 3 127 Today 08:11AM
Last Post: jamz
[split] Warnings system
1Cap 39 1,354 08 Aug 12 03:50AM
Last Post: Ronald_Reagan
Just for friends of the king
1Cap 2 386 28 Jul 12 06:05AM
Last Post: Ronald_Reagan
1Cap 23 1,403 26 Jul 12 08:18PM
Last Post: 1Cap
White List
1Cap 19 1,026 17 Jul 12 11:50PM
Last Post: 1Cap
Jamz private message...
Hello 1Cap
First, I'm sorry about your ban. It is not for you, but for many cheats who have the same IP ranges as you; Jv, H@tred/alexandree, DouzeAqueous, |BS|AssaultCube, etc...
You are right to guess that the ACWC client is the problem. When I ban a range of IPs, I can add honest players to a whitelist, but I can only do this if they use the official client downloaded from here.
I hope that this doesn't cause you too many problems, and of course I apologise again for removing your freedom to choose which client to use.
I hope, in return, that you understand that I do this to protect the innocent players in public servers from these cheats, who are attempting to ruin the game with their ignorance.
Always PM me if you have a problem connecting, and I will do everything I can to assist you.
----------------------and visite: -----
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is it possible to whitelist 1Cap on the masterserver ?
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Dude... He helps you out and all you do is start a whining thread.
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19 Oct 12, 05:30PM
(This post was last modified: 19 Oct 12, 06:00PM by fundog.)
He thinks he needs to defend the brazilians and probably he has also a reason to do for some of them.
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(19 Oct 12, 05:06PM)1Cap Wrote: I will show how the moderators are acting against the Brazilians.
(19 Oct 12, 05:06PM)1Cap Wrote: Always PM me if you have a problem connecting, and I will do everything I can to assist you.
(19 Oct 12, 05:06PM)1Cap Wrote: Any friend of the king's reading this? Understand now what is racism? Prejudice? Infantilism? The power should bring responsibilities ... But sometimes the power is given to the wrong person.
1Cap you are so ridiculous, so out of touch with reality there's nothing anyone here can do or say to bring you back. I have no idea what you expect anyone to do.
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1Cap, amigão, acho que o problema aqui é a sua merda de inglês. Você, como sempre, não entende porra nenhuma e sempre faz um idiota de si mesmo. Então traduzi a PM que jamz te mandou. Aqui, olha, só pra ti, amigão:
Quote:Olá 1Cap
Primeiramente, me desculpe pelo ban. Ele não é para você, mas para muitos jogadores sujos (cheats) que estão na mesma região que você, como: Jv, H@tred/alexandree, DouzeAqueous, |BS|AssaultCube, etc...
Você está certo em dizer que o cliente ACWC é o problema. Quando acabo banindo uma série de IPs, posso adicionar jogadores honestos à whitelist, mas só posso fazer isso se estiverem usando o cliente oficial que foi baixado daqui.
Espero que isso não cause muitos problemas, e é claro que me desculpo novamente por retirar sua liberdade de escolher qual cliente usar.
Espero, que em retorno, você entende que eu faço isso para proteger jogadores inocentes em servidores públicos desses jogadores sujos (cheats), que estão tentando arruinar o jogo com sua ignorância.
Sempre me mande uma PM (mensagem privada) se estiver com um problema para conectar, e eu farei tudo que puder para te ajudar.
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19 Oct 12, 06:08PM
(This post was last modified: 19 Oct 12, 06:08PM by jiba.)
I don’t care what nationality you are from. I find you and your post has misconstrued the purpose of the explanation and assistance offered by jamz. Excusing your dilemma as a racist intention orchestrated by jamz, I find offensive. I bet I am not alone in thinking this.
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"Please, if you believe you are banned from receiving the server list, and you haven't cheated, PM me and I'll do anything I can to help." Jamz
"and you haven't cheated,"
I was put on the same level as a player who could have used cheater .. That was very ofencive and unnecessary. Obviously it was a mistake caused by the ACWC client. I am Brazilian, i use ACWC client, then I am automatically BL?
Stop and think before you judge.
Many Brazilians who used to this client were blacklisted. It was a ridiculous attempt to prejudice.
and moderators know what I'm talking about.
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lol its just a game, take it easy ,
go out there is also a Real Life !!!
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19 Oct 12, 06:45PM
(This post was last modified: 19 Oct 12, 06:51PM by X-Ray_Dog.)
How about.... you used the ACWC client making it.... your own fault? No one forced you to use it and if I understand anything in this thread correctly, that is why you won't be unbanned. If you want to play again, use the default AC client. How hard is that to fix?
"Many Brazilians who used to this client were blacklisted." Because they used the client, derp.
Why don't you stop being the prejudice prick 1Cap and learn to deal with problems properly without blaming others for what they didn't do wrong.
@Anderson: Provoked? He was being helped by PM and this thread is pointless and again he is accusing the mods of taking some racist action against him.
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19 Oct 12, 06:46PM
(This post was last modified: 19 Oct 12, 06:50PM by DES|Anderson.)
Am i missing something here, am I not right when i say this would of happened if you had fallen into a banned range no matter what country you come from? Am I also not correct when I say that there are range bans applied to almost all countries taking part in AC, some small some large?
If the statements above are correct then this is no more than a mistake, an unfortunate one with maybe unfortunate timing but still just an honest mistake nothing to get all sand in pants about :)
Err edit
I really dont think this helps even if you feel provoked.
"Why don't you stop being the prejudice prick 1Cap and learn to deal with problems properly without blaming others for what they didn't do wrong."
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Clayton, não foi isso que o jamz disse, no pm ele foi claro, extremanente educado e prestativo. O problema é que com o cliente ACWC não rola de inserir na whitelist do Masterserver, ninguen tá falando que vc usou cheat nem te comparando com outros jogadores. O cara só te explicou uma limitação que a central BL do AC tem. Agora se vc acha que isso é racismo e fica falando esse monte de bobagens aí fica difícil discutir com vc. Quem esta sendo desnecessariamente ofensivo aqui é vc. Esse teu papinho de perseguição aos brasileiros é conversa fiada, baixa o cliente certo e vai jogar tranquilo ao invés de falar merda aqui no forum.
1Cap, you completely misunderstood what jamz said, in his PM he was very helpful and polite in trying to explain you the situation. The problem here lays within the limitations of AC central BL system, he can not whitelist you unless you use the official AC client. Now if you think this is "racism" because you are Brazilian and you come here to say a bunch of bull shit about a guy that is clearly trying to help you out it gets very difficult to reason with you. jamz is not the one with "ofencive and unnecessary" comments here. This "prejudice against Brazilians" posts of yours are idiotic. Now cut the crap, download the right client and go play in peace.
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19 Oct 12, 07:14PM
(This post was last modified: 19 Oct 12, 09:39PM by fundog.)
I need to apologize in the name of 1Cap, he is frustrated that sometimes all brasilians get judged and treated the same way in one row. He has to suffer a lot from it, in that case of acwc client.
Thanks for your answers, it's what i told him too.
Thanks to Jamz to try for fixing it. (or at least understanding and explaining him)
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jaja 1 cap tranquilo, aqui nadie tiene nada en contra de usted ni mucho menos de su pais, be happy.
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Why do so many forum users have a problem understanding the "Private" part of "Private Message"? Congratulations on being a selfish ignoramus 1Cap.
The people you need to complain to are your fellow countrymen who cheat, and your ridiculous ISP. Obviously I'm an easier target. I now know not to waste my time with you any more.
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(19 Oct 12, 05:06PM)1Cap Wrote: DouzeAqueous, |BS|AssaultCube
Unstoppable hackers :( They can never quit
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Well, that's the last time 1Cap gets any help whatsoever.
"unban me"
"It's impossible, you'll have to go back to an unmodded client, because of the cheaters who have a similar IP to you."
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It would be wrong to blame the 'kings', who should be blamed are the ones who cheat. Unfortunately, the fact of the matter is there IS a high volume from your range (I thought we established this donkeys ago?) and you will be affected. Your argument is obviously understood but you really can't throw racism/prejudice accusations about, it's just a matter of bad fortune.
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20 Oct 12, 06:18AM
(This post was last modified: 20 Oct 12, 06:19AM by 1Cap.)
I'd like to bring you guys my real apology. I apologize, especially to have used the word "racism."
I thank the people who made me understand that I was expressing myself wrong. I was very bad to the community.
My English is not good enough so i could not express myself properly. Also I was very exaggerated and little substance in my arguments.I understand, now, with answers from you guys, I messed up.
I should have understood before. Sorry, but this was my time.
Confuse things. I blamed the person responsible for the BL because I'm in it.
I was very personal and didn't respect the privacy by posting messages, i am sorry for that. I should not have bother you with it.
I will not explain my reasons for what I wrote. I am writing to say that I apologize to the community for being unfair and offensive.
To all who were offended by my having used the word "racism" I want to do too many excuses. I'm not racist. I know that you are not. Maybe the right word is unfair ...
Well, the current BL is what we have .... Every day we have less players .. Each day appear more modifications of game ...more Brazilians are blocked .. I know players who which did not use cheats or acted in bad faith. and they are in BL.I have no control over the BL,
so complain to who has control.—
I'm not a moderator, so I claim 4 correct moderation with them.
But I understand that I did the wrong way. I'm sorry if offended anyone. i hope you can accept my appology and having a good time together.
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20 Oct 12, 10:10AM
(This post was last modified: 20 Oct 12, 01:24PM by jamz.)
(20 Oct 12, 06:18AM)1Cap Wrote: Well, the current BL is what we have .... Every day we have less players .. There were just under 6000 unique connections to the master server in the last 24 hours. Of these, 58 were blocked by the CBL; that's about 1%.
Of those 58 blocked connections 30 were confirmed cheats and 2 were from repeatedly abused proxy IPs. This leaves 26 innocently blocked players. Despite being less than 0.5% of all connections, this figure is still too high, in my opinion, and this is why I work tirelessly to help these players. I was able to assist in 18 of these cases (15 were Brazilian) and the next time they connect they should be OK. You, 1Cap, are in the 8 players I was unable to help; 8 out of 6000. I'm so sorry.
BTW, these sorts of figures are repeated every day, and every day I do the same job. I don't ask for thanks, and nor do I expect it because I understand that it's not fair on those affected, but, equally, I don't expect to be accused of racism, or any other kind of discrimination.
I accept your apology.
edit: Fixed 58/59 inconsistency
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And those are sexy numbers to hear.
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I remember way back when... a PM was taken to the forums and displayed for all to see. I laughed... and I cried... and shit!
Private Message son. This isn't democracy it's AC-ocracy. You want to defend your hacking countrymen? Tell Gisele to slap my ass and I'll see what I can do. In the meantime understand this. It's an uphill battle son. Start climbing. You want your Brazilian brethren free and clear? You have to earn it. Historically Brazil has the most cheats in AC, intentionally or not. You do not come into a game and attack the players who are trying to help. You come with a humble attitude willing to learn and you work yourself up from there.
i.e. idgaf who you talk shit / attack but if you touch jamz we WILL have problems. Comprende Amigo?