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Reporting a bug
My AssaultCube was connecting perfectly. I made the switch from standard client by client ACWC. Now I can not list servers.
- Master server is not replying - get more info .....

My IP has not changed. I did not change any settings .. proxy, network, nothing.
The game simply stopped listing the server. Restarted the computer, nothing. Turn off, waited, turn on the router and modem, nothing. I put again the standard client, nothing. I put the client ACWC again, nothing. I did a clean install of the game, nothing. ok ... then..

I made a direct connection to the server from FD * - ac.fd.tc and connected. its work . But, If I disconnect, can not connect again. To connect to this server again only leaving the game and coming back.
I can connect to uk.myys.tk 9999 - Again with direct connection.
/connect ...
I tested connect directly to my server list - Servers.cfg - Results.
All had the message - You have been banned ... -

Maybe I'm just connectando servers that I'm in white list.

Another thing, after trying connect servers directly, they begin to appear in the server list. "F5". appears no other ...

I'm sure I'm not banned>
addserver 28 763
addserver 28,765
addserver 28,700
addserver 28 763
addserver 11,111
addserver 28,763
addserver 28 763
addserver 28 763
addserver 28 780
addserver 28763
addserver 159 253 130 198 20 002
addserver 11,111
addserver 28763
addserver 3841
addserver 28 763
addserver 28 763
addserver 555
addserver 30 000 ... etc ...

Just changed the client to the ACWC.
I searched the forum and found no solution.
This has happened previously and returned to work alone on some days.
Anyone have any idea what that is?

ACWC bug?

***i changed my nick and can connect the same.. FD* servers and uk.myys.tk 9999 ---
others connects = ban

my ip this moment: - not fix
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It doesn't looks like a bug, "you are banned", you can only connect to servers that are not reporting to the masterserver.
I know that u are not a cheater ...but you are banned :(
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(19 Oct 12, 05:41AM)Jpablon Wrote: It doesn't looks like a bug, "you are banned", you can only connect to servers that are not reporting to the masterserver.
I know that u are not a cheater ...but you are banned :(

Yes I reached this conclusion too ... But how did this happen? Just changing the client? I changed client to ACWC client, I played normally ... After leaving the AC and back, I was in that situation. This is the second time it happens ...
Is related to the replacement of client... As I put the ACWC think it is the problem ...
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My apologies for closing this thread; I have my reasons.
Please, if you believe you are banned from receiving the server list, and you haven't cheated, PM me and I'll do anything I can to help. I'm PM'ing 1Cap now...
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