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[Image: ItuKH.png]

good luck AC!
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I got to round 7 Undead, forgot to take a screenshot for you. Gets damn near impossible after that
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[Image: acuracy.png]
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score: 169000
timer: idk
round: 4
accuracy: idk
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[Image: c2e6c6796414467eb19f339.png]

Just like AC, I never miss but still lose.
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97% ≠ never miss :P
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score: 145000
timer: 305
round: 4
accuracy: 95

god i suck lol
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(14 Oct 12, 10:33PM)blueberry Wrote: 97% ≠ never miss :P

That was hitreg fail.
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With trackpad I reach first stages of level 4 and with mouse I still can't reach level 5 but score much more.

(14 Oct 12, 10:30PM)Nightmare Wrote: [Image: c2e6c6796414467eb19f339.png]

Just like AC, I never miss but still lose.
You don't win games just cause you have good aim.
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[Image: ItuKH.png]
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you're almost as good as me
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(15 Oct 12, 02:34AM)Undead Wrote: you're almost as good as me
Not only did he get the same score, in the same time, with the same accuracy, but his imgur filename is exactly the same too. What an amazing coincidence!
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great job detective
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(15 Oct 12, 11:17AM)jamz Wrote:
(15 Oct 12, 02:34AM)Undead Wrote: you're almost as good as me
Not only did he get the same score, in the same time, with the same accuracy, but his imgur filename is exactly the same too. What an amazing coincidence!
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[Image: 1dFeU.png]

claiming #1 in AC until beaten
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So this is why I suck in shooting games...
[Image: cb78bc4f409844f2958844c.png]
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[Image: vcXIl.png]

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- Removed by Undead.
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BULL3T #1, Undead u mad ? :D
Haha now he's gonna try his best to get the #1 place back ^^
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something tells me he didn't get that score

<18:05:15> "alguem br?": what level you get to?
<18:10:45> "BULL3T": 3

on another note, theres no need to create inflammatory posts when you couldn't get past level 3 yourself.
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- Removed by Undead.
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Lol'd, this is not an inflammatory post, dont feel offended whenever i make a comment about you not being the best...
Does it really hurt your ego or?
Just chill mate, thats just a game, and i didnt even bother trying it xD
Peace <3
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i guess you're asking for it. my dearest apologies for turning my own thread offtopic.

(19 Oct 12, 08:40AM)DamDam Wrote: BULL3T #1, Undead u mad ? :D
Haha now he's gonna try his best to get the #1 place back ^^

you're asking if i am mad using infuriating grammar, then proceeding to make the assumption that i'm going to be busting nerves open trying to beat a score that only top CS pros are capable of. all these logical fallacies are inflammatory, combined with the use of emoticons only a 12 year old uses make me want to punch you in the face.

(19 Oct 12, 09:49AM)DamDam Wrote: Lol'd, this is not an inflammatory post
no, it isn't funny, and yes, it is an inflammatory post. you make loads of posts on the forums that are inflammatory by nature, then say that they aren't. i think you're just an asshole and don't realize it.

(19 Oct 12, 09:49AM)DamDam Wrote: Does it really hurt your ego or?
my ego is a show, in the same likeness of mohammed ali.

(19 Oct 12, 09:49AM)DamDam Wrote: Just chill mate, thats just a game, and i didnt even bother trying it xD
its a game that trains your aim to get better. you should try hard if you want to improve.

(19 Oct 12, 09:49AM)DamDam Wrote: dont feel offended whenever i make a comment about you not being the best...
you never make comments about me being the best, and neither does anyone else. so by your logic i should be offended every time you make a post and every single time everyone else makes a post? if you're not an idiot you'll know exactly what you're doing to piss me off.

and a new high score:
[Image: egQpe.png]

just keeps going up!
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Well as a shotgun noob my hopes were not high and as you can see I suceeded in being average :)
[Image: aim.jpg]
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Well fuck undead, now I gotta try hard more, I will dethrone you.
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[Image: over9000n.jpg]

hi undead xxx
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Lol Undead, don't bother analyzing every word, every letter, every emoticon i use, it's pointless. You should rather try to understand the global goal of my post which was teasing you.
As you apparently can't take any of it and go nuts cuz you feel like i want to piss you off, i'd just advice you one more time to chill & relax, not the whole word is against you dude!

As for my posts, lol, i posted a total of 12 posts (13 with this one) on the AC forums, and you can check every single one of it, it does not contain any inflammatory content apart from the Xenon answer when he accused .rC| .
So i don't think you can consider me being a spammer who always has to give his opinion on everything like... you?

And finally for your ego... well, we all, as kids wanted and claimed to be the best at everything; but then, some grew up and some others apparently didn't... :)

Cheers ! :-D
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Ah this a circle clicking competition.
[Image: Okay_face.jpg]
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shutup damdam, your so lost
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this thread is now just people complaining about how good undead is at this aim game.

[Image: i80d9.png]

not ashamed at all

k maybe a tad ashamed
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