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Country client/script

I have been looking for this client/script for a while. The client/script shows what country each player is from on the score board. I saw this on many screenshots and I was always interesting in it. Please post the link or code if their is anyone out their who has it. Thanks.
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Not sure if this is the one you're looking for, but recently Boomhauer asked for a custom client made by SKB - could that help?

Or you might be asking for the GsF GeoIP client. Idk if anybody's posted a link for that, might want to ask a GsF next time you see them (be sure to practice your Spanish and jajaja'ing beforehand ;D).
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I actually have the Skb client activated atm, I dont think its the one, possibly the gsf one, thanks anyway!
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Is this what you want?
[Image: 20110111_20.13.12_ac_douze_OSOK.jpg]
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Indeed I believe that is what he's looking for!
Would you happen to have a download link, jpablon?
Would be a great help to all of us :).
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Yes, that is exactly what I was looking for. Link plz :)
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(30 Sep 12, 05:43AM)Striker Wrote: Link plz :)
inb4 the Hylian Cuber appears.

Ah, hope we finally get a reliable DL source for this client. I know a few have asked for it before.
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done, but It's a different version.
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I got the client and all, but the country addon isnt working :/.
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Did you take the geoip thingy and put in your packages/misc folder?
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(30 Sep 12, 05:47AM)ShadowFlameZ Wrote:
(30 Sep 12, 05:43AM)Striker Wrote: Link plz :)
inb4 the Hylian Cuber appears.
I'm here.
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Out of curiosity, is there a script that can do this? I want to see the country of all the players too, but I like the SKB client..., tried the GsF client and don't like it.
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I know you can make a script that automatically gets the IP of whoever enters a server. Some extensions of this include the client stating what IP this matches (i.e. whose alias it is), but I'm sure you could extend it to what country he/she is from.
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Is their a way I can change how on the score board it shows "GsF"?
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