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Please Explain
[Image: wDyRv.jpg]
Can someone explain how the score is different? What makes us win more then .rC| win?
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Having a lagger in the team gives you more points.
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More flags returned , headshots ? I don't know :D
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(23 Sep 12, 06:00PM)paulmuaddibKA Wrote: Having a lagger in the team gives you more points.
Yeah that's it.
+1 post count, YAY.
I would say that it might have to do with how many times you guys tried to steal the flag (and failed), since you said in TS that all of you used AR...
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The explanations were given here.

EDIT : imo, it doesn't make much sense to compare CLA's and RVSF's scores, but it can be useful when you want to compare different players in one team.
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AFAIK 1287>1209
I see no hitboxes in the screenshot. GJ
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yeah sometimes the winner do not have the highest number of points.
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wat dat client making you have a different console for chat
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it is the gsf client : https://dl.dropbox.com/u/58495263/ac/mod/mod.rar

This client is awesome. You should try it :p Tou can also see the country of players by pressing LSHIFT and TAB
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That actually looks like SKB's client.
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(23 Sep 12, 10:24PM)Ronald_Reagan Wrote: That actually looks like SKB's client.

There is some differences :
[Image: 20120913.jpg] [Image: 20120914.jpg] [Image: 20120916.jpg]

And the hitdammages script works fine :p
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I think that in Ctf if there's a draw game, ac sorts team names alphabetical so why cla will always "win".
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(23 Sep 12, 06:00PM)paulmuaddibKA Wrote: Having a lagger in the team gives you more points.

Ban this son of a bitch alr- oh you did it. GJ.
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CLA wins.
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no, It's a draw 6-6
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(25 Sep 12, 12:44AM)EndGame Wrote: no, It's a draw 6-6
^This is true, according to the rules that Gibstick posted somewhere (and that FD* still uses).
Most other clans go like this:
If flags equal, then judge frags; if frags equal, then judge deaths; if deaths equal, judge score.
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(25 Sep 12, 12:46AM)ShadowFlameZ Wrote:
(25 Sep 12, 12:44AM)EndGame Wrote: no, It's a draw 6-6
^This is true, according to the rules that Gibstick posted somewhere (and that FD* still uses).
Most other clans go like this:
If flags equal, then judge frags; if frags equal, then judge deaths; if deaths equal, judge score.
Exactly. CLA's score > RVSF's score
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|oNe| loses just cause xenon was playing
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AHA! Another oNe hax reveals itself! They win.... just 'cause. \m/ >.< \m/
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(25 Sep 12, 04:09PM)Boomhauer Wrote: AHA! Another oNe hax reveals itself! They win.... just 'cause. \m/ >.< \m/
Even when they lose, they still win. Amazing o_O.
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DEFEND the base and COVER your teamate with the ennemy flag make you earn more points.
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(27 Sep 12, 03:11PM)Orynge Wrote: /thread?
We're only celebrating oNe's victory over rC! D:
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So oNe won more and then rC won? I'm confused.
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oNe's flags = rC's flags
oNe's frags = rC's frags
oNe's deaths = rC's deaths
oNe's score > rC's score
Therefore, in the eyes of many, oNe wins.
(although, I don't think score should be counted in competitive matches)
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oNe is also on top \:D.
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gsf gave me source to that gsf client :D
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(28 Sep 12, 02:35AM)Jg99 Wrote: gsf gave me source to that gsf client :D

One again another pointless post by Jg99! Thanks for the contribution --'

Ontopic: I think that in clan matches we need to be able to go to an extra 2/3 minutes of gameplay when everything is drawn and ignore the scores!
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aka Sudden Death Mode
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