Saved.cfg Not apearing? [SOLVED]
New laptop, Yay! AC reinstall, Not yay.

So after i re-install i enter my details, binds, settings, etc. I then close AC and open it again only to have it want me to enter my details again!

Why wont AC give me a Saved.cfg? I have re-installed it twice.
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It's most likely a permission problem. Try running assaultcube_release.bat instead of assaultcube.bat.
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No such file? where is it in the directory?
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New laptop = you have to set almost all permissions manually now.
If so, you need to right-click on the installation directory (usually Program Files(x86)\AssaultCubev1.1.0.4), click "Properties", and go to the "Security" tab. Make sure your username appears and has all the checkboxes marked. THEN see if AC can make your saved.cfg.
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What happens if you create saved.cfg where it should be, then in command prompt do "cacls C:\path\to\saved.cfg /P Everyone:F"? Are settings saved properly after that?
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V-Man you nailed it. Problem looks like its solved.
Thanks alot guys.
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I guess you got Windows 7/Vista and installed the game not properly. While the installation it asks you where to place the user-defined data (configs, maps, screenshots, etc.), in the program files dir or in the "my documents" section. So I guess you chose the program directory. Since Vista the user has no permission to this directory anymore (except for installation, etc.).
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