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Map popularity experiment results
You can see the full result table HERE. For your reading pleasure I highlighted current official maps in orange. Popularity is basically, votes divided by views.

As expected, official maps topped the table, since everyone was familiar with them. However, I wasn't expecting douze to be that far down the list (considering the situation on MS.) Furthermore, seeing how ac_desert is ranked 2, I assume once douze gets (flags) removed, it's going to be overplayed once again.

What do you find interesting in the results? Also, should we start preparing for experiment 2, a bigger(?), improved and more relevant experiment?
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Douze nº 55, seems legit.
Lol jk jk, Im a n00b, yall know that, its just that Im missing some info!

Where do this stats come from? (Servers?)
Over which period of time were this stats taken?

Amazing insight though!
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(19 Sep 12, 04:34PM)paulmuaddibKA Wrote: Where do this stats come from? (Servers?)
Over which period of time were this stats taken?
Apparently you haven't been reading ac forums much, I have posted a link to a map popularity experiment I came up with. It's completely user generated and you can still do some clicking HERE.
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people seem to really hate shine for some reason.
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SKB, yes, thats right! I haven´t.
So this are results not taken from servers!
That´s what I though! Great idea though, I would love to contribute, too bad I don´t remember names of maps, except for three gemas, ac_trip, gema_AKI, and gema_WFA (and gibbed ones).
If only shad-99 renamed all of his maps s9_*****, then I would know which ones I like!
Im really looking forward for V2. Again, good work!
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remove all maps under 50% popularity \:D
Very nice, skb!
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55 ac_douze
63 ac_2fast2furious

I am not really able to judge the quality of a map (and I know some of you are) but I am able to judge the fun I can have playing this map. Of course this is highly subjective but it seems that many (too many according some guys here) are thinking like me. I think that in a video game fun is more important than quality even if quality is important too. But this is my opinion.

I do not understand the goal of this poll. Do you want to prove to someone (devs?) that we should remove some maps? That the "whole community" (understand the noisy minority who claims representing the whole AC community) expressed itself and ask for some changes in the officials maps?

I still want to vote douze in CTF in the next version. Most of AC players want. I know most of you consider themselves as the community of AC but plz open AssaultCube and look at the most played map/mode in the serverlist.

Why would you remove the MOST popular map of the game (as I have seen in other threads) ? Do you think that there is too many players in AC and they should leave? Well more and more are leaving so yeah ... gj

Soz this is not really entirely related to this thread but I just wanted to say my views about many recent posts.
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(19 Sep 12, 06:55PM)Nightmare Wrote: remove all maps under 50% popularity \:D

No. That would get rid of arctic.

@Edward: This game is not called douze/CTF or douze/TOSOK or even desert/TOSOK. But you wouldn't really know it by looking at the server list.

@topic in general(but inspired by Edward's defense of douze): Here's a new idea. Get rid of all the popular maps. God forbid anyone play anything that's different. There seems to be an inverse relation to the quality of a map and the amount of play it gets. Anything that's not mostly open is "bad" and "too complicated."

The thought process of the average pub player to me seems to be: "I need to see you right when I spawn or else I have no idea where you are or how to find you. Let's play douze. Why is there more than one room on this map? Let's play douze. Why are there so many turns to get from here to there? Let's play douze. I think I want something different than douze for a round or two. Let's play desert."
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Well failure, I see LOTS of n00bs (average pub player you refer to, XD) who love to use SG on shine, :p
And on arid, to say another map...
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Rattrap lol
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Yea if there is anything to gain from this awesome initiative taken by SKB its that Rattrap is far and away the least liked map of his sample haha.

Great job though SKB, I love the idea
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(19 Sep 12, 10:33PM)failure Wrote: @Edward: This game is not called douze/CTF or douze/TOSOK or even desert/TOSOK. But you wouldn't really know it by looking at the server list.
[Image: captain-bobvious-captain-obvious-dumb-su...486902.jpg]
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gothic and shine are both behind arabian, gg
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@Edward: I think you missed the point...
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(19 Sep 12, 05:00PM)Undead Wrote: people seem to really hate shine for some reason.

Now I'm sad ;) they like scaffold more than shine hrrmmmm is this poll shit accurate ? :p
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I like scaffold more than shine :>

Perhaps shine is a bit overplayed?
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The design of this experiment is raw, with limited variables but it does give us a broad sense of popularity. I'm sure we can improve upon this experiment to make it more accurate, so don't overanalyze it. Take it less specifically and use it to get the general idea.
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Since when do people prefer keller to sunset, werk, gothic, avenue, wasteland??? wat is dis
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Yer, maps shouldn't be compared to each other, but looked at on the broad scale of things.
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(19 Sep 12, 07:05PM)Edward Wrote: I still want to vote douze in CTF in the next version. Most of AC players want.

I guess you wouldn't have liked when maps like ezjemville or bs_dust2 were removed. douze with flags just makes the game less serious like those very popular old maps.

Shine should be top 5, an Egypt should be in a better position.
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Egypt is probably low because of all of the custom content. I know I rated some other maps above it because I've never played a game on it.
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One thing I would do right now is to use the release image snapshot of these maps, with the 4 screenshots and minimap layover. Bc it's hard to imagine some of these maps by the image given. And even for the maps I do know, for example gothic, the image used is generic and If I hadn't already had an association with the name I wouldn't be able to tell it was that map from the image
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""Loook at all the MAPS!!" AssaultCube kicks CS, COD, and everyone else's asses!?!? HELL YEAH!!!! AC FTW FTW!! AC FTW AC FTW!! AC AC FTW FTW!!!""

-Fresh Shimmy response upon playing AssaultCube for the very first time

That's what we're shooting for, and that is what we'll get!!
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(20 Sep 12, 05:25AM)MorganKell Wrote: ""Loook at all the MAPS!!" AssaultCube kicks CS, COD, and everyone else's asses!?!? HELL YEAH!!!! AC FTW FTW!! AC FTW AC FTW!! AC AC FTW FTW!!!""

-Fresh Shimmy response upon playing AssaultCube for the very first time

That's what we're shooting for, and that is what we'll get!!
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Interesting, I was not expecting Shine or Douze to be so low on the list ^^, I think if its ok I will use your top 15 to create a new maprot for my public servers, give em what they want kind of thing. Am going to change the public match server over to new maps only also just in case someone wants something fresh.

Very interesting results though.
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(20 Sep 12, 04:39AM)#M|A#Wolf Wrote: Since when do people prefer keller to sunset, werk, gothic, avenue, wasteland??? wat is dis
Since 2009 from what I can recall about my own experiences playing keller. :-P

ac_egypt is tons of fun after you download and install all the custom content. I had a nice 1v1 on there, best time I ever had losing. Was that with you, Ron?
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Nope, as I said, never played a game on it.
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BTW, thanks for making the effort to put all this together, SKB.
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I'm glad I get to see some return on my clicking, but it does seem to reflect familiarity rather than enjoyment. I'm intrigued by desert, 2f2f, shine and complex having over 300 views each, while the others average 145, with σ~12. What made these four maps come up so much more often?
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Well fps drops are an issue for me on ac_egypt. I usually get 130-200 on most official maps, whereas on egypt I barely scrape 60 (this is with the custom content installed). It's a shame because with the textures the map is one of the best-looking in the game. It's still playable, but the reason it may be marked down is because people like me (with very low-end, 5 year old GPUs) may experience choppiness in some areas.

It's a nice list though, as Wolf said I find it crazy that somehow maps like keller and toxic come above sunset, gothic and shine. I'm also intrigued by Jamz's question.
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