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Server Blacklist
Hi everyone i would like to know why my server is blacklisted i open the ports everything correct whit help of my friends and masterserver registration always fails i guess my server is blacklisted so plz help me
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Have you followed these instructions: http://forum.cubers.net/thread-1601.html

Also, I don't believe your server is being blocked from the master server. More likely you didn't forward ports correctly.
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i did
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(09 Sep 12, 10:12PM)HarDZi!nN+ Wrote: ...i would like to know why my server is blacklisted...
It isn't.
edit: forgot to add the server log
2012-09-09 21:00:59 gameserver added: |40+|_ffriendsclan_s AC1104

(09 Sep 12, 10:17PM)blueberry Wrote: ...I don't believe your server is being blocked from the master server. More likely you didn't forward ports correctly.
Sounds right to me.
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Read this and follow the troubleshooting steps: http://wiki.cubers.net/action/view/Port_...leshooting
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hmm so i'm not blacklist i port foward wrong ok thanks

well i tryed again but still not working idk what idk what to do
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Did you check the page I gave you?
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Make sure your router has the port foward correct too, some routers have security settings that block a lot of stuff. Go to your router settings and take a look the problem is most likely there.
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ok thanks, yes dude i checked the page u gaved but idk understend very good english so i didn't read much of that things
Thanks ElCrema i will talk whit a friend of mine for he come here for make a server for me thanks for help
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now it says : Could not connect

well idk why
Someone help me plz
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Limit i think....
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