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How do you say GoodBye to a GAME?
I still haven't been able to figure this out. People are leaving left and right. They're making all these pretty goodbye threads and jerking tears... IT'S A GAME. You don't leave unless you're a dev / mod / or someone else who's contributed awesomeness. OMG. Get over yourselves. I don't care who you are or what your "accomplishments" are, it's getting fking annoying. Tbh usually those accomplishments are by and large some epic matches and that's about it. I've felt like making a few threads myself just to stroke the ego but quickly realized that it's a massive waste of time. OH NOES GUYS GOSHHHHH!! YOU ARE WEAVINGS?!?! WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!


Odds are you'll be back before you know it, and all the people who didn't know who you were before will still not give a fuck who you are. Play this game because you want to. If you don't? Well shiiiit you have a search bar. All browsers come with them. Use it.

That said... KH FTW KH FTW

I will likely be here FOREVER so get used to it. Your neighborhood badass will be drinking his liver into awesomeness from now till time immemorial and fragging some newbass into the next fking millenia long after you've all left and had your pity parties!
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I like to thing of it as a 'MIA prevention' and a little good bye to the community you're leaving behind.
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Lol for a sec I almost thought MK was actually resorting to a goodbye post.
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hahahahaha nice one dude. nothing to say.

People can tell to their friends that they are leaving but not here. This is not their home or their clan forum. This is the official forum... Need more serious :(
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So people are suddenly are not allowed to just say a goodbye? If it really affects you or causes you great pain, when you see the title "Goodbye AC" don't click on it.

(08 Sep 12, 11:05PM)MorganKell Wrote: F U C K O F F
You can start off by not clicking the thread instead. No one is forcing you type forum.cubers.net into your address bar, no one is forcing you to read nor click that thread. Also not visting these forums while high/drunk/etc would help.

(08 Sep 12, 11:05PM)MorganKell Wrote: ...it's a massive waste of time.
Just like you making this thread imo.

(09 Sep 12, 12:06AM)Edward Wrote: Need more serious :(
Why is that?

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(09 Sep 12, 12:19AM)#M|A#Wolf Wrote:
(09 Sep 12, 12:06AM)Edward Wrote: Need more serious :(
Why is that?
These gaming forums gotta have serial.
Erm, *seriousness.
C'mon guys, stop fooling around.
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People aren't saying goodbye to AC most of the time, they're saying goodbye to the AC community.

Nothing to really get butthurt about, though.
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Yeah, I can't figure this out also. Just like we'd run out of tears and crying if one of you leaves. The only one I did really care about was KanslozeClown when he left, AND HE DIDN'T POST A FUCKING FAREWELL THREAD.

Get real people, you're nothing but an username and an insignificant space on a huge database in here, so stop the fucking goddamn farewell thread posting, thanks. Just get out, nothing will notice the difference, whoever you are.
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Oh the greatness of a Drunken MorganKell Rant!
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i agree with all of your points.
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I think the community of AC is really good and it dn't be disabled! :@
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I was pretty sober for the majority of that post thank you. Given the amount of bullshit that resides here drinking is the least of my worries. Don't smoke homie, keep your drugs to yourself :). In my own way I was defending AC, and trying to bally-ho the awesomeness. What with all the "AC's stagnant, and the scene is stale" shit I've been hearing lately. We don't need stupid as fk posts about leaving. Thank you come again.
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(09 Sep 12, 04:10AM)Andrez Wrote: The only one I did really care about was KanslozeClown when he left, AND HE DIDN'T POST A FUCKING FAREWELL THREAD.

I'm pretty sure he did, no? Unless that was Apollo... I'd check but all those threads are gone now *slowly turns head towards RK*
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V 61
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I couldn't agree more with the OP. Chances are if a game is "hurting" your personal life... you really don't have much to speak of, and if that's not the case you have an addictive personality of some sort. I'm assuming AC is full of people who are either incompetent or have the worst time management skills in the world.

Using myself as an example.. I have a full time job, I go to university part time, have a social life which includes outdoor hobbies and friend and I still have time for many games including AC.

I think breaks are healthy, but making a drawn out I'm leaving AC post for an arbitrary reason seems like an excuse to showboat or an excuse to boost the ego. I have many friends who left but didn't bother with the publicity... they simply stopped playing AC and we shoot an emails at each other now and then.
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I take it out to a nice seafood dinner and never call it again
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(10 Sep 12, 02:18AM)paulmuaddibKA Wrote: V63
V 61

nooooo paul is back
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I like the part where Undead is still trying to act sane.
[Image: mS4YK.jpg]
kai hamuti
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(10 Sep 12, 04:47AM)Woolly Wrote: I couldn't agree more with the OP. Chances are if a game is "hurting" your personal life... you really don't have much to speak of, and if that's not the case you have an addictive personality of some sort. I'm assuming AC is full of people who are either incompetent or have the worst time management skills in the world.

Using myself as an example.. I have a full time job, I go to university part time, have a social life which includes outdoor hobbies and friend and I still have time for many games including AC.

I think breaks are healthy, but making a drawn out I'm leaving AC post for an arbitrary reason seems like an excuse to showboat or an excuse to boost the ego. I have many friends who left but didn't bother with the publicity... they simply stopped playing AC and we shoot an emails at each other now and then.

For once I agree with Woolly. I know I have to monitor myself with AC. I am addicted. I used to play 7-8 hrs a day, sometimes more. Addiction takes many forms.
But seriously, at least some people realize it. A lot of people live in denial that addiction is hurting their lives. ;-)
On another note, as i am required by KH law, lest I be marooned on a deserted isle with naught but a pistol with a single shot, .....I agree with MorganKell.
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(12 Sep 12, 04:58PM)Boomhauer Wrote: [quote='Woolly' pid='107890' dateline='1347248860']
As i am required by KH law, lest I be marooned on a deserted isle with naught but a pistol with a single shot, .....I agree with MorganKell.

Every Hounds forum signature should be this, I swear to live by this now.
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If every KellHound made that their signature, I would push for signatures to be activated on this forum.
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Don't suck up
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Don't confuse respect for sucking up, fool.
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3 weeks
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You say goodbye like Jorik did, with fireworks and lulz.*
*Might not be entirely true.
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(18 Sep 12, 09:45PM)paulmuaddibKA Wrote: You say goodbye like Jorik did, with fireworks and lulz.*
*Might not be entirely true.
More like, a kick...and then another kick :>.
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because logic
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