--> -->
hey guys. I would like some help to make those scripts :


I have already made /ignoreall but it is rather ugly \0/
alias ignoreall [
(sleep 0000 [ignore 0]);
(sleep 0000 [ignore 1]);
(sleep 0000 [ignore 2]);
(sleep 0000 [ignore 3]);
(sleep 0000 [ignore 4]);
(sleep 0000 [ignore 5]);
(sleep 0000 [ignore 6]);
(sleep 0000 [ignore 7]);
(sleep 0000 [ignore 8]);
(sleep 0000 [ignore 9]);
(sleep 0000 [ignore 10]);
(sleep 0000 [ignore 11]);
(sleep 0000 [ignore 12]);
(sleep 0000 [ignore 13]);
(sleep 0000 [ignore 14]);
(sleep 0000 [ignore 15]);
(sleep 0000 [ignore 16]);
(sleep 0000 [ignore 17]);
(sleep 0000 [ignore 18]);
(sleep 0000 [ignore 19]);
(sleep 0000 [ignore 20]);
(sleep 0000 [ignore 21]);
(sleep 0000 [ignore 22]);
(sleep 0000 [ignore 23]);
(sleep 0000 [ignore 24]);
(sleep 0000 [ignore 25]);
(sleep 0000 [ignore 26]);
(sleep 0000 [ignore 27]);
(sleep 0000 [ignore 28]);
(sleep 0000 [ignore 29]);
(sleep 0000 [ignore 30])
see : http://forum.cubers.net/thread-16-post-1...#pid106251
Thanks given by:
This ignores the enemy team. You might want to:

1. Change the binds on the last 2 lines
2. Wait until someone who's more familiar with CS than me makes syntax/style suggestions.

alias ignore_enemy [
  loop i 20 [
    if (!= (at (pstat_score $i) 4) (curteam)) [
      ignore $i;
    ] [clearignored $i;]

bind "F9" ignore_enemy;
bind "F8" clearignored;

Modifying this to have an 'ignore_all':
alias ignore_all [
  loop i 20 [
      ignore $i;

I assume that no server has more than 20 people on it. Not sure if this is reasonable.
Thanks given by:
yeah some server has more than 20 slots.
Your "ignore_enemy" code do not ignore only the enemy team but everyone connected on the server.
Btw I am going to use your ignoreall code (loop i60 4morefun) ty :p

And would it be possible to :
- automatically add in ignored list each new connected player (for ignoreall)
- automatically add each new cla players in ignored list and automatically remove each new rvsf player from ignored list (for ignorecla)
- automatically add each new rvsf players in ignored list and automatically remove each new cla player from ignored list (for ignorervsf)
Thanks given by:
SVN Has ignore all in menu, The Devs should try to implant ignore team, or ignore enemy
Thanks given by:
Added some new SVN commands:


You can ignore team RVSF by doing:

[cubescript]/ignoreteam rvsf
// or
/ignoreteam 1[/cubescript]

You can ignore team CLA by doing:

[cubescript]/ignoreteam cla
// or
/ignoreteam 0[/cubescript]

You can also ignore the entire enemy team by doing:


And theres still:

// and
// or

For ignoring/unignoring all other clients on the server. Thanks for the ideas guys. :)
Thanks given by:
