Ser Registrado
ow Brazilian clan assault cube meaning of the word ow owners of that in Brazilian owners came up with the word vairos goals but one of them and be registered on the official site of the assault cube we are almost forced it.
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Love these posts :D
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And I love the un-obfuscated mail addresses in the user name. Spam is just delicious.
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why do you even allow special characteres on usernames ? :p

For Everton

Em Portugues :

Ae cara, quando for postar as coisas aqui, use o tradutor do google, só que quando for escrever lá, use a pontuação correta pra tentar deixar o mais proximo possivel do que voce realmente que falar, se nao fizer isso nem o google adivinha o que voce quer dizer :p

In English :
Learn to use google translator xD
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Keep 'em coming, this shit is hilarious.
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