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New AC video.
Another AC video from me... so here it is:
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Well with the weird music, your voice, and the weird texts I'd say it's unique, I give you that :)
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Tnx :D
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HAHA this is great.
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Dat team gib! hahah!
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What is it? Serbian? It is East European for sure...
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What did i even just watch?
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[Image: 833841.png]

E: Oh, and he is Finnish.
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There was once a time where i was dreaming of listening to the Finnish version of the Final countdown, and now, it has come true.
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pweaks; Ebin guva :-DDDD
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Can you link me to the song please? I like it :)
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(23 Jul 12, 10:02PM)Vanqu!sh Wrote: Can you link me to the song please? I like it :)

Artist: Eläkeläiset
Buy "Jaeaekaerihumppa" on:

I like your vids but this one is still the best AC vid !! I watch it everyday : http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=pla...dpgI2l5gwc
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Vanqu!sh; Here is live version about that song:
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Thank you! :D
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