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Favourite Map?
For me Desert3.
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ac_aqueous. Any side, any mode. ;)
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I got tha power...
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ac_power or ac_arid. Depends on the size of the game.
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elevation as RVSF, gothic as RVSF, power as CLA.

douze for 1v1s.

As for non-official maps, I also like MEGATOWERS_REWIND and ac_magicschool.
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@lol vanq
For non official maps that I play I like gema_A.K.I(Rare-Version) and ac_trip, now called ac_gema_trip; as well as any shad-99 map.
For the ones I don´t play I like ac_launch, and others I can´t remember...
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(12 Jul 12, 02:47AM)paulmuaddibKA Wrote: @lol vanq

I was being serious...
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ac_arid, ac_gothic, ac_desert2
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ac_desert3, ac_gothic, and ac_elevation
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ac_moon <3
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ac_cavern <3
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ezjemville, dust2, riverside
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(12 Jul 12, 07:00AM)Vanqu!sh Wrote:
(12 Jul 12, 02:47AM)paulmuaddibKA Wrote: @lol vanq

I was being serious...
Isnt that the one with the blue flag at cla and that goes downhill/uphill only?
Love it too!
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My favorite maps probably still good old Power, by wotwot.
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ac_elevation, apache, ac_inca2.
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(12 Jul 12, 01:12AM)Vanqu!sh Wrote: ac_magicschool.
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CTF: ac_edifice
KTF: ac_elevation
HTF: ac_desert2
T/DM: ac_toxic
T/OSOK: ac_scaffold
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ac_zanka \:D
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It's very surprising that some of people's favourite maps are the one's that the server plays after the last game and always results in a vote to change map.
TOSOK ac_desert
CTF ac_shine, I want to say depot too but you have to rely on the other team being so much better than your's that they are never dying and spawning all around you so that you have a chance to get into the base, into the pit, climb the ladder out the pit and then get back out the base.
LSS ac_desert, douze and the !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!lss_brasil classics
OSOK douze
Gema GEMA_buddel_remake_by_unarmed and 40+Gema :p I only like the easy one's because I get so frustrated when I run out of ammo at the 10th attempt at the first jump
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my top 5 : d3 gothic sunset depot urban
fot 1v1 it is douze or gothic (hate desert and dislike 1v1 btw)
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Jesus. Most played CM/inter map ever xD.
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ac_desert TOSOK
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I have 3 favourite maps:
ac_depot (ctf)
ac_desert (dm & osok)
ac_shine (ctf)
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My favorite map is ac_ingress
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ac_complex, ac_ingress, ac_gothic, ac_oasis, ac_wasteland, ac_lainio, ac_swamp. :3

Can't decide between ac_complex and ac_ingress for my favourite.
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ac_elevation & ac_scaffold are two long term official favourites of mine. Two great small maps which provide rapid intense and provide enough fun to satisfy a 10 minute ac fix to last me days.

But I have an ever changing list of favorites both official and custom.

“Change always comes bearing gifts.” ~Price Pritchett
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not kidding at all.
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