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SAD NEWS+e$a|!|ShreE* leaving
I have sad news...
Our member and good friend e$a|!|ShreE*'s dad has passed away and currently he has no family that is willing to take him in.

He is 16 and lives in london england and is now planning to work for a living.

I have told him to go for adoption or to a boys hostle because for the sake of his education and it wiLl be really important to him

It may. Not be the best choice but that's what I suggested.

He said he was gonna quit e$a but I said e$a was a family and he's still part of this family.

If anyone would like to help him his email is

He said he will go to the library. For access to a computer but not to play ac so he's quitting ac. He can only reply to emails so plz support him

I wish the best for his future..
GL shreE and we will all miss you

--Brk,your e$a family and Assault Cube members :[
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Good luck from us all ShreE*, have a good and happy life, and remember, we'll miss a fellow AC player like you.

(well, most of us.)
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GL ShreE. Im sure you will be ok eventually.
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ShReE* joined e$a|!| because I was going to join and I said I would see him soon but now he won't ever play?

Anyways GL ShReE* and hope you will be fine and have a successful future.
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ShreE I know your a strong lad! :P.. -and i'm really sorry for your loss :(
I hope you do well ..
-Be strong and focused! and you'll see that life isn't that bad after all!
-Im gonna miss your! :(
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Keep your head up. Things will get better.
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Oh shit, ShreE*, if you read this, its in my better understanding that there are plenty of places in London that would give you all that you need to cover your basic necessities. You must continue your studies, even i it means to live from charity for a while, or even find a foster home.
Apart from that, Im really sorry for your loss, you are very young and it must have been a terrible blow. Please if you need anything just ask, you will be amazed how many people are willing to help. And its better to receive twenty nos, but still have tried, than not to receive anything because you didnt even tried.
You must be strong and courageous, and eventually you will find again your place to call your own, as hard or difficult it might seem now...
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i'm very sorry to hear that. :( :( Good luck you will do just fine.
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ShreE, i know the situation where you are in right now.. I'am almost in the same one. But i just know, the things which you could do, to find the right way to life like a normal citizen, in germany.. I am so sorry about this and would really wonna help you, cause this situation, where you and me are, is so hard..
But I wish you the best things you can get! And really hope for you, and for all in the world who is in this situation, that he/she can find a way, to life normal! And perhaps, to find a new family!

Kind regards, .EL.
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I haven't been on the forums long enough to know him, but I hope he's okay... And I'll try to hit him up with an email.
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