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Novo Clan De AC ~~~DxT.
Este Clan foi Comprovado pelo Presidente!

O Clan DxT. vai ser Promovido a Oficial
Este clan vai participar no campeonato de AC no final deste Ano

Agradecemos a disponibilizaçao de todos os participantes do AC, pois
sem eles não existia clan.

Este Clan está em Recrutamento!

Quem quiser entrar no clan, tem obrigatóriamente que falar com um
dos Líders ( STREET; M4sK; LeXus )

Se o jogador que estiver a fazer teste não for assim tão bom, ou não
passa no teste ou fica em DxT?. ( Clan Test )

RnG-DxT. = Rangers

JnR-DxT. = Juniores

by Presidente
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I'll translate this, it's a good read.

This clan was confirmed by the president!

TcA clan is going to be promoted to official.
It will participate in AC's championship at the end of the year.

We thank the availability of all AC players, for without them there would be no clan.

The clan is recruiting!

Whoever wants to enter the clan, must talk with one of the leaders (insert nicks here).

If the player being tested isn't that good he will either be denied or he will be placed in CT| (clan test).

by President
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Boa sorte amigo!
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Ta virando palhaçada isso aqui!

(This turned clowning that here!)
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Palhaçada é pouco,
Mas o presidente pode tudo (kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk)
DxT ex TcA
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I didn't know Dilma Rousseff played AC.
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the DXT clan returns
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I thought that one was DIXT?
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DxT? Well at least I don't have to ask where you got your hacks from ahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha! aha.

But seriously, can a clan legally be called DxT? It's like going to a Papal Audience wearing this:
Mod edit: OVER 18s ONLYWhich is something I don't recommend.
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Their tag might be blocked by the TyD forbidden.cfg. Keep that in mind in case this user posts about being banned for some unapparent reason ;P
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