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Teabagging? how do you feel?
just wanting to know about your feelings on the teabagging scene in AC?

as a bagging veteran myself it would be nice to know your views.
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i really dont mind it....i dont find anything wrong with teabagging
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Teabagging is a way to savor a well-earned victory.

Don't teabag noobs unless they've been talking smack.
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All fair do's! Anyone else have something to say on the matter?
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it helps when you do it to a player that's already in rage, since they will become furious and then will ragequit or play terribly xD tho i dont really do it tbh
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Just found this...

[Image: baggedflowtron.jpg]

oooh yeah! i'v bagged the best of 'em!
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Oh, you're that guy screaming for every frag done........
Really annoying to be honest, but I don't care at all.
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I am an old fart, so naturally, I find it a bit weird. But I don't mind.

What I find bad is doing it all the time. Any rituals like this should be reserved for real good and funny frags.

Played a guy today who went "YES!!" after every headshot - pretty annoying.
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Just like spamming "Nice shot!" or just saying "Nice" every time you get killed. It's usually noobs who do this, and noobs usually die a lot. With T-Bagging, the more the merrier IMO.
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is it not a good thing to celabrate a headshot anymore?
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It's annoying if it happens all the time - sort of takes the specialty away.

There are headshots that just happen - and there are those where you explicitly aim for the head. If I just flick my aim and get a random headshot, I don't see why I should cheer. It's another thing if I get his head when it's just sticking out behind that crate, and I actually aimed for it.
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(11 Aug 10, 10:46PM)mykegregory Wrote: is it not a good thing to celabrate a headshot anymore?

It is, but not to the point where you actually have a bind for saying YES!! every single time you headshot...
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Teabagging huh?

Urban dictionary says
Quote:1. teabagging

the insertion of one man's sack into another person's mouth. Used a practical joke or prank, when performed on someone who is asleep, or as a sexual act.

And people really do that when they play assaultcube? Man some guys have weird hobbies :D ;)

However if I missunderstood and you are referring to

Quote:A term heavily used in the first-person shooter multiplayer online game. Teabagging is referred as, upon a successful kill of another player, crouching over the head of the victim's dead body as they lay on their back (dead); and doing so repeatedly in a "teabagging" motion. This act is to shame and humiliate the victim player, and usually incites anger and violence. This act is not unlike dances performed by football players after a touchdown.

For me its a waste of time. If others do it to me in a game, thats fine. I don't mind them doing it. If it makes them feel better about themselves.
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(11 Aug 10, 10:46PM)mykegregory Wrote: is it not a good thing to celabrate a headshot anymore?
You can say "YES!" when you have 1 hp, kill 10000 enemies and score the winning flag when there are 5 seconds left to the end of the game, or when you gib 1209434 enemies with one nade, but doing it for every headshot is A N N O Y I N G.
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what mean of term "teabagging" have you in mind ? :P
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Nah, I kill way too many ppl when I play, if I would crouch over dead bodies after each kill, my legs would hurt :P
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being an online game, I'm sure the online-game-definition bears sway here.
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I just enjoy shooting celebrating idiots when I catch them with their pants down =)
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Try only crouching twice. It takes 1 second, but it leaves the dead player a message :D
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The only time I really celebrate (If you can call it that way) is when I make a low HP flag run. Meaning I steal the flag with say 4 HP run through the whole map and score with 4 HP. Then I usually write in the chat "4Hp flag run".
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I usually get in front of a camper and t-bag them till they move, or till they tk me.
I also will run, do the t-bag motions in front of an enemy, and then kill them. Its even more satisfying with the new shotgun gib.
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I only do it to people I know as a joke or some one who is cocky ( like yourself it seems) I remeber u t bagging me . The while you still t bag I kill you. Maybe do it less you don't want a bad rep
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i do it everytime i kill Cage or Shield :P
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I generally associate it with haughty noobs, unless I'm familiar with the person who's doing it.
Although I admittedly may teabag someone in return if it's done to me :D
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At that point it's more of a friendly handshake.
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[kindaofftopic]I love gibbing someone while they're teabagging :P[/kindaofftopic]
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I don't fancy the idea, but thenagain I'm not British.
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Depends on who is teabagging and in what situation.
If someone I know kills me and teabags me in a casual game it becomes a running joke for the match, and is quite fun.
When people do it in serious matches (like clan matches) or when someone I don't know teabags me, I assume they are just being arrogant, and that is really annoying.
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^ agreed
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If someone I don't know, or someone that is trying to piss me off in a pub, teabags me, I'll simply do it back. They get the message to back off.
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