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Accidental Texture Delete
I was transfering AC onto my laptop when I accidently deleted subgun normal skin,sniper menu folder, shotgun menu folder, and the carbine menu folder when I modded them. Is there a way to download these file separately, because I cannot re-download assault cube because it will default it on my CPU.

Did I use enough clarity?

OK, Im giving up the transfer, but It is nice to have the files backed up...

Im also missing the sniper world folder...

wait a minute! I'll check the recycling bin... be back with updates

i found the shotgun menu folder in the recycling bin, that's it
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(15 Jun 12, 04:03PM)TackyMan Wrote: I cannot re-download assault cube because it will default it on my CPU.
Huh what?
You can get a tarball with all the stuff here. Use peazip, 7-zip or a similar tool and just extract what you need.
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This reminds me of when I accidentally a mod.
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