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AC 1.1 _obvious_ cases of cheat
// Name: douzeaqueous
// Ban date: 2011-12-09, ~14:05 GMT +1
// Server: Server Finland 4 Custom Maps =MyS= (
// Ban reason: speedhack
// Proof: http://www.mediafire.com/?4uxndouvu8wp7lc, http://img6.imagebanana.com/img/bfkha6hv/20111209_13.02.44_ac_douze_LSS.jpg

joins at around 2 minutes remaining, demo, ip-screen

Thanks given by:
// Name: [hErO]
// Ban date: 2011-12-09
// Ban reason: speedhack
// Proof: http://www.26things.com/ac/forum/THS_CTF_ac_desert3_2011.12.08_1906.dmo
Link to demo. His ping starts around 120-130, then on 18 seconds into the game it slowly rises to >200. He then moves off at a faster pace.

// Name: unarmed
// Ban date: 2011-12-09
// Ban reason: aimbot, no recoil
// Proof: http://www.26things.com/ac/forum/Dylan_HTF_ac_desert2_2011.12.07_2355.dmo
Joins in the first minute and makes two kills before lagging out. Link to demo. This one won't be super obvious to all, but it was to me ;)
Thanks given by:
// Name: |UTY|R3X
// Ban date: 2011-12-09, ~ 19:05 GMT
// Server: DES|Baldrick TOSOK
// Ban reason: Spawn hack (spawns in enemy base)
// Thanks to Benson for providing intial report.
jamz edit: This is Th3kiD again, previously blacklisted here.
Thanks given by:
// Name: BigNoob[DEAD]
// Ban date: 2011-12-10
// Ban reason: Speedhack
// Ban server: DES|Match [FR]
// Proof: http://www.mediafire.com/?vjj511u5alswmjd

Thanks given by:
// Name: Scutt
// Ban date: 2011-12-11
// Ban reason: aimbot
// Proof: http://www.26things.com/ac/forum/TOSOK_ac_desert_2011.12.11_2213.dmo
Joins around 6 minutes remaining. Link to demo. It's not obvious until the round that begins at 11'10
Thanks given by:
// Name: noscopes
// Ban date: 2011-12-12
// Ban reason: speedhack
// Proof: http://www.26things.com/ac/vids/noscopes.html
There were no demos available on the server. Link to video.
Thanks given by:
// Name: RET456ZOMBIE
// Ban date: 2011-12-12
// Ban reason: aimbot
// Proof: http://www.mediafire.com/?hr7ygchlc49x1yr
Link to demo.
Thanks given by:
//Name: Trunks
//Date: 12/13/2011
//Reason: Speed Hacks
//Proof: http://acfox.webs.com/Etc/TOSOK_ac_desert_2011.12.14_0713.dmo
//I.P.: http://i39.tinypic.com/24fxt6w.jpg

Joins at 6:30 remaining, do ignore the player I happened to be spectating xD
Thanks given by:
(29 Oct 11, 09:27PM)jamz Wrote:
// Name: =By3=.CroNoZ, aka Latino
// Ban date: 2011-10-29
// Ban reason: speedhack
// Proof: http://www.26things.com/ac/forum/CTF_ac_desert3_2011.10.29_1851_12mr.dmo
Link to demo. [ED]colombiano and [ED]MR.JAM play on the same IP, but I do not believe any of these are the same person, so this incident has no link (other than by blood or friendship) to [ED]. Please PM me if you know otherwise.

Is this the same Latino?:

[Image: 20111216175302acwerkhtf.jpg][Image: 20111216180846acsunsetc.jpg]
Link to demo: http://www.mediafire.com/?09ftbl5t54s4724

Thanks given by:
Yes it is. He's quite obviously speeding throughout the demo; just spectate him for a couple of minutes, then swich to a player who strafe runs smoothly through the map. The speed discrepancy sticks out quite well.
He, and, of course, his relatives, are still Centrally Blacklisted, but some people are so determined to be fucktard cheats that they care nothing for the wishes of others. If server owners want to make sure he's banned, here are the IP ranges used:
This will keep all three players banned; Latino, [ED]colombiano and [ED]MR.JAM, so you have to decide if that's what you really want. If you think you can trust the other two, there's always the option of deban passwords.
Since the end of October, when the IP ranges were first banned, only one other player has been affected, and that was on only one occasion.
Thanks given by:
Deban passwords would be a fair choice....[ED]colombiano and [ED]MR.JAM shouldn´t have to pay for what Latino does...
Thanks given by:
//Name: -Cube-hamaham
//Time/Date: 11:10am GMT +0100 17/12/2011
//Server: [FRA]Le serveur publique do CartoonCraft
//Demo: http://www.mediafire.com/?bf9yiuyd9969an7 (didnt get a screen shot) they join about 7 minutes in
//description: every kill they made no matter where it hit on the body was classed as a headshot
Thanks given by:
// Name: raikennedyBR
// Ban date: 2011-12-17
// Ban reason: aimbot, no-recoil, OPK
// Proof: http://www.26things.com/ac/forum/THS_TDM_ac_arid_2011.12.16_1936.dmo
Link to demo.
Thanks given by:
2 Hackers IN ONE DEMO!

Both players have name "Hax" in it.
//Ban date: 2011-12-19
//Ban reason: Oblivious Speedhack
//Proof: 20111219_23.36.51_ac_douze_TOSOK.jpg - 105.6 KB <--- IP info
TOSOK_ac_douze_2011.12.19_1842_8mr.dmo - 217.8 KB <--- DEMO

Hopefully, Jamz will provides Full ips...

Right now, IPs are...
Thanks given by:
// Name: ibne
// Reason: speedhack
// Date: 19 december 2011
// Server: w00p| public fraggin'
// Demo: http://www.mediafire.com/?m66hy3i22odl8oo
Demo 6 mr
Thanks given by:
// Name: whatfoor
// Ban date: December 21 2011
// Ban reason: Speedhack
// Proof: http://www.mediafire.com/?r54ip6vd5lybykj
Thanks given by:
// Name: TeamKill
// Reason: Speedhack
// Date: 21 december 2011 4:21 am GMT
// Server: Exodus 24h CTF-HTF-KTF
// Demo: http://www.mediafire.com/?hhf9lc3glxfggar

edit: Is this the same guy?
// Reason: Speedhack
// Date: 21 december 2011 4:47 am GMT
// Server: Exodus 24h CTF-HTF-KTF
// Demo: http://www.mediafire.com/?byrq0mpk082cf8x
Thanks given by:
^ No, it's not the same guy.

// Ban date: 2011-12-22
// Ban reason: hitbox switch
// Proof: http://www.26things.com/ac/forum/Marley_CTF_ac_village2_2011.12.21_2351.dmo
Joins around 11 minutes remaining, but only switches to sniper from about 7mr. Link to demo. Map here.

// Name: CIA
// Ban date: 2011-12-22
// Ban reason: hitbox switch
// Proof: http://www.26things.com/ac/forum/pub_demo_CTF_ac_power_2011.12.22_1056.dmo
Joins around 7 minutes remaining. Link to demo.
Thanks given by:
// Name: ...
// Ban reason: speed hack and aimbot
// Proof: http://i40.tinypic.com/3492p3m.png
//IP: 201.95.107.x
Thanks given by:
(22 Dec 11, 05:33AM)Leoi Wrote:
// Reason: Speedhack
// Date: 21 december 2011 4:47 am GMT
// Server: Exodus 24h CTF-HTF-KTF
// Demo: http://www.mediafire.com/?byrq0mpk082cf8x

// http://thebloodrising.niceboards.org/t602-blacklist-speed-hack#6992
Thanks given by:
//name: .Feeh / Feeh
//ban date: 12/22/2011
//ban reason: wallhacking and possible triggerbot
//server: Mewtwo.tk 7777
//proof: http://www.sendspace.com/file/5wsuvk
//ip: the ip listed below was taken from whois on quakenet irc where he asked me to 1v1

Mod edit: Unless I'm mistaken, ~70% accuracy with the AR.
2nd edit: ...and, this is Roach, blacklisted here
Thanks given by:
//name: mlodymazur[PL]
//ban date: 23/12/2011 13:05 GMT Approx.
//ban reason: Speedcheat
//server: Gema {Reccord}
//proof: Demo
//ip: 178.56.149.x
Thanks given by:
//Name: Shangomaru
//BanDate: Dec. 23 2011 about 3pm Mountain time USA
//BanReason: Infinate Nades/Nades in TOSOK
//Server: |DTF|PKKiller Server
//Demo: http://www.mediafire.com/?kovf2y8q9gz6u7i

Mod edit: corrected IP
Thanks given by:
// Name: MoNsTeR_xEnErGi
// Ban date: 2011-12-24
// Ban reason: OPK
// Proof: http://www.26things.com/ac/forum/CTF_ac_gothic_2011.12.22_1547.dmo
Joins around 11 minutes remaining. Link to demo.

// Name: +
// Ban date: 2011-12-24
// Ban reason: speedhack
// Proof: http://www.26things.com/ac/forum/TOSOK_ac_arctic_2011.12.22_1642.dmo
Joins around 5 minutes remaining. Link to demo.
Thanks given by:
// Name: A8ngelfr0mh3ll
// Ban date: 2011-12-25, ~02:27 GMT
// Server: Plato Private/Match Server, votable, East coast
// Ban reason: Hitbox switch.
// Proof: http://www.mediafire.com/?ghw9zt1vcr313a3
Partial IP: 173.180.193.x
Thanks given by:
// Name: slowboat!
// Ban date: 2011-12-25
//Server: [AC Ladder] {TyD}Pennywise
// Ban reason: speedhack
// Proof: http://www.mediafire.com/?chu1oafh3zcavep
Thanks given by:
// Name: Gaven
// Ban date: December 26 2011
// Ban reason: shooting through walls, seeing through walls, offering cheats
// Proof: http://www.mediafire.com/?rieypedceemwq4y
Thanks given by:
//Name: BundyAL
//BanDate: Dec. 26, 2011
// Server: Gibbed-gemas
//Ban reason: Unlimited Nade hack
//Demo: http://www.mediafire.com/?ebsf0vio5afxv1k
Thanks given by:
// Name: Hackinglegitly
// Ban date: 2011-12-27
// Ban reason: speedhack, aimbot, wallhack
// Proof: http://www.26things.com/ac/forum/TOSOK_ac_desert_2011.12.27_1748_1mr.dmo
Joins around 11 minutes remaining. Link to demo.
Thanks given by:
// Ban date: 2011-12-27
// Ban reason: triggerbot, sometimes uber-kickback!?
// Proof: http://www.26things.com/ac/forum/CTF_ac_shine_2012.12.27_0525.dmo
Link to demo.
Thanks given by:
