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Poll: More Custom Maps?
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Yes, I'd like to see more HQ custom maps on public servers.
31 93.94%
I'm not interested, I play official maps mainly.
2 6.06%
Total 33 vote(s) 100%
* You voted for this item. [Show Results]

More Custom Maps...
... on public servers. And by custom maps I don't mean random but high quality custom maps.

But what are HQ custom maps? Well, my definition might be a bit different cause imo those maps meet 2 main conditions: They look good and are fun to play. I know that both of these points are subjective though I think most players have something in common.

Remember High Skill? Of course you do, good times... But what made high skill that attractive? Most of all the competition, playing there was hell of fun! But secondly, there have only been a few maps in the rotation, if I remember correctly CTF Mines, Power, Shine and Sunset. And voting was disabled. A simple but effective way to succesfully fill servers cause everybody loves these maps.

And how about high quality custom maps? Well, the BoB and TyD ladder servers broke ground by adding high quality custom maps to their rotation, maps like Apollo_Arabic_Night, Casa, Industrialisies, Riverdry, Riverside, Venganza. But they also did mistakes by adding maps that most players don't like (Arid, Apollo_Castle) cause they either strongly favour a specific type of weapon or simply are not fun to play.

So I thought about HQ custom maps, I checked out lots of maps by having my own definition at the back of my head. Maps are usually a lot of fun to play if they are similiar to the most played official maps. That means they need to have open and tight spaces so that every weapon stands a chance of being used + an appropriate ammount of mapmodels and pickups. Unfortunately, there are quite some maps around which do not fulfill those requirements even if they might look good on first sight.

So I made a map pack of HQ maps that could have a chance of being played. I'm a realist and know that only a few out of those would actually stand a chance of being played frequently, sadly.


Last update: September 25th, 2012
191 maps in total

ac_2fast2furious by $N!P3R*
ac_africa by $N!P3R*
ac_aftermath by ~ICarUS~
ac_aim by Nieb
ac_aim2 by Deathstar
ac_alcove Halo & Bukz
ac_ambar by Stupp
ac_ambush_beta by Archangel
ac_ancient by Kidcrazy
ac_army_beta by $N!P3R* & SaNd'Z
ac_asylum_beta by DES|KC & DES|sundown
ac_avenue by DES|jiba
ac_bank by laarson
ac_blarg by =RA=Thorite
ac_blizzard by shad-99
ac_box_factory by B}evanzo23 & B}Nightmare
ac_brick by Alien
ac_bunker by Mr.Floppy
ac_casa by $N!P3R*
ac_cavern by Undead & ExodusS*
ac_cilla by Halo & Duckett
ac_cine by StatioN
ac_ciudad by MPx
ac_crane by Z3R0
ac_culvert1.1 by DES|Bukz & DES|optus (fps drops!!!)
ac_deadwood by Think3r
ac_debris DES|Halo
ac_department_beta2 by $N!P3R* & Sand'Z
ac_derb by $N!P3R*
ac_desert4 by $N!P3R
ac_desertica by i9*
ac_desertstorage by Jg99, {TBR}IguanaMoo & iOD|K!ll
ac_desolate by DES|Ruthless
ac_dimp by TRA$H_PC
ac_dingy by Bukz & Halo
ac_dioura by $N!P3R*
ac_discovery by Snoosnoo
ac_docks by pwnerpony
ac_dune by undead
ac_dusk by A&D_Shadow
ac_edifice1.1 by DES|Bukz & optus
ac_excavation by Milandrag
ac_faarax by Spookyfish:)
ac_fabrik by Mr.Floppy
ac_farce by Loelin
ac_fetus by fetus
ac_fetus3 by fetus
ac_fetus4 by fetus
ac_firm_beta3 by Dreamer
ac_fold by Dreamer
ac_forge by Duckett
ac_forgotten by PiYesWeCamp
ac_fracht by Mr.Floppy
ac_freight by Bloodsport
ac_front by lemmings
ac_frontline1.1 by Stupp*
ac_frost by Andrez
ac_frostbite by Z3R0
ac_fudge by Shad-99
ac_ghost_town by DES|KC & DES|sundown
ac_gimp by fetus
ac_golden_beta by Andrez
ac_greenpeace by DaylixX & Brett (fps drops!!!!)
ac_gridlock by =RA=Thorite
ac_hacienda_beta3 by MathiasB
ac_hazard by DES|Undead
ac_heatstroke by w00p|Syntax, w00p|''Zodiak & Sp33dy
ac_hq by jiba
ac_ice_beta by oblivion
ac_iced by Deathstar (fps drops!!!)
ac_ifran_beta by |BC|$N!P3R*
ac_industrialisies1.1 by jiba, Sanzo'', Brett
ac_industries by doctor & Toca
ac_iron_beta by =RA=Thorite
ac_italy by TRA$H_PC
ac_kanal by Mr.Floppy
ac_knast by Mr.Floppy
ac_komplex by oblivion
ac_krullskeep by fetus
ac_lainio by Halo
ac_logistica by Stupp
ac_lotus by Dog|BC|Dancing & |BC|$N!P3R
ac_majik by Robtics
ac_mayhem by fetus
ac_medina by Andrez
ac_metl3 by DES|Halo
ac_metro by w00p|Syntax
ac_mezzanotte by Z3R0
ac_midnight by DogDancing
ac_mirage by Z3R0
ac_mojave by Andrez
ac_mojave2 by Andrez
ac_nest by Mr.Floppy
ac_nightshift by morph33n
ac_nocturne by YesWeCamp
ac_noct by DES|Dreamer
ac_oasis by RuTLe$$
ac_offices by Sharp
ac_ore by Undead
ac_origin by BCFH|DaylixX!
ac_palm_beta by $N!P3R*
ac_parkour by $N!P3R*
ac_pharoah ny Jama & R4L (fps drops!!!)
ac_pipeline by Kidcrazy
ac_railway by SuaveDude
ac_rebel by Snoosnoo & Gibarix
ac_recic by Duckett|KH| & iOD|_FatCat
ac_revenant by Z3R0
ac_rilos by Spookyfish:)
ac_rivedry by Alien
ac_riverside by A&D_Shadowz
ac_riverside2 by Deathstar
ac_rock by Alien
ac_roofs by |BC|$N!P3R*
ac_ruinas1.1 by fetus & jiba
ac_russia by Undead
ac_rust by Think3r
ac_safari by DES|Bukz
ac_sand2 by $N!P3R
ac_sands by ViperX07
ac_saturn1.1 by Alpha-Jet
ac_savana by fundog
ac_say by TheSharpShooter
ac_sewage by kleinkariert
ac_sewers by laarson
ac_shelter by Redemption Gam!ng
ac_shipping by Maj.Hillis
ac_shortway by DogDancing
ac_silence by A&D_Shadow
ac_sleet by =RA=Thorite
ac_specops by R4L
ac_station by R4L
ac_stellar1.1 by Halo & Bukz from DES
ac_stockade1.3 by DES|Halo
ac_stoops by fetus
ac_storage by TheSharpShooter
ac_strike by TRA$H_PC
ac_sun by $N!P3R
ac_suburbs by Dvorakk
ac_surface by Think3r
ac_swamp by |oNe|.ExodusS* & Undead|oNe|
ac_swazy by shad-99
ac_sylang by ExodusS'' *HyBr!d & $p@k0
ac_techdust by Sauer2
ac_tempest by Takkunen
ac_terros by DaylixX & Sanzo''
ac_tone2.0 by Mariana & Raizen
ac_tropical by Bloodsport & TBR
ac_ubahn by kleinkariert
ac_union_lockout by shad-99 & G.I.Joe
ac_ursstreet by |uRs|
ac_venganza1.1 by jiba
ac_venison by fundog
ac_vent by Undead
ac_village by SuaveDude
ac_viridis by HyPE|Fate & iOD|Huntsman
ac_warehouse by Bigben91
ac_warhead by Andrez
ac_wasteland by DES|Halo & DES|R4zor
ac_watertreatment by fetus
ac_whirlwind by Z3R0
ac_wildwest by Snoosnoo (fps drops!!!)
ac_winteryfactory by Jg99
ac_zanka by $N!P3R*
ac_zone_beta2 by $N!P3R (fps drops!!!)
apollo_abbey by Apollo{TyD}
apollo_arabicnight by Apollo{TyD}
apollo_castle by Apollo{TyD}
apollo_castle2.5 by Apollo{TyD}
apollo_desertcity by Apollo{TyD}
apollo_facility by Apollo{TyD}
apollo_harbour by Apollo{TyD}
apollo_subcity1.1 by Apollo{TyD}
deserted_v1.20 by MuzzleFlash
dm_canicule_night by SnD
Favela by V!P|Stupp*
kc_dam by DES|KC
kc_mud_beta2 by DES|KC
kc_rust by DES|KC
Knox by MuzzleFlash
koth_night by Think3r
ML-Abandoned by Polymorphic
mpx_desert by Mpx
mpx_suburbios2 by Mpx
obl_snow by oblivion
obl_storage by Oblivion, Shade & Jesus
r4_scorched by R4zor
r4_sleet by R4zor
sd_sewer by DES|sundown
shipment by Think3r
space_douze by Shad-99

So I was thinking of a maprot that could be fun, maybe some server owners read this. Would be cool if one of the ladder servers could run this maprot or something similiar. My idea is simple: Use official and HQ custom maps in a relation 2:1. Meaning, if you'd have for instance 15 maps in your rotation, you would have 10 official ones and 5 custom maps (I think this is kinda similiar to some existing ladder maprots).

Like this one:

Desert3, Werk, Oasis, Power, Ingress, Venganza, Shine, Gothic, Riverside, Outpost, Mines, Apollo_Arabic_Night, Depot, Urban, Casa (All CTF)

But I would even go that far as to disable voting cause with a decent rotation there's really no need for that and it prevents players from voting Desert3, Power, Shine etc. over and over again. That really sucks, AC needs more variety on public servers. Also, if possible there should be a way to force server owners add a specific number of HQ custom maps to their rotation, maybe like a relation of 1:3 of custom / official maps or so, that could really help. Plus a restriction that a map can't be played 2 times in a row. (Just btw: I know you can always vote what you would like to see and play but I'm a bit lazy and don't want to vote everytime I start AC, I'd like to see a bit of a change really).

I even made this little vid to show some nice maps, some are known from 1.0 for instance but others are not played at all. Note that these are not the absolute top maps that stand a chance of being played frequently, only a few of those actually, I focused more on showing some nice looking maps made by different mappers, they are fun to play though.

Thanks for reading.
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Good stuff, you're right there are way too many great maps out there that never see the light of day.

I know one of the biggest issues in the current (and previous versions) of AC is the fact that all custom media must be downloaded "out-of-game" via 3rd party servers and manually "installed" by the client before the map will run properly. Culvert is a good example, without the custom media, you'll see even more fps drops than usual (it is a big map, has fps drops to begin with, but introduce missing media and network lag into that and it becomes unplayable) - if I remember correctly that was one of the major reasons HI-SKILL servers stopped pushing custom maps (too many lag complaints from people unwilling to download/install the maps)

Hopefully, if the auto-packages downloader is implemented in the next version, that will no longer be an issue, since everyone will be able to download custom media for maps right in-game.

Like you say, the other biggest issue is the unwillingness of server owners to put good custom maps into their maprotation and enforce it. With map voting being enabled, theres a good chance the server will only see official maps and/or ridiculous "noobish" maps being played/voted in. Players have no incentive to play the server's maprotation.

Ladder servers especially should be showcasing all of AC's great maps, not just the official ones. Make a nice maprot, disable map voting, and let the fun begin. :)
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We need shit like HI-SKILL back seriously. Hope some servers owners take the initiative so that hopefully by the time 1.1.1 comes out, the community already has some badass quality servers ingame.
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(12 Jun 12, 07:38AM)#M|A#Wolf Wrote: We need shit like HI-SKILL back seriously. Hope some servers owners take the initiative so that hopefully by the time 1.1.1 comes out, the community already has some badass quality servers ingame.

F1, also I would like to see a shit ton more maps added to the official list.
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(12 Jun 12, 08:07AM)Vermi Wrote:
(12 Jun 12, 07:38AM)#M|A#Wolf Wrote: We need shit like HI-SKILL back seriously. Hope some servers owners take the initiative so that hopefully by the time 1.1.1 comes out, the community already has some badass quality servers ingame.

F1, also I would like to see a shit ton more maps added to the official list.

I agree, a lot of these fantastic custom maps could be added to the official list.

I am planning on running a server sometime in the future, and have bookmarked this thread/video for further use. :D
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In my opinion maps like Ratrap, aqueous, complex, scaffold, snow should be replaced. No- one plays them !')
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None of the current official maps will ever be removed, we will be adding more official maps, but taking any out of the package is out of the question.

P.S. TDM/DM ac_complex is the fkn beez neez. You have no taste in AC maps if you don't like that map/mode combo. :P
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@ Aight B}Free on BoB Ladder has had roofs/desolate/etc. in the past. iirc desolate has spawns in the middle of the map for both sides, which is just weird and not innovative for ctf games. Verse & Reagan looked through lots of custom maps to make the server sexier. I don't know the current map rotation, since it doesn't get played on much. When Verse gets less busy with work, we can have it changed up again for more sexyness. Unbiased picks too, so it's not a tyd server with tyd 24/7 maps, or shad99's server with most/all shad99 maps. etc. no B} maps yet :3 American server though, so you would have to live with 200-ish ping. :(

@ Painter: aqueous 4 life.

@bukz: rattrap should be considered just because it lags unholy. Just seems hypocritical to target low end machines then have maps that crazy. I get better fps on @camper I think...
:( But yay add more maps, no more dev maps gogogo. <3
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On another note, has any dev thought about updating the default map rotation? The current one sucks and doesn't contain half of AC's maps in it.
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Hey I like new maps and everything, but I dont like plying maps that are poorly made. You bring maps that are just as good as official maps, maps that involve cover, tactics, and the 3-way entry and exit points for flagging, then yeah, i F1 this, but no some crap map that has one tunnel where you can see everyone and its just who can shoot first down the tunnel lol.

eh I ramble sometimes, but just bring me new maps that are like Shine, Powwer, Depot, Des3.
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there are so any of these Ike ;)

I got in contact with Sir Floppy a while ago about the official map list and good possibilites to add and maps that (imo) should get taken out or restricted to modes. He agreed with many points but I sadly couldnt find any time to review more maps etc.

maybe this thread will help a good deal! :)
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(12 Jun 12, 02:32PM)Ike Wrote: Hey I like new maps and everything, but I dont like plying maps that are poorly made. You bring maps that are just as good as official maps, maps that involve cover, tactics, and the 3-way entry and exit points for flagging, then yeah, i F1 this, but no some crap map that has one tunnel where you can see everyone and its just who can shoot first down the tunnel lol.

eh I ramble sometimes, but just bring me new maps that are like Shine, Powwer, Depot, Des3.

3 way entry
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(12 Jun 12, 03:10PM)titiPT Wrote:
(12 Jun 12, 02:32PM)Ike Wrote: Hey I like new maps and everything, but I dont like plying maps that are poorly made. You bring maps that are just as good as official maps, maps that involve cover, tactics, and the 3-way entry and exit points for flagging, then yeah, i F1 this, but no some crap map that has one tunnel where you can see everyone and its just who can shoot first down the tunnel lol.

eh I ramble sometimes, but just bring me new maps that are like Shine, Powwer, Depot, Des3.

3 way entry

when i say 3 way entry/exit i mean you have either Right, Left, or Mid to go through xD I apologize for my horrible wording there
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I think I found a free vps. Might set up an AC server with this maprot if ToS allows it.
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Epic Vid. I'd say it's as good as some of the sauerbraten map videos that are out there, and those are pretty damn epic.
Wonder who picked that title? <3
Better than ac_mapfap.
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ac_strike is way too big. The others in the video were nice. ac_ambar and ac_metl3 specifically.

Anyone have a link for ac_metl3? Some more arena maps like that would be good.
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Le sigh.
Now I wonder what they do allow lol?
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Aight's pack of maps includes ac_metl3.

Buck up and download them all. I'm not going to upload one map for you when the link is at the top of the thread.
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Heh, guess I should have read the first post.
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I think more custom maps is a great idea, providing there aren't too many with custom content.

for example, I downloaded a map called ac_egypt recently. I think it's actually a masterpiece and I am in no way meaning to knock this map because I think it's genius, but instead of the stable 125fps I get on official maps (and most custom ones too), I instead got 30 and it became unplayable, and hurt my eyes. so less custom content on maprots would be nice, imo.
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I really just want to play ac_swamp in clan matches
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If you added 20 maps into the official package, I would be so much happier. The ladder servers have noobs and if I can go in, run around and get a 10 ratio easy it's not fun. Although pubs have customs, being able to rape them so easily makes them boring. Putting 20 or so customs into the game, clans could play them in matches and instead of played depot as a final every time or shine. This could mean that clans could choose up to another 20 maps then normal and it would be really enjoyable playing different maps. The only thing is people with bad PC's won't be able to crank 250+ on customs:>
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(13 Jun 12, 06:31AM)Xenon Wrote: The ladder servers have noobs and if I can go in, run around and get a 10 ratio easy it's not fun.
With or without cheats?
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good question tempest. I get 60% acc with smg on publics without cheating so I think 60% acc turns into a 10K/D.
[Image: funny-gifs-the-pain-of-celebration.gif]
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Nice list up there!

We're actually already about adding more maps to the package and in this respect this discussion is highly appreciated.
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(13 Jun 12, 11:34AM)Mr.Floppy Wrote: Nice list up there!

We're actually already about adding more maps to the package.

[Image: thumbs-up-chuck.gif]
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We need moar Stupp.
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whatd be cool is if someone could script in rain for maps.

adding a rain effect for AC maps would be kinda cool xD
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(13 Jun 12, 03:20PM)Ike Wrote: whatd be cool is if someone could script in rain for maps.
adding a rain effect for AC maps would be kinda cool xD
It could also be laggy as hell :D
AssaultCube Cube 2 edition go go go.
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I had the rain idea about a year ago in the ideas thread already, sorry :P
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