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Post your shoes
Shoes are quite a popular things these days with Vans and Converse' and whatever other brands their are but whatever, you get the point.

Post what shoes you like to wear
[Image: 20123178-01-FT-XL.jpg]

reccomend kustoms.
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[Image: 047519_001.jpg]
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[ video=youtube]http://www.shoesonlinebox.com/images/l/nike-air-force-one-low-premium-retro-lifestyle-shoes318775004-513.jpg[/video]

[Image: g133237695637892301.jpg]

*edit [Image: nike-air-force-one-low-premium-retro-lif...04-513.jpg]
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[Image: nike_cap_black.jpg]

[Image: nike-air-max-tn.jpg]

[Image: 2247lblackecb.gif]

u see my hat. its fukkn peaked up. u know wat dat means. means im a fukkin sikkunt. got me tns and my bumbag. FUCK sikkunt right here
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[Image: orig+crocs.jpg]
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the new sexy

[Image: Iris-Shieferstein-3.jpg]
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[Image: awhyeah.png]

I got a pair of custom nikes, but meh. These are my babies along with...

[Image: space-diver-master-pair-shot-withput-str...etouch.jpg]
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[Image: converse-all-star-clean-mid-can-1740-2-1.jpg]
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that sounds like a thread for me :D

Converse Chuck Hi Black
[Image: Converse-Herren-Freizeitschuhe-Chucks-Al...-black.jpg]

Converse Star Player EV Ox Black
[Image: 43917_350_A.jpg]

Vans Slip On Black/Blue
[Image: vans-classic-slip-on-2-0.jpg]

Vans Slip On Checker Black
[Image: 17_0.jpg]

Vans Authentic Leprechaun
[Image: vans-authentic-sneakers-gruen_1048655-60-02.jpg?%24XL%24]

and that´s not even all ...
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[Image: 64244973.jpg]
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[Image: valo-tv-2-aggressive-skates-blue.1937.full.jpg]

And these on the weekends...
[Image: nail+shoes.jpg]
(08 Jun 12, 11:10AM)kingCHUBBY Wrote: IMG's
didnt know you were a chav
Just kiddin' bro, Chubby FTFW!
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[Image: af1_jap_lebron.jpg]
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Ive got plenty of shoes, but my favs:
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(08 Jun 12, 09:40PM)MykeGregory Wrote: And these on the weekends...
[Image: nail+shoes.jpg]

Please tell me they're not like... Legit inside her sole. Dear god.
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[Image: shoes.jpg]
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[Image: combat3.jpg]

But i use these shoelaces:

[Image: green_shoelaces11.jpg]

and they are flashing clearly.

i turn them off when i talk with my professor and when i work.
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where to get the laces??? O_O
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(17 Jun 12, 06:36PM)ärkefiende Wrote: where to get the laces??? O_O

Springfield nuclear power plant.
A guy called Homer makes them on site.
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Remember, he only accepts donuts for payment...
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[Image: Object-at-Hand-snow-shoes-631.jpg]
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Can't find a camera, but my favourite pair:

[Image: dc+tactic+bmx+shoe.jpg]
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[Image: globe-destroyer-shoes-green-lack-cement.jpg]
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[Image: Trainers-Converse-ALL-STAR-SEASONAL-OX-3112_350_A.jpg]
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so much swag in hur with all the Vans and Chucks. I remember when Vans first came out, when they fell off, and when lil wayne brought 'em back. I remember chucks "becoming' popular multiple times. lol, i just stick with nikes, they never go out of style.
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[Image: images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRE5KxbQDjcmKM1d5jEZQp...dtFzLgCKTg]
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[Image: 1288-1967-thickbox.jpg]
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J0ker has the best shoes so far, imo. pweaks are ok too :P


[Image: common-projects-2009-fall-footwear-2.jpg]
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(17 Jun 12, 06:36PM)ärkefiende Wrote: where to get the laces??? O_O


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