master server not replying
master server not replying, what gives?? i'm not blacklisted. (ip removed). my AC name (currently) is (name removed). it hasnt been replying for at least 3 days. PLEASE sort this out... i love AC.
P.S: i read the sticky "Read this if you cannot connect to any server". i have the latest version of AC.
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(04 Jun 12, 07:10PM)jamz Wrote:
// Name: HgtMap2ACEditor
// Ban date: 2012-06-04
// Ban reason: triggerbot
// Proof:
Joins around 9 minutes remaining. Link to demo.
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Ok, just updated that thread so you could've seen the problem right away.
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so how long? three months? oh, and from now on, keep the blacklist thread updated. people don't take too kindly to being punished without a reason.
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Ok. Your post:
Today, 05:57AM

Today = June 5th

Jamz' post:
04 Jun 12, 06:10PM

Sorry for not keeping the BL thread updated.
And even if you aren't on the thread, there is still a reason. Nor is a cheater really in any position to using the phrase "don't take too kindly to" as you obviously have no regards for anyone else.
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HEY, DON'T GET THAT ATTITUDE WITH ME YOUNG MAN!! i owned up to what i did. I DID IT! IT WAS ME! YOU on the other hand don't want to own up to what you neglected to do. look at my sign up date, I TRIED addressing this issue sooner but the confirmation e-mail NEVER sent. i even sent an e-mail to the address in the "contact us" link to help solve this problem. i entered for it to resend at least 7 times. and you STILL never told me how long I'm banned for.
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I suspect the confusion is either because lostdarkwolf only checked the Blacklist thread and not the _Obvious_ Cheats thread, or because he used the Range Bans in Central Blacklist post as a reference, which is impossible to maintain due to workload and has a disclaimer at the bottom to this effect.
It is a three month ban, but I get the impression from your attitude that it won't be long before the three months turns into a perma'.
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i can be civilized, you just need to [strikethru]muzzle your dog.[/strikethru] i take that back, i was a bit aggravated at ronald_reagan's attitude. i respect a lot of people, but not you (ron), as you assume that i have no regards for others. personally, i don't think a triggerbot is worth such an assumption.
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lol k bai.
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Just because you signed up doesn't mean you thought you were blacklisted. Sorry for not jumping to assumptions. I tend to have a scientific train of thought. Enjoy your ban.

And I have no respect for cheaters. Sorry, you fall into that category. I'm pretty sure you wont find any sympathizers. Feel free to find my email and send rage mail to that address if you want to continue this conversation about how I am an evil hell dog and how you are actually (obviously) an angel.

Or you could find me in game.

Oh wait.

Have fun.
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(06 Jun 12, 10:29AM)lostdarkwolf Wrote: ... YOUNG MAN...
Because everyone on the internet is younger than you.
Just in case you come back, the AC forums don't take kindly to cheaters, and the last thing you'll get is sympathy.
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I missed that. You might want to know the person you are talking to before making those assumptions. How do I not know I am talking to a ten year old?
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(08 Jun 12, 04:01AM)Ronald_Reagan Wrote: How do I not know I am talking to a ten year old?

Because ten year-olds aren't this stupid.
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He should have come saying he is this ass´s brother, and that he didnt know he was using cheats, lol.
Or he could tell us how he loves AC and likes keeping things updated; how he did and how he tried to do something, but no one listens to him; how he can be civilized and how he respects a lot of people and that he has regards of others... Wait, what the fuk? O.o
(04 Jun 12, 07:10PM)jamz Wrote:
// Name: HgtMap2ACEditor
// Ban date: 2012-06-04
// Ban reason: triggerbot
// Proof:
Joins around 9 minutes remaining. Link to demo.
Lol you made me laugh almost as hard as I laughed at TheR, wouldnt surprise me if you WERE actually brothers, now, FUCK OFF plox.
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U chat U get BANNED! it's that simple!!!!!!!!™ - my motto for cheaters!
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(09 Jun 12, 02:50PM)Jg99 Wrote: U chat U get BANNED!
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(09 Jun 12, 03:35PM)tempest Wrote:
(09 Jun 12, 02:50PM)Jg99 Wrote: U chat U get BANNED!
I do that all the time, :(.
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(09 Jun 12, 02:50PM)Jg99 Wrote: U chat U get BANNED!

Oh, I thought jamz was doing a good job this whole time :(
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(07 Jun 12, 08:22AM)Ronald_Reagan Wrote: ...evil hell dog...

Why are we talking about me again?
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