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bom dia.
eu quero registrar aqui o clan Mr.l na lista de clan do AC, o clan tem 5 meses, o lider é o H!tMaN, nosso site é www.mrclanbr.blogspot.com.
Obrigado pela Atencão.
Mr.l=> STREET[/align]
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hola hablo solomente un poco español pero buena suerte con tu clan
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YAY, welcome to the family.

(26 May 12, 06:04PM)-XD-Munchies Wrote: hola hablo solomente un poco español pero buena suerte con tu clan
loooooooooooooooooooool, its Portuguese brah, but nice Spanish! XD
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(26 May 12, 02:37PM)thalesandara Wrote: bom dia.
eu quero registrar aqui o clan Mr.l na lista de clan do AC, o clan tem 5 meses, o lider é o H!tMaN, nosso site é www.mrclanbr.blogspot.com.
Obrigado pela Atencão.
Mr.l=> STREET[/align]

oh you are hte one who RQ today while we wre intering :)
good luck anyway XD
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jajaja good luck
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Good luck and have fun in playing guys...hope you'll be nice and strong clan...so, see yah later ^^
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(26 May 12, 06:04PM)paulmuaddibKA Wrote: YAY, welcome to the family.

(26 May 12, 06:04PM)-XD-Munchies Wrote: hola hablo solomente un poco español pero buena suerte con tu clan
loooooooooooooooooooool, its Portuguese brah, but nice Spanish! XD

LOOOOOOOOOLOLOL hahahahahah now you know why my clan tag is the im an idiot face xD
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XD lol
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Spanish..portuguese i see no difference. (Except for the hackers)
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(27 May 12, 01:23AM)lucky Wrote: Spanish..portuguese i see no difference. (Except for the hackers)
Have a BIG diference.. I'm brazilian and I don't know spanish.
I know portnish ;D
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