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Pj problems
hey. I would like to have some informations about pj spikes.
After the formatting of my computer, I have some problems of lag but my connexion is good.

During a few moment, I see high pj. But it is strange because connected players notice nothing abnormal (seems my pj is between 40-50). I have many unhits but an ennemy player is still able to kill me :(

But it is always during a few moment. I never lag out. Sometimes I can play a game without any lag spike. I think that ping = My connection and pj = My computer but I dont know how I can solve that.

Any idea? :p
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I think it has to do with fps. Happens to me and it tends to be when my fps drops.
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"In your case, pj > 50, this means your are losing (at least) one info packet every five. Also, I can see some glitches in your movement. If the server was near your (less than 5000km), then check your cables and connectors, make sure you are not consuming your bandwidth with torrents and, in a last option, contact your ISP about the quality of your connection." -Brahma

/maxfps 120 or if your computer can handle it /maxfps 250
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pj is how consistant your connection is (the quality), and ping is how fast it is (speed). Are you playing on wireless? I bet you are.

I would suggest moving closer to your router if you can, or even better yet: hooking into a wired connection.
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(24 May 12, 12:08AM)Vermi Wrote: /maxfps 120 or if your computer can handle it /maxfps 250
125 is better ;3
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fps is not the problem. Even on map where my fps is stable i have those pj spikes (dont know what spikes mean but I think it is the correct word).

My connection is still awesome (20 ping on hlin and 50 on europeans servers) and I do /maxfps 250.

Btw yes I am playing on wireless. I am at the same place (in my room behind my desk) I was before formating. Nothing has change. The quality of the connection looks good (same as before the formatting).

Why do I have this problem now? I will try with cables to see if it is better but it wont solve my problem

I know that my laptop is getting old but I dont have money :p Any idea? xD
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Contact your internet service provider? I had a problem like this about three months ago whereby I would get stable ping but unstable pj; it turns out my router had been damaged so my ISP sent me a new one. At one point I can remember having a 0.005MB upload speed xD
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It happened to me too a few times and changing router channels fixed it.
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