Trollface bullet hole
I dont know if someone did this before xD i just wanna bring something i made here :"D

Just download then extract to Assault Cube Installed Folder !

Now take a look...

[Image: bullettroll.png]

[Image: smoketroll.png]

you understand what this texture mod will do, right ?... it would be fun when you see something like this in game suddenly

Download Link:
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If only there's a like button here..
Nice job(:

Now for a meme bullet shot gallery..
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Very funny shit mate, well done!
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haha that's awesome
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This mod would go amazingly with Andrez's troll face sniper smoke :)
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(22 May 12, 11:25PM)#M|A#Wolf Wrote: This mod would go amazingly with Andrez's troll face sniper smoke :)

Haha good idea, i have added this in to the download link.. enjoy xD
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(22 May 12, 11:25PM)#M|A#Wolf Wrote: This mod would go amazingly with Andrez's troll face sniper smoke :)

And "my" rageface grenade explosions.
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if we had taunts

nice bullettroll
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good job!
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