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Master server not replying, am I banned ?

I played this morning and everything was fine. Now I can't reach any server, because the master server isn't replying.

I downloaded the last version a week ago, and everything worked since today. Is that because I were banned ? (and for what reason...). My pseudo is =TUF=Baruch.

Could you help me please ?
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u cheat, u get banned! that simple! (if u cheated)

if not, then ur range banned
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The proxy service you use has been banned because of this player. Count yourself lucky; you were on exactly the same IP 39 minutes before him and 39 minutes after him, and I had you added as an 'aka' initially. It was only once I investigated the IP that I realised it was one given out by a proxy service and that anybody could get it at any time. The price of anonimity, I guess, being confused with cheats. I'm sure there's no way it was you, is there?
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@Jg99 :

Oh rly ? :p
What is range ban ?

@jamz :

I have to use FrozenWay to play on weekends, due to my student appartment. It wasn't me (I don't even know how to install aim bot), but is there really a way to convince you ?
Anyway thank you for helping me.
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well, use a vpn called Spotflux, ive used that for ac.

best part, its free
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I tried Spotflux, and then I couldnt access internet anymore... Maybe I'll just keep FrozenWay :p

Thank you jamz, everything works fine.
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The lack of ability to read past the title thread astounds.
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I tried to connect today, and i have the same problem again... Have I been banned again ? -____-' (No, i'm not a hacker)
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Maybe you didn't quite understand. FrozenWay's IPs are banned. When you managed to connect during the week, you were using the fbms.ac.be IP address. Today you tried using FrozenWay again.
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