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New clan, |DF|
Basically I am posting this on behalf of my good friend iPast who does not own an account on this forums and refused to make one.

He has just started the clan DeadlyFuture with the tag |DF|.
He has gone around and tried to recruit in game but failed miserably, so here I am.
To check them out go to http://dfac.forumotion.be/forum .
They have no IRC at the moment, but there is a chatbox at the bottom of the home page, I am working on an IRC aswell.

They are looking for people of ALL skill levels who participate and who show some potential.
There are no pre-reqs to apply and iPast as well as Mario (the second clan member) are both very nice people.

There at least worth a look.

So what are you waiting for?


- iNub
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I kinda like the name, good luck!
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Good luck man :D
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Cool, I hope they get some nice players, welcome home |DF|!
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Current members are:
(guys you may know from in game)

(Other guys/noobies that joined bcoz i made them)

iMario --- (Look for him, actually really good)
Thanks given by:
gl, hf, all that shizzle
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