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WTF is...
What does
WARNING: master server registration failed: failed pinging server

I'm getting the same message,my ip is the correct one,all ports are opened,1.0.4 is ok why 1.1 spam that?

looking up assault.cubers.net...
WARNING: master server registration failed: failed pinging server
looking up assault.cubers.net...
WARNING: master server registration failed: failed pinging server
looking up assault.cubers.net...
WARNING: master server registration failed: failed pinging server
looking up assault.cubers.net...
WARNING: master server registration failed: failed pinging server
looking up assault.cubers.net...
WARNING: master server registration failed: failed pinging server
looking up assault.cubers.net...
WARNING: master server registration failed: failed pinging server
looking up assault.cubers.net...
WARNING: master server registration failed: failed pinging server
looking up assault.cubers.net...
WARNING: master server registration failed: failed pinging server
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It means something is blocking the ping signal somewhere between your computer and the MS, or back again. Software firewall? Remember, your 1.1 ac_server.exe is a new program, so you made need to allow it.
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I get the same problem. I have all the right ports forwarded and I run Linux.
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I solved this issue by forwarding a different set of ports. So did MM10. ^^
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Aye, you'll want to explicitly tell your firewall to let that program have free reign.
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Linux = no firewall

Forwarding different ports = Fail
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Linux does have a firewall, like windows has a free 3d game, which is to say you have to download it yourself
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Well I don't.
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look up iptables nub^
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(08 Aug 10, 01:39PM)Gibstick Wrote: I solved this issue by forwarding a different set of ports. So did MM10. ^^

Gibstick, you told me the same thing for my problem. I'm still wondering: WHICH OTHER PORTS?! hehe
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(08 Aug 10, 08:35AM)jamz Wrote: It means something is blocking the ping signal somewhere between your computer and the MS, or back again. Software firewall? Remember, your 1.1 ac_server.exe is a new program, so you made need to allow it.

I did it all and i'm still getting the same errror,the ports and file were added to my firewall,the ports were opene,my antivirus allowed the ports and everything
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(08 Aug 10, 03:27PM)Lightning Wrote: Linux = no firewall

Forwarding different ports = Fail

Here's a good firewall for all you linux users..

m0n0wall ----->> http://m0n0.ch/wall/
And no.. I'm not spamming in the above ^^^ Just some tips..
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Check the security/firewall settings of you router. Sometimes even when port forwarding and windows firewall/anti-virus are fine, the router itself blocks some TCP/UDP incoming traffic, try to lower some of the security setting to a minimum level to see if that's your problem.
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I'm still getting the same problem.

-The router ports UDP are open
-My firewall has the UDP ports added to be allowed
-My antivirus has the ports in allow access mode and also I disabled it to try
-My ports are not used by other program.

I'm using PFPortChecker and it says they are not opened or not reachable but I run the file and checked the port and the PFPortChecket says the port 28763 it's being used by another program who blocks it,it's used by the ac server file.

I can't find the problem :(
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I found the problem or I think I know it.

-The PFPortChecker says my ports are closed
-Online port checkers say my ports are closed
-My antivirus and firewall were turned off to check and the problem continues

Now my router has a problem with my PC,I can't open the ports for my computer IP for some strange reason and I can't get a logical explanation,I'll keep looking for that *** reason.

My servers with 1.0.4 used to work and is failing so I know i'm doing everything,ok and it's the routers fault
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(12 Aug 10, 10:54PM)Iguana Wrote: Here's a good firewall for all you linux users..
Why not just set iptables rules?
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use a different port that 28763?

(25 Sep 10, 08:09AM)Monas|SK| Wrote: My servers with 1.0.4 used to work and is failing so I know i'm doing everything,ok and it's the routers fault

are you running 1.0.4 servers while you are doing this?
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lol @ threads failings.

Yes, Linux has a built in firewall, and has done so by default for years before windows did. Yes, it's called IPtables, and yes, like most things to do with security and Linux, its better than Windows.
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I used to run servers in 1.0.4 now 1.1 is out i want to run AC servers just in 1.1 but I noticed Its my router problem,it seems that its broken cuz I doesn't let me open ports I'm still trying to fix it.
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ok im confused but i will say this anyways: monas, you have to make sure that your 1.0.4 servers are shut down before you run the 1.1 servers. they run on the same port, but are different applications so they will interfere with each other. if you want to run servers in 1.0.4 and 1.1, you have to use different ports and the -f switch.
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