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Thank You Thread 1.1
I have come to realize many people complain about 1.1. I have become strictly bored and sort of upset at it. The devs have deicated their time to this game. the people that play and complain i believe to not take into account how much they have gave to this game, i dont think the take into account how hard this really is. so by all means here it is . Yes it is a huge Thank You thread (hopefully). So go ahead guys say you thanks say ONLY what you like about the new version and how much potential it has. Ill go first ;)

I like the new point system and the new mods witht he weapons. Also I like the new voice coms how epic is it that now i can say thank you and AWESOME!!!1!
so much win in ac 1.1
(also if this was already created and i missed it ... sorry :) )
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Someone's definitely bored.
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no sir just sick of people complaining and not appreciating. all good intentions
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Thanks devs, I like the new weapon and the new font
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* DrauL likes the new font and the armor system.
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I like the way you sound in the morning.
No I like the better SMG, and the crouch jumping, and the tiny bit of bandwidth you saved, and the /me command, and the mono font, and the armour.
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I love the new font, shotgun gibs are fun, the carbine is refreshing, and I think the new nade system is great.

The devs put a lot of work into this and really don't deserve all the hate I've been seeing.
I for one will be sticking with 1.1.
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(08 Aug 10, 02:08AM)RIPBillyMays Wrote: ...don't deserve all the hate I've been seeing.
Why haters gotta hate!
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@ haters: before complaining, get the devs paid to do it or do all that stuff on your own... Until then, STFU.

GJ devs! 1.1 owns! ;)
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Andrez: good idea - there's a paypal button on sourceforge if you want to donate to the project - or wish to see who has been supporting us financially - those donations go toward paying for the hosting of this server and .. if we ever get into such an "embarrassment of riches" I'll buy a beer (or whatever) for those great guys on the dev-team without whom nothing would've happened.
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Actually, I went back to 1.0.4 and that is not fun anymore after playing 1.1. And those game were mines on CTF, and desert on TOSOK. I love those ones so much.
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What I like:
- Nade system
- AR
- Fixed glitches
- New maps
- Voicecoms

Won't troll the thread listing what I don't like.

Anyway, I've spent a good ~3 years of my gaming life dedicated to AC, so I promise, once I graduate from college and have a stable job, I'll donate a large sum of money or something as a thank you. For now, I'm poor. :P
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Hell yea. When i get a job, expect monthly sums of money from me. I love this game ;)
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fix the glitches.
then i will be happy. also 3 sniper shots to kill someone with full armour is lol
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(08 Aug 10, 04:41AM)Undead Wrote: fix the glitches.
play more and that will be faster :)

I like:
1) Point system
2) New 1 nade system
3) AR and carbine
4) new font
5) the minimap is more sexyy
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I like 1.1 But the amount of bugs is not cool. They get more bugs after the release then they did in Alpha.
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Thaks for:

1)The quick autokick for inactivity (sarcasm) The spec mode is not cool cuz you get kicked...
2)Screwing up all the damages
3)All the flying helmets that need gun shot to be reached (I got killed trying to get 'em)
4)The autokick for saying bad words (sarcasm)
5)The new weapon
6)The weird armour system,the problem is that my big head doesn't fit in the helmet =/
7)Map preview
8)Werid anti nade spam system (almost sarcasm,my primary weapon was the nade :( )

It was a good job but making a big change makes all difficult but not impossible ;)
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i like:
* the new weapons re-balancement (if that's a word)
* carbine
* anti-cheats
* score-system
* autokick for idleing/speccing (@you complainer: man you have to play the game not watch it!)
* the helmets
* the new maps
* the new *sexy* minimap style
* the way the AR kills the whole other team XD
* the less bandwidth requirements
* seeing the scope when i look at a demo!!
* anti-troll system (anti badwords**)
* single grenade (let's face it, it's much more tactical now :P)
* and generally i like EVERY NEW feature.

so Many Thanks @ all AC contributors!!!
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I like :
* The new weapon
* The anti-cheat
* the new clips
* Less BW used ? good
* Scope in spectate

I don't like :
* new nades, too much weird now. At least make it +2 frags :/
* smg like it is.
* kevlar are too much complicated
* pick up race caracteristic of the game (TS / S will disappear...)
* The AFK auto kick (while looking logs to get IP, or spectating a supposed cheater... Think to it)
* Anti troll, seriously is "fuck" an insult, you should disable fuck ya or fuck you not fuck :p
* the way that a fair gameplay depends more of the map now (explains while all official maps were updated)

Actually I prefer 1.0.4 GAMEPLAY and I'm not a cheater, flowtron. This new version affects a LOT the gameplay, nobody has to prefer what you did, even if you did a lot of work to provide us a good version.
Imho, there should have been a "1.0.5" with anticheats and no gameplay change first, to increase quality of the game and test it before to release. You would have really seen who were the cheaters, they would have left. Once the anticheat was ready, (tested and retested), you could have prepare the 1.1. That's just my point of view.

Actually 1.1 is too buggy to be played as you can play 1.0.4, that's why many guys are disgusted. But if you take in consideration what this guys said, "1.1.1" should be perfect.
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What I like about 1.1:
COMMANDN(me, toserverme, ARG_CONC);
COMMAND(getdemo, ARG_2STR);
COMMAND(ignore, ARG_1INT); client number
COMMAND(clearignored, ARG_1INT); client number or name
COMMAND(muteplayer, ARG_1INT); client number
COMMAND(clearmuted, ARG_1INT); client number or name
COMMAND(benchme, ARG_NONE); sets player to spectate mode
COMMAND(curmastermode, ARG_IVAL); Thanks devs! <3
VARP(autoscreenshot, 0, 0, 1);
COMMAND(setnext, ARG_2STR); map, mode (string)
COMMAND(findcn, ARG_1STR); player name, returns client number
COMMAND(findpn, ARG_1INT); client number, returns player name
COMMANDN(spectatemode, spectate, ARG_1INT);
VARP(autogetnewmaprevisions, 0, 1, 1);
VARP(hudextras, 0, 0, 3); extra teamwork and accomplishment messages
COMMANDN(getalias, _getalias, ARG_1STR);
VARP(maxhistory, 0, 1000, 10000);
COMMAND(movemap, ARG_3INT); move whole map xyz cubes
COMMAND(selectionrotate, ARG_1INT); (1, 2, 3) rotate 90, 180, 270
COMMAND(selectionflip, ARG_1STR); (X or Y) flip over X or Y axis
COMMAND(showedithide, ARG_NONE); hides all entities
COMMAND(setedithide, ARG_CONC); hides entities you specify
COMMAND(seteditshow, ARG_1STR); shows entities you specify
VARP(screenshottype, 0, 1, 1); 1 = JPEG, 0 = BMP
VARP(jpegquality, 10, 70, 100); percent
COMMAND(mapshot, ARG_NONE); takes a screenshot for the map preview
COMMANDN(menufont, setmenufont, ARG_1STR); sets a font for the menu
VARFP(orderscorecolumns, 0, 0, 1, reorderscorecolumns());
VARFP(scorefont, 0, 0, 1, setscorefont());
FVARP(mouseaccel, 0, 0, 1000);
FVARP(mfilter, 0.0f, 0.0f, 6.0f);
COMMAND(findsens,ARG_NONE);VARP(showmapbackdroptransparency, 0, 75, 100);
VARP(maxtrail, 1, 500, 10000); regarding particles
COMMAND(setfont, ARG_1STR);
SDLK_F1: showmenu("serverinfo help"); // feel free to actually write this menu ;)
VARFP(texreduce, -1, 0, 3, initwarning("texture quality", INIT_LOAD));
VARP(akimboendaction, 0, 0, 2); 0=pistol 1=primary 2=grenade (prev if no ammo)
COMMAND(quicknadethrow, ARG_DOWN);
VARP(righthanded, 0, 1, 1);
COMMAND(mapshrink, ARG_NONE);
VARF(ambient, 0, 0, 0xFFFFFF, if(!noteditmode()));
COMMANDF(addzip, ARG_3STR, ...)
getalias("mapstartalways"); <3
*mmfullnames[] = {... "match" };
#define DEMO_MINTIME 10000
(weapon.cpp) hitbox over shoulders removed
loopk(eh_ents.length()) if(eh_ents[k]==e.type) ice = true;
Everything in serverchecks.h
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It is interesting how the tendencies in reactions are similar to 1.0 version release :)

I am 0.93 nerd, so these changes are hard for me to accept. i don't get gameplay improvements, other changes are OK. I don't get why i must learn to play this game again and again. Bullshitting in game is very reduced, mapping moves to forums and "puff puff" is for idiots, i thank for international clan experiences and administration of servers, very cool.

I wish the best and gl.
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Well Alien, it would be hella boring to play the same damn game for 3+ years.
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You know? I relle don't get why ppl are bitching so much about the changes in 1.1...

Took me about five minutes to get used to it and I didn't feel any drop on my skill level or anything like that, the only changes I noticed were good ones:

- Duo to new armor values AC became a much more tactical game, good aim alone its not cut anymore (imo, this is why ppl are so frustrated about 1.1)
- The new nade re-spawn time practically eradicated the annoying nade spamming from pubs
- With the new (and ohh... so much better) weapon balance you can actually play a match with any weapon now (no more a smg/sniper game only)
- The anti-cheat (even with its expected bugs) its awesome , I can't describe how good it is to play in a cheat free server!

AC, with 1.1 release is a MUCH better game and fun game to play!

So, AC dev team, thanks a bunch, job well done!
Thanks given by:
1) the anticheat !
2) The new smg
3) The new shotgun
4) the new minimap
5) the new assault rifle
6) spectate scope
7) new mapmodels
8) autokick when we are afk

9) Your thread !

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(09 Aug 10, 01:15AM)TheCrema Wrote: You know? I relle don't get why ppl are bitching so much about the changes in 1.1...

Took me about five minutes to get used to it and I didn't feel any drop on my skill level or anything like that, the only changes I noticed were good ones:

- Duo to new armor values AC became a much more tactical game, good aim alone its not cut anymore (imo, this is why ppl are so frustrated about 1.1)
- The new nade re-spawn time practically eradicated the annoying nade spamming from pubs
- With the new (and ohh... so much better) weapon balance you can actually play a match with any weapon now (no more a smg/sniper game only)
- The anti-cheat (even with its expected bugs) its awesome , I can't describe how good it is to play in a cheat free server!

AC, with 1.1 release is a MUCH better game and fun game to play!

So, AC dev team, thanks a bunch, job well done!


The anti-cheat system is cool. I'm lucky I haven't been banned yet (since I'm Australian :P).

Alpha-Jet Wrote:3)The new shotgun
The only difference I could find with he shottie is that it gibs now :P
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Only visually...
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I Like the less bandwidth requirements. +1
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I like how i lag so hard i cant play ac anymore D:
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(10 Aug 10, 12:29PM)ShieldyBear Wrote: I like how i lag so hard i cant play ac anymore D:
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I like that too. :D No more ShieldyBear teabagging me in ac_douze!
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