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Ace of Spades
I would like to introduce the community to Ace of Spades. It is NOT like AssaultCube in ANY way, so don't worry, this isn't going to make you lose players. Ace of Spades is a normal FPS, expect with one difference: BUILDING! You will have to build your own cover, buildings, the sort. It is really small, (5 MB) can runs on your grandmother's rig, and is VERY fun! I beg you to register into the forums, as I am a pretty active member there and I have my own clan (EF). Here is the link to the site: http://ace-spades.com To play the game, first download the client, install the game, and then go to the PLAY link in the Main page. Then just click on a server you would like and play away! You might even meet me!

Thank you!
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Seems funky. I'll give it a look.
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(27 Mar 12, 04:27PM)ShadowFlameZ Wrote: Seems funky. I'll give it a look.

my hat is better then yours
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(27 Mar 12, 03:36PM)Sniper101 Wrote: can runs on your grandmother's rig

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No thanks, I'll pass it to my left.
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I'll raise you...

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Tried it last month, was too slow paced for me. Has potential though.
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(27 Mar 12, 07:11PM)X-Ray_Dog Wrote: I'll raise you...

As long as I dont have the two of clubs as well.
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I think the real MineCraft with a "FPS" mod should be so much better, to craft your pickaxes etc...
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So this is pretty much a minecraft type game except you get to shoot people.
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I actually found this to be the real Assault Cube. Cuz things are more cubes.
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So how does the construction work?
Do you build during the game or do you get like 10 mins before a match starts?
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During the game.
You can build up blocks/or knock some down to make bunkers and stuff.
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The game is great, i had a lot of fun playing it today.
This is the most simple and basic an fps could be, and you get to edit the map while you're shooting the enemy.
Thx for sharing sniper101 ;)
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Played it alot before, did some modding.

I hate the new update, so I don't play anymore.
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(28 Mar 12, 01:02AM)Cemer Wrote: Played it alot before, did some modding.

I hate the new update, so I don't play anymore.

Yeah. Click and drag, spectate mode AND sprinting were a huge change to the game. But I still like the game alot.
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I tried to play a while back but for some reason could never connect to any servers :(
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(27 Mar 12, 03:36PM)Sniper101 Wrote: can runs on your grandmother's rig
Before the shotgun was introduced, this was true.

However, it no longer works on my computer at higher than 10FPS.

EDIT: I really did love it, though. I don't know how much it has changed since.
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poorly coded game but still quite fun (when everyone isn't being a retard)
i recommend playing with friends
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