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How many people play AC?
Currently, how many people play AC? I took a look at the "blacklist per country" thread and it says that over 10,000 american and brazilian players are blacklisted? Does that mean that about 100,000 from each country play hax-free? cant be right....
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I have no idea where you pulled those numbers from, but this is probably the most accurate player count you can get. Just sum them up, and add a few hundred for countries with < 500 players.
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iirc jamz made a note that he messed something up on the graph, and that it should just be read for the relationships, as the ratios are still correct.
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(11 Mar 12, 05:15PM)tempest Wrote: I have no idea where you pulled those numbers from, but this is probably the most accurate player count you can get. Just sum them up, and add a few hundred for countries with < 500 players.

but is this picture a representation of blacklists? or players? yea, as ronny said, i think something was messed up
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Just saw the post, the image you were looking at was alltime or close to.
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As it says in huge, bold white text right on the picture: "Number of players per country in January and February 2012". I'd think that's rather unambiguous. Of course there could be an error, but those numbers look quite reasonable to me.
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Sweet gradient.
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(11 Mar 12, 10:06PM)tempest Wrote: As it says in huge, bold white text right on the picture: "Number of players per country in January and February 2012". I'd think that's rather unambiguous. Of course there could be an error, but those numbers look quite reasonable to me.

it was posted in the blacklist section. jamz deals with blacklists. i thought perhaps it could be players blacklisted in january and february...
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Doesn't exactly answer your question, though.
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As I stated in this post, there were approximately 75,000 individual master server connections in January and February of this year, or 1,250 per day. The only thing I 'messed up' was to use different time periods for "Number of players blacklisted" and "Number of players", so the last chart shows more cheats per 1000 players than it should.

The answer to your question, MerCyKiL, really depends on what you mean by 'play AC'. Not all master server connections are somebody playing, and even if they do play, they may not play for very long at all before uninstalling the game, so this figure is highly misleading. If I had to pluck a very approximate figure, almost randomly, from the stats and watching the servers/community, I'd guess at about 2-300 regular players (once a day) and maybe 2-3,000 who play less often, but would probably consider themselves AC players. These stats come with no guarantee of accuracy whatsoever.
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cool. thanks for the answer...just wanted to know :D
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I think http://sourceforge.net/projects/actiongame/ is also helpful for context. Apparently AC is downloaded roughly 15000 times a week.
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I play AC :D and i just got my new video card, so ac should run 100x better :D
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